Lighten up, mldardy. People don't literally wish Kayne West would die. They're just making fun of him. And he's earned it. He's the guy who jumped on the stage when Taylor Swift was receiving a music award and claimed that Beyonce should have gotten it. That richly earns him ridicule.
Not even close to funny. Kanye's never done anything illegal or gotten into serious trouble. If the worst that he's done is annoy people and people wish death on him for that then you are truly a pathetic disgusting human being. I don't wish death on anyone but there are far more deserving celebrities who are rapists, murderers, child molesters if you want to single someone out for death. On top that Ye makes very good music that I very much enjoy.
LOL at telling me to lighten up. Someone posts a picture wishing someone was dead and you tell me to listen up. Take that nonsense to the OP and the other people in this thread that wish that on him and wishing death on someone is not making fun of somebody. Please.
LOL at telling me to lighten up. Someone posts a picture wishing someone was dead and you tell me to listen up. Take that nonsense to the OP and the other people in this thread that wish that on him and wishing death on someone is not making fun of somebody. Please.
Not even close to funny. Kanye's never done anything illegal or gotten into serious trouble. If the worst that he's done is annoy people and people wish death on him for that then you are truly a pathetic disgusting human being. I don't wish death on anyone but there are far more deserving celebrities who are rapists, murderers, child molesters if you want to single someone out for death. On top that Ye makes very good music that I very much enjoy.
LOL at telling me to lighten up. Someone posts a picture wishing someone was dead and you tell me to listen up. Take that nonsense to the OP and the other people in this thread that wish that on him and wishing death on someone is not making fun of somebody. Please.
Not even close to funny. Kanye's never done anything illegal or gotten into serious trouble. If the worst that he's done is annoy people and people wish death on him for that then you are truly a pathetic disgusting human being. I don't wish death on anyone but there are far more deserving celebrities who are rapists, murderers, child molesters if you want to single someone out for death. On top that Ye makes very good music that I very much enjoy.