My Impressions

BHendri5 said:
He might not be that big. Some people see a guy who has a little height like 6'0 - 6'2 and have a big belly and they call them big. My family calls that big, I call it fat, big and fat.
Big to me is when you are cut, well defined and you may have a little height to you. If you have a belly, well I guess you are big, but not an impressive big to me.
It is all in how a person views things, I'm the staying in shape type, cuts and definition.

I think he is calling you fat, Ad. Stomp him!
BHendri5 said:
He might not be that big. Some people see a guy who has a little height like 6'0 - 6'2 and have a big belly and they call them big. My family calls that big, I call it fat, big and fat.
Big to me is when you are cut, well defined and you may have a little height to you. If you have a belly, well I guess you are big, but not an impressive big to me.
It is all in how a person views things, I'm the staying in shape type, cuts and definition.

Pictures of members....Hos and Ad are in there somewhere so you can be the judge lol.
BHendri5 said:
He might not be that big. Some people see a guy who has a little height like 6'0 - 6'2 and have a big belly and they call them big. My family calls that big, I call it fat, big and fat.
Big to me is when you are cut, well defined and you may have a little height to you. If you have a belly, well I guess you are big, but not an impressive big to me.
It is all in how a person views things, I'm the staying in shape type, cuts and definition.
Some would also say that being overly critical of another male's physique can also put you in a whole new light. :cool:

Yet more bravery from beyond the internet.
adbutcher said:
Some would also say that being overly critical of another male's physique can also put you in a whole new light. :cool:

Yet more bravery from beyond the internet.


To tell you the truth, I refrained from commenting any size related to Male, for the very reason :D
BrAinPaiNt said:

Pictures of members....Hos and Ad are in there somewhere so you can be the judge lol.

They have some size. If they went to the gym with me they would lose the stuff in the middle, then I would be impressed. Like I tell my uncles and one of my cousins, if they would go to the gym with me, they would be right.

We always kid around slap boxing stuff, they are always talking about their power, and I always tell them to not let that extra weight they carry fool them, especially one of my uncles, 39 yrs old and still be out there fighting at clubs, like we use to growing up.

AD, has a good looking family he looks familiar, he and his wife. I believe I met them somewhere but I cannot recall where.
BHendri5 said:
Thanks for your observations, I like hearing others opinions, comparing them with others and to see if they saw the same things i saw.

Others have said that you Hos and BZ saw about the same things, I can understand that, one of you guys took the lead and the other two followed and saw what whomever the leader saw basically.

I read Hostile's report, and yes pretty much you guys were on par, but there was some difference. You guys both like Henson, but you seem to be more objective in your opinion on Henson, I took from you report that you would like to see more from him before you give your final opinion, that you are not sold that he is or will be the future, whereas Hos, in my opinion believes that Henson is the future and that we probably should go with him now as the starter.

I'll read BZ's report and see what I get from his report. Thompson looked good against those 3rd stringers but they are Pros, getting to the outside. Now I know he did not have much blocking, if any, but I just did not see any thump, running with conviction when he tried to run between the Tackles. But I cannot settle on just this one game right now so the jury is still out. I always liked to run between the tackles, to me those are the most impressive runs. Getting to the outside is impressive when you make that corner, but when you play against teams that has team speed and they string you out you can lose a lot of yards trying to make the corner, but if you get them worried about your inside running, it is easier to get to the outside. I was impressed with Thompson, but I also felt that I was watching a High School RB at times.
He played in Juco and transferred to San Diego St, and played 1 or 2 seasons, I believe that was the Bio on him. I'll look it up to make sure.

I'll defer to you and others on the DL and LBs, I always focus on the RBs, WRs, QBs, CBs, SS, FS and TEs, all positions that I have played with the exception of TE, and I was always a 2nd or 3rd team QB, mainly for my running ability. Now that I'm thinking back, that is why I put more in the intangibles that a QB bring than his physical ability, ( I do like a QB that can move the chains with his feet, if the need arise).

I like Henry, and I like that Roy will be where he can cause havoc, Tnew played well. We still need a FS, hopefully one of those guys step up. Crowder and Beriault will be special team terrors.

Our KR will have to do better simple as that. I tried watching Ware and the times I did key in on him he had some good push towards the QB. T Johnson, will be getting alot of PT, Canty I believe will play a whole lot better next Monday ;and every game after that. Our Defense will be good regardless if we get a true FS or not.

The Bledsoe stuff, (patting the ball etc) I'm not worried about that many QBs do that he has always done that and his throwing motion has always been like it is, we get the OL together which I have not doubt that it will be, Bledsoe will be goo as gold.

Romo, is fine, not every QB tries to knock a WR hands off with every pass, some like Montana threw with touch and they ccould get the ball to wherever they needed it to go.

Romo is fine, he did and threw the ball the way he felt he needed to in order to make the completion.

Wow, way to go there guy. Way to basically say that BZ, AdB or Hos are incapable of independant thought or annalysis. Basically, two of them have to rely on the third to form opinions for them. Any idea how completely reprehensable that comes across as?

An alternate possibility may be that they all sat down and watched the same game. They all made good evaluations based on the info each obsorbed and they all came to the same independent conclusions. Not saying that there conclusions are ultimatly correct but I think you do have to allow that it's just possible, these guys are intelligent enough to have there own opinions.
Thank you, Hos, and Blinda Zebra for the reports they were all great. I really enjoy the recaps made by fans alot more than the journalists. You guys look at things like we would like to look at them. It's great. You guys love the Cowboys and don't lose your enthusiasm like beatwriters tend to do. I honestly think this makes your reports more complete and accurate. We need the reporters too to get the participants reactions and plans, but their game reports can't hold a candle to yours. You also give insight to the feel of the game. It's great. Thank you very much.
BHendri5 said:
Others have said that you Hos and BZ saw about the same things, I can understand that, one of you guys took the lead and the other two followed and saw what whomever the leader saw basically.

Wow, I agree with the summarys from Ad, Hos, and BZ and saw pretty much the same things those guys did from my sofa here in Dallas.

Those guys must have some kind of Jedi Mind trick thing going on there. :rolleyes:
Wow, way to go there guy. Way to basically say that BZ, AdB or Hos are incapable of independant thought or annalysis. Basically, two of them have to rely on the third to form opinions for them. Any idea how completely reprehensable that comes across as?

An alternate possibility may be that they all sat down and watched the same game. They all made good evaluations based on the info each obsorbed and they all came to the same independent conclusions. Not saying that there conclusions are ultimatly correct but I think you do have to allow that it's just possible, these guys are intelligent enough to have there own opinions.

I guess since my thread went up first I must be the mastermimd behind the entire "plot".

We hooked up at Adbutcher's hotel room, talked football, told stories, and then went to meet up with the guys from Cowboys forum.

We all talked football and told more stories, and then we went to the game.

The QBs were going through the route tree right in front of us, probably 150 feet away, and in a less than full stadium. We all wanted to see Henson's new motion so we stopped looking at the rest of the team and seeing who had the biggest guns, who was a square body, and taking mental notes on the visual size of our LBs for Nors.:D

What we saw was Bledsoe would throw a flat pass, then Romo, and then Henson. They'd progress through all the routes to the deep out.

Bledsoe would throw it and thump, you'd hear the ball hit the receiver's hands. Romo would throw it and you did not get that thump. Henson would and thump.

No big deal, it's just a 3 yard flat pass, right?

Now came the slant and again it was thump, nothing, thump.

It did not matter if it was near sideline...less than 100 feet...or the far sideline...over 250 feet could hear it thump, nothing, thump.

Think baseball for a second you can be accurate and throw strikes like Maddox or you can thump that glove like Clemens.

What I saw from Romo, and we all saw the same thing, was he'd make his read...and for all those saying he was progressing thru several receivers and checking down, I watched the tape delay and it's BS, he ran that little fake one way turn and throw play several times, both young guys were having only a couple of reads...and get the ball out fast.

That's all good stuff and it works fine when you have big targets moving away from the defender...all but one pass to Witten and the quick out to Crayton were these type of routes...but the lack of that thump means no TD to Crayton because it fluttered and got there late or a near INT on a 20 yard route because it fluttered and had nothing on it...a starting DB won't drop that ball.

I think what we all came away with is Romo would be fine in these preseason situations or if he got thrown into a game and we could call plays to match his ability without the other team preparing for him, but if a team gets to gameplan for him, forget it.
BHendri5 said:
I read Hostile's report, and yes pretty much you guys were on par, but there was some difference. You guys both like Henson, but you seem to be more objective in your opinion on Henson, I took from you report that you would like to see more from him before you give your final opinion, that you are not sold that he is or will be the future, whereas Hos, in my opinion believes that Henson is the future and that we probably should go with him now as the starter.
I do believe Henson is the future QB on this team. I haven't hid from that, but my report had nothing to do with that. In fact I believe if you ask Dale you'll find that I've been asking him questions on Henson all during TC.

I stand by my observation that there is a difference in how the 3 men throw the football and it is noticable. If you wish to maintain that velocity on a football doesn't matter by all means go ahead. We already know where you stand on accuracy in a QB. You might as well shoot for the Daily Double.

QB play and ability does matter. I don't expect you to acknowledge that though Airman Daly. I mean after all you are the greatest Coach to ever not be hired. Everyone knows your opinion has more validity and force than anyone else's because of the pristine way you view football.

How many first round draft picks will we be stuck with if Bledsoe tanks? :rolleyes:
BHendri5 said:
He might not be that big. Some people see a guy who has a little height like 6'0 - 6'2 and have a big belly and they call them big. My family calls that big, I call it fat, big and fat.
Big to me is when you are cut, well defined and you may have a little height to you. If you have a belly, well I guess you are big, but not an impressive big to me.
It is all in how a person views things, I'm the staying in shape type, cuts and definition.
Can I worship you?

Ad is about 6'5" or 6'6". You can trust those of us who met him. We aren't as stupid as you believe. We know a big man when we meet one.
BHendri5 said:
They have some size. If they went to the gym with me they would lose the stuff in the middle, then I would be impressed. Like I tell my uncles and one of my cousins, if they would go to the gym with me, they would be right.

We always kid around slap boxing stuff, they are always talking about their power, and I always tell them to not let that extra weight they carry fool them, especially one of my uncles, 39 yrs old and still be out there fighting at clubs, like we use to growing up.

AD, has a good looking family he looks familiar, he and his wife. I believe I met them somewhere but I cannot recall where.
You are the Greatest. Ali is full of crap.

All hail Airman Daly, the ultimate male.
Uh-oh. Looks like BHendri woke the proverbial sleeping giant. Sucks to be you BH.
Hostile said:
You are the Greatest. Ali is full of crap.

All hail Airman Daly, the ultimate male.

Ah, is this the infamous TSGT Hendricks/CowboyNIraq?
Hostile said:
You are the Greatest. Ali is full of crap.

All hail Airman Daly, the ultimate male.

Hey, just when I thought you were too nice .... :p: :D
junk said:
Ah, is this the infamous TSGT Hendricks/CowboyNIraq?
One and the same. He asked me to change his username since he is no longer in Iraq.
Hostile said:
One and the same. He asked me to change his username since he is no longer in Iraq.

Well, I might not agree with many of his posts, but I am glad to see that he made it home safe.

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