More or less haters. Dak vs Romo


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I liked Romo and disliked his lack of restraint, but never hated him. I like Dak and dislike his shortcomings, but I don't hate him. I wanted Romo to succeed, just as I want Dak to succeed. Romo was overpaid for his talent, just like Dak will be. It's the FO fault in both situations for painting themselves into a corner. Bottom line is; hate is never good to carry around inside.


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Some fans for whatever reason, have this thing for/about underdog players but once they reach a level worthy of getting paid, oh boy, they turn on It's something about players getting paid the simply turn some fans off. I can make a where Dak, Coop, DLaw, Zeke, and Jaylon were all fan favorites long as they were playing for pennies or rookie deals. But we've seen SOME fans ( usually the same ones ) do 180s once they start nego their second deal. A few have posted in threads encouraging FO to get rid of every player mention here if they refuse to sign a team-friendly deal.

I personally think some, (not all of course) simply have a problem thinking players are making millions of dollars w/o college degree. Just seen the hints/baits too many times over 30+ years.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I liked Romo and disliked his lack of restraint, but never hated him. I like Dak and dislike his shortcomings, but I don't hate him. I wanted Romo to succeed, just as I want Dak to succeed. Romo was overpaid for his talent, just like Dak will be. It's the FO fault in both situations for painting themselves into a corner. Bottom line is; hate is never good to carry around inside.
I don’t even like using the word


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
No hate so get off that band-wagon!
Just accountability of our reality and as a fan of our team for many years what I'm seeing on the field is 1 player holding us back from any possible glory.
That player's name is Dak Prescott and carrying him is destroying any chance of glory and wasting our talented players present and future!
Enough already as no 1 player is worth the tarnishment of the STAR!!!!
Haters like this troll are gonna hate. It’s what they love to do. It’s sick.

Chuck 54

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Very similar.
Dak gets hate for any loss and for missing throws. He got heat for holding the ball too long and taking sacks until this year.

Romo got hate for turnovers, turnovers and terrible ints at the worst times. He gat hate for holding the ball too long, which resulted in fumbles instead of sacks.

Romo improved at protecting the ball, but he never got over holding the ball and never giving up on a play and throwing it away, especially on third down, and he seldom won the big game to get in or extend the playoffs. Dak has always protected the ball well when passing, for a young guy. He has also improved in holding on instead of fumbling, but while he started strong in winning the close games, this year there was no magic at the end of close games.

Whether Romo and Dak deserve the blame for losses more than other players and coaches is up for debate.

Cowboys fans have almost always had a love/hate relationship with their QBs. Don Meredith had to deal with fan garbage and booing while leading an expansion team and getting killed in the pocket. Roger escaped most of it because he joined a playoff team and didn’t lose right away. Aikman? Aikman was the one guy who knew when to throw the pass away to live another play or even punt and wait. He knew how to throw the check down for 3 yards when he needed 5 rather than take a sack, fumble, or get injured. But fans quietly grumbled when he won championships and hated that same type of play when the team was bad and not winning late in his career.

Unless you are an American hero like Roger and win every year, being the Cowboys QB brings fan ire with it.


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I was there in Carolina for Romo's first start having replaced Bledsoe and I can't describe how crazy that place was with Cowboy fans. Point is we were so excited to have someone other than Drew at QB and even more so I believe cause he was an UFA so there were no expectations. It's only when we/he started pulling wins out of his a** that the expectations rose to a point where the haters started to rear their heads when we couldn't jump over the last hurdle.

Expectations for Dak started the same way-none! He got thrown into this situation and had immediate success so we expected him only to get better and better. I think the ceiling is higher for him and therefore the money should be higher form him.

My response is to this is definitely....THE SAME

I had high expectations after watching him command the offense during preseason. It looked like we had something, and when he came out the second half replacing Bledsoe I was pumped. Bledsoe was a statue and on the tail end of his career. Romo came in, started improvising and making magic. He was a breath of fresh air to a stale team. It sucks he got the hate that he did, and a lot of it he earned by trying to overcome a bad team. Thats why he was at his best in 2014 when he didn't have to force the issue, not only that he just made better decisions.

Dak replaced Romo with little expectations then set the bar very high. He was up against it immediately because so many of us grew to love Romo by that point, and Dak was chosen over him. Consequently when Dak falters people are even more critical.

I think your right, they are pretty equally hated on, but Id give the edge to Dak for now, especially while his contract is up.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Four years later. Still Romo v. Prescott threads.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I remember going through this when Romo was QB. A lot liked him and was happy to have him as our franchise QB and a lot hated him because he had “those games”.

When Romo got paid so many acted like it was the end of the world because he got blockbuster deals and was locked in as our QB.

Now we are going through this with Dak and some acting like he is going to get over paid and is average, no matter what the stats say.

Do you think there is more or less or about the same amount of haters and lovers for Dak that there was for Romo. And why do you think this is a different situation.

It's an interesting dynamic. Some of those who were deadset that Romo was a choker (despite the facts) seem to be the ones who jump to Dak's defense when anyone is critical of his play, even when it is deserved and objective.

Then, there are those who defended everything that Romo did who are now over the top (like those who criticized Romo unduely) when it comes to Prescott.

I would say the numbers are about the same, and the ones who are blind in their "hatred" aren't as many as it seems. They are just very vocal about it so you can't have a rational thread discussing either quarterback.


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Romo got a ton more hate than Dak has gotten. But a lot of it is because he left the perception than he wasn't going to allow himself to be devastated by failure. Here are some quotes from 2007-2009.

  • (Regarding moving forward, next year) "We're going to try to get back in the playoffs and try to win the Super Bowl. That's all you can do. If we don't...OK. If we do...OK."
  • "I've had a lot worse happen to me than a loss in a sporting event, that's for sure. If this is the worst thing that ever happens to me, then I've led a pretty good life."
  • (In response to how he gets over a tough loss) "I wake up tomorrow and keep living."

Plus the Jessica Simpson thing and Cabo and golfing in the off season.

People just don't want to see or hear any of that. Especially coming from the franchise QB of the Dallas Cowboys. Even if it does indicate a mature grown man that tries to keep his life in perspective. He just opened up the door for people to rush in and blast him. And they did. In spades.

He stopped doing and saying those kinds of things later in his career with Dallas. But the damage had already been done.

That my two cents, anyways.


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The outside sources that hated Romo then, will say he wasn't so bad now simply because he's not playing against them anymore.
The outside sources that "hate" Dak, will continue to say he sucks even when he's done playing

That's the difference.

The Fonz

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chaotic management by Jerry and his son is the reason we wasted Romo years.
Now they will do the same to the current good players we have.They are fixated on Dak as the answer and by the time they find out it will be too late ....... rest and rebuild again. waste of time


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I remember going through this when Romo was QB. A lot liked him and was happy to have him as our franchise QB and a lot hated him because he had “those games”.

When Romo got paid so many acted like it was the end of the world because he got blockbuster deals and was locked in as our QB.

Now we are going through this with Dak and some acting like he is going to get over paid and is average, no matter what the stats say.

Do you think there is more or less or about the same amount of haters and lovers for Dak that there was for Romo. And why do you think this is a different situation.
I think there are more VOCAL haters of dak. Maybe not more numerous but more vocal, and they just never get tired of saying same things over and over.
I liked Romo, but knew he had some flaws, but it was all under JG, that is the sad part.
Dak has been all under JG, and now he gets a chance with another HC/OC.
I like Dak too, but know he has flaws. I would like to have a better passer, and smarter QB, but I also know that is hard to find and get.


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No hate so get off that band-wagon!
Just accountability of our reality and as a fan of our team for many years what I'm seeing on the field is 1 player holding us back from any possible glory.
That player's name is Dak Prescott and carrying him is destroying any chance of glory and wasting our talented players present and future!
Enough already as no 1 player is worth the tarnishment of the STAR!!!!
So what was the problem , and 1 player, before dak got here, for the last 20 years ??????????


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Romo's comments and his lifestyle invited the polarization. Once Aikman got through to him that what he says does matter, he backed off and stopped feeding the fire.

The other issue, and I do think it's the toughest, is Romo lacked the pedigree. He was an UDFA QB, what team has a UDFA QB as their guy? Certainly not the Dallas Cowboys. Aikman was not just a #1 pick, he was THE #1 pick from a big school and he'd already had the exposure to hone his speaking skills and he was surprisingly self aware for such a young man not to take the bait the local media dangled when he was getting battered on the field.

Romo took the bait and ran with it. There was nothing wrong with what he said unless it comes from the DC QB after a loss. But he was this guy from nowhere, he got invited to the Combine to throw to TE's and just who the hell does he thinks he is dating Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson and what does he do next, marries a former Miss Missouri. Just who in the hell does this "cover of People magazine" think he is, he is ringless!

One thing to consider, the internet and forums like this one and the old weren't around when Meredith and White were the DC QB's. How do they think they would have felt about "Dandy Don"? He doesn't care about football, he's always making jokes in the huddle. And how about Danny White's eyes at the los. Oh hell, the man is terrified! Then we have the swinging QB door with all of those guys passing through.

Dak is pretty keep to himself and has had the benefit of Aikman and Romo giving him some guidance on staying away from the bait. Even when the kneeling situation came up and being a black QB, he got that question. He handled that exceptionally well. He doesn't give people reasons to dislike him. He also doesn't play high risk football like Romo did which is it's own problem just waiting to happen. Romo was like his idol only Favre at least delivered one ring so he could be more easily forgiven, Romo never delivered anything but ultimate polarization. And what do you think would have happened if Romo has sent a text to that reporter like Favre did or go into rehab, would he have been forgiven as quickly as Favre?


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Romo absolutely had more haters, but he made early mistakes in his career to turn people against him like Cabo with Jessica Simpson and the stigma of the backwards hat. Dak may have learned from him, but give the media and fans some time to marinate if he keeps losing big games.

In the old Cowboys forums, they had to create a whole mini-forum for Romo because of the crazy amount of hate threads. I've never seen so much undeserved hate, all fueled by a northeast biased sports media who loves to pounce, even when their assessments lack any depth.

Romo choked occasionally, but most of his late losses came down to something else. One example was against Manning and the high-powered Denver offense in a game we weren't supposed to win. Romo had a nearly perfect game, then on the last pass he stepped into a throw as Smith got blocked backward, forcing Romo's foot to come down on Smith's foot. One bad throw in an amazing back and forth game with NO DEFENSE (on either team) and they all blamed the loss entirely on Romo choking. Very few analysts or forum fans mentioned Smith's foot, or the horrible defense.
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For me. It was losing the Philadelphia at the end of the season every other season. That’s why I began to hit Romo. Big game choke artist in my opinion. Nothing to do with social media. Especially growing up with Roger Staubach.
There is always a opinion on what is a big game. Obvious the win and in at the end of seasons to take the division is big. Dak lost one this year, not sure how many Romo did but he had 10 years. When Dak came in he was leading us to a lot of 4th quarter come backs. This year the team choked and Dak missed some plays. Defense played poor in some games but we failed to score some points in games we had a chance. Our ST constantly put us back deep to start drives and missed FGs.