MOSLEY: Parcells' slur causes stir

MichaelWinicki said:
BTW that's "Mr. Hitler"... "Hitler" is insulting.

Backhanded jab at me dually noted.

But if you think I'm in any way racist, you're wrong.

This is the whole problem with being so sensitive. It seems that the slightest thing, the slightest word, will get you labeled as such.

This is but one of the many problems associated with being a "whimpy" society.
viman96 said:
It is not the same thing. It would be if you said you were going to eat some chink food.

"Chink" Food is insulting.


Because the person using this would be intending for it to be insulting.

Here is the hangup.
Bizwah, I'm becoming very concerned about your reading comprehension skills after reading your last post. I didn't label or stereotype anyone. I certainly didn't say anything about this board. I merely pointed out how your arguments are weak and distortions of reality. But since you didn't respond to any of my arguments I guess you have to continue to distort things to feel okay about yourself.

Also, I didn't claim to know you. Honestly, I have no desire to get to know you at all. You might call me a "Jap" and think you're simply describing a Japanese person.

There are many subjects on which I am ignorant and uneducated and therefore seek more information. So describing your views on race as such aren't hypocritical at all. Do you even know what hypocrisy means?

This will be my last response to you in the hopes of appealing to any sense of logic or rational thinking you might have. Otherwise, I guess ignorance really is bliss for you. :(
gay gay gay: this whole PC crap is way outta control

from now on...anyone that uses the word b**** offends my dog and therefore must apologize or defend themselves in court

anyone who uses the term "feminazi" must apologize to my **** friends

next thing you know we'll have gay people marching down the street

let the counterPC revolution begin.....
"Chink" Food is insulting.


Because the person using this would be intending for it to be insulting.

Here is the hangup.


"Chink food" is insulting because "chink" is a derogatory term for Chinese people.

If I were to say, "Boy, I love chink food!" in a manner that isn't meant to be insulting to Chinese people, that would be OK with you??? There's no problem with that?

Look, nobody is saying Bill Parcells is a racist jerk. We all pretty much know he isn't a racist guy and he made a mistake, and is sorry for it.

But just because he's not racist doesn't make it OK for him to casually use racist terms.
Bizwah said:
Backhanded jab at me dually noted.

But if you think I'm in any way racist, you're wrong.

This is the whole problem with being so sensitive. It seems that the slightest thing, the slightest word, will get you labeled as such.

This is but one of the many problems associated with being a "whimpy" society.

Biz... no it isn't!

I'm agreeing with you!

Geez look at who the first person was to reply to this thread.

I just did it to make some folks see how far and ridiculous we could make this.

You know what I'm a Pollock.
You have to look at the context of it. He was making a historical reference for a surprise, and in this case Jap is short for Japanese.

Jap is used as a derogatory term in some cases, but what ever happened to looking at the intent? People hear "jap" and allmost automatically assume it's in a demeaning fashion without looking at the purpose of it.

Parcells shouldn't have used it, and he knows it. He was trying to illustrate his point and depending on how you feel, may have done it poorly. He pre-faced it and appologized afterwards, so shouldn't that be the end of it? It's not like he can do a whole lot about it now, plus i'm sure he'll choose his words a little more carefully next time to avoid this whole dramatized issue.
Michael Winicki - You're a Pollock? Hell, I'm a sand-******! Just because WE AREN'T OFFENDED by terms like this doesn't mean it's okay! Why don't you people get that? It's not an issue of everyone being offended by words like this, but MANY people are. And it's understandible. I'd be willing to bet that like me, you've never served any REAL racism/discrimination in your life. Maybe if you had, you'd understand why it's not OK to say things like "Jap", even when you don't mean for it to be offensive. (By the way, who's the granny in your sig? Don't you have any pics of her before she hit her 60s? :eek: )

Etonicas - Of course Parcells didn't intend on being racist. But he still used a racist term, and that's not OK. It was offensive, and he apologized for this. He's not a racist guy, damm near anyone will tell you that. But he still made a mistake, and this mistake shouldn't be ignored just because he wasn't trying to be racist. He apologized, so it really isn't a big deal to me anymore. It's over with.

........Anymore offseason news? :D
This thread has been moved to the offtopic zone as it has seemed to have turned into a little war of wills.

Let this be known....just because a word is short for another word does not mean crap if that word has been deemed a racial slur like Jap has been...and using that excuse is just silly, funny how the word Nip also is a slur for people from the same place. Of course this does not mean all words shortened are racist...but when a word has been deemed racist for years, using the word is wrong and there are just no defenses for it.

Now is America oversensitive with the PC...probably is...but then again people saying such things and treating others because of race is NOT something that should be condoned....anyone with a rational bone in their body would see that it should not be condoned.

First off...Just because you grandparents served in WWII (as did mine...hell even my grandmother and her sisters made trench shovels in factories to support the war effort) and just because they used that term then...does not make it ok NOW.....I am sure there were many older people that used the N word way back when...does that make it ok now?

There are other terms I have heard many people use (not on the board, in real life)....when someone rigs something together sometimes there refer to it as does these people have ill intentions when they say that...most I would say not...but it still does not change the fact that it is a racial slur.

It is thinking like has been demonstrated in this thread that makes me wonder about some peoples mindset. Do you really need to try and justify that it is OK to use a racial slur just because you do not think it is a racial slur even though it is by it's very definition?

I am not trying to be mean to anyone...but maybe some need to step back and really think about what they are posting...they are basically saying it is OK to use racial slurs.

Man alive think how long it has taken to try and change the racist views where people would openly use the N word because it was expected and OK. Even now there are still people who cling to that mentality.....yet even though some may not like to use that word they still have a hard time understanding that the word Jap IS a racial slur no matter how much you would wish it not to be or try to explain it not to be.

It just boggles my mind that someone would argue the point after so many years of it being seen as a slur.

It is just another in the long line of names that people have come up with to try and belittle other people of different races/ethnicity. And even though someone may not truly mean it in a negative way...just think....would you use the N word...and if you would not...then why would you use another racial slur?

If Bill were to offense to anyone...but we are going to "N-Rig" up some equipment to make the training camp go a little better. Would you like for Bill to say that?

Once again...I just can not understand how someone can or would continue to try and justify using a racial slur.

Sometimes we ALL have to learn the hardway...even if it was never our intention of it being used in a negative way...still does not make it right....worse is someone trying to justify that it is OK to use..when it is not.

Really makes no difference if America is oversensitive in that area IMO
This is where you are wrong. The term is offensive to the Japanese. It's not just a shortend word, like Dan is for Danny. You can not IGNORE the fact that Japanese people are offended by this.

That's a generalization, in and of itself. How can you possiblly know how all Japanese feel about it? Evidently, this guy didn't have much issue with it, other than regret that its going to be made into a big deal.

"It's more shocking that everyone in there noticed," said Kuboshima, editor of American Football Magazine Japan. "I don't want anyone to hear or read that. I wish everyone would just forget it. I admire Coach Parcells."

Anyway, I thought the highlight of the pc was when Parcells was noting the impressive display by the young punters. Both of them sound like better prospects than that kraut Fillipovic.
This'll be my last post on the, that I've had the time to sit and think.

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong........I am not a big man.


I've come to the belief that "Jap" is an offensive term. I don't believe it started out that way. Like many things in our society, it became twisted. It's offensive if people find it offensive.

It matters not if I think it is or not. Shoot, I get offended when I hear people use curse words, or take the Lord's name in vain. Do some people? No.

Does it make them wrong? In my opinion it does. Maybe not in their's.

I do still think, that we have become mentally weaker in our society. We're overly sensitive, and make too many mountains from mole-hills. But it still doesn't make "Jap" something OK to say.

If I have a problem, it's diving in to something before I have a chance to really think about it. Especially if I feel I'm being personally attacked.

I also, whether they're right or wrong, will defend folks, friends, or relatives I admire. I do this with the Cowboys too. Many times I'll shoot first, and think later when it comes to defending them. I came to the defense of my team, but didn't think about the situation.

I apologize if I offended anyone.

I am amazed though, Brainpaint and the other guy, that you get alarmed by what you read here.

This is a message board. This is an outlet for many of us. You all have no idea how someone's day has gone, what's happening in their jobs, families, finances. You have no idea how tired some can be.

What does this mean?

Very simply.......sometimes you say things you don't mean. Sometimes things do go from head to screen the way you intended.

In other words, what you see printed here, isn't necessarily what the person is about.
Bizwah said:
Maybe a lot of PC folks are right about this issue.

I don't know.

I come from a rural town (about 8,000 people), and don't experience racism much. No, not because I'm white and we have few people of color here.

I just happen to look at people at face value.

How you look at people isn't the primary determinant of whether you'll experience racism; your skin color and social context matter a lot more. The fact that you're white and live in a rural town of mostly white people is EXACTLY why you don't experience much racism.

Bizwah said:
Parcells is not a racist. He did not mean the phrase to be offensive. This is why I don't think it's a big deal.

Now, if a Neo-**** used the term. And he was intending to incite something, then I'd think of it as an offensive term.

Context is so important. We overreact to words that are often taken out of context, and whine about it. The PC crowd then jumps on board and wants to label the person as "insensitive" or "racist".

Context is more than the intent with which a message is communicated; it includes how a message is received. And given the history of the usage of Jap, I think it's perfectly justifiable that Japanese people object to the term, no matter what Parcells' intent was. BTW, I did not accuse Parcells of racism, only of an insensitive and unnecessary remark.

Bizwah said:
And all this time, our children are thinking, "nothing should ever happen that upsets me, if anything does, someone will surely come and do something to help me".

The world doesn't work this way.

I guess there are dangers on every side. I would think it would be problematic to to teach one's children that as long as one isn't trying to be derogatory, one can call other people whatever they like, and if the person is offended, it's probably because they're a wuss.
InmanRoshi said:
That's a generalization, in and of itself. How can you possiblly know how all Japanese feel about it? Evidently, this guy didn't have much issue with it, other than regret that its going to be made into a big deal.

Of course it's a generalization. The slang term speaks about the race of people not a specific individual.

I DO KNOW all my Japanese friends and relatives would take offense to the comment. But I also know most of them would rise above it and let it go.

The fact BP has acknowledge the mistake speaks volumes. In my mind the issue is moot. Time to move on.

InmanRoshi said:
Anyway, I thought the highlight of the pc was when Parcells was noting the impressive display by the young punters. Both of them sound like better prospects than that kraut Fillipovic.

Yes! Back to football :D

No hard feelings Bro! Live and learn and you have done that tonight.
cajuncowboy said:
I thought he was refering to Jewish American Princess. I dunno. :confused:

Nah, then he would have stated that we have some plays where we will have our RB lie down on his back and act like he is dead while the DL lie down on top of him. :p
Bizwah said:
This'll be my last post on the, that I've had the time to sit and think.

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong........I am not a big man.


I've come to the belief that "Jap" is an offensive term. I don't believe it started out that way. Like many things in our society, it became twisted. It's offensive if people find it offensive.

It matters not if I think it is or not. Shoot, I get offended when I hear people use curse words, or take the Lord's name in vain. Do some people? No.

Does it make them wrong? In my opinion it does. Maybe not in their's.

I do still think, that we have become mentally weaker in our society. We're overly sensitive, and make too many mountains from mole-hills. But it still doesn't make "Jap" something OK to say.

If I have a problem, it's diving in to something before I have a chance to really think about it. Especially if I feel I'm being personally attacked.

I also, whether they're right or wrong, will defend folks, friends, or relatives I admire. I do this with the Cowboys too. Many times I'll shoot first, and think later when it comes to defending them. I came to the defense of my team, but didn't think about the situation.

I apologize if I offended anyone.

I am amazed though, Brainpaint and the other guy, that you get alarmed by what you read here.

This is a message board. This is an outlet for many of us. You all have no idea how someone's day has gone, what's happening in their jobs, families, finances. You have no idea how tired some can be.

What does this mean?

Very simply.......sometimes you say things you don't mean. Sometimes things do go from head to screen the way you intended.

In other words, what you see printed here, isn't necessarily what the person is about.

Hey we all have crappy days...I have had my share of apologies to others because I too have had crappy days, have went in head first without thinking things through enough.

We all make mistakes and that it is just human.

I was probably harsh on you as well and if so I apologize to you as well.

We all get a little riled up in some situations.

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