John and Paul would have both understood the Deuteronomy method much better than you, since they were both Jews who had lived under the law given through Moses. They both saw that the blood of animals never took away sins, but rather pointed to the one and final sacrifice that would. The sacrificing of "livestock" as you put it, was a powerful and visible and personal way to impress upon the offerer that his or her sin required atonement to be forgiven. It was a physical way to teach that the penalty was death for sin, and that only the death of an innocent substitute could set them free. Not the death of an animal, was the ultimate teaching, but the death of the One who was to come.
As John the Baptist testified of Jesus, "behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."
Look, I'm sure the moderators don't want this board turned into a place for Bible discussion, so lets stop at this point. I'm not here to talk about the Bible, but about the Cowboys, as all my past posts will prove. I just find it interesting that speech is gladly allowed that attacks and insults the Christian faith, but when someone answers it, it is quickly shouted down.
So, before we are both shouted down, lets just stop. Don't insult what I believe, and I won't promote it on this board. I would think we could both gladly agree to that.