My Meaningless Thoughts on the Game...

Yakuza Rich

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My Meaningless Thoughts on the Game
by Yakuza Rich

- Thankfully Barber and Ware appear to be okay. Out of the two, we can't afford to lose Ware IMO because the offense can play without much of a running game as evidenced in Romo's career so far. The defense has been the question mark for awhile now and losing Ware is just not an option.

- Speaking of Ware, that felt like the first game where the "WOW factor" came in for him this year...which is amazing since he's lacked that "wow factor" (IMO) and still has 15 sacks on the season.

- Speaking of Barber, I'm really sick and tired of people questioning whether he can handle the full load and every time he gets nicked up, they question it even more. His foot got stepped on, it happens. He's not Earl Campbell.

- Speaking of sacks, I can't remember the last time we had this many sacks in a game and furthermore, we already have 40 (the magic number) this season. I know early on they were getting sacks, but not really good pressure on the QB, but now that's changed. I think it just goes to show that Wade's defense is about sacking the QB and he may be the best coach (along with Buddy Ryan) in the last 20 years at getting his defense to sack the QB or at least that's what the statistics show. The defense is currently on pace for 53 sacks this season, which is outstanding.

- I don't think Romo has so much reverted back to his old style. There were still times where he was "pulling the Tom Brady", but it's more of a fine line where you need to "be Tom Brady" to help out the O-Line and then step up into the pocket if the pass rushers are speed rushing to the outside.

- The offense seemed to struggle a bit in the second quarter once the Seahawks started pressing the O-Line with blitzers and then Garrett made some nice adjustments.

- Unfortunately, Gurode's shotgun snaps scare me. He's not snapping them over Romo's head, but they are S-L-O-W getting to Romo and I think that's one of the reasons why blitzing like the Seahawks did worked. Kind of a scary thought when they play the G-Men.

- I thought Holland played alright...better than Procter has been playing. He didn't get owned like Procter tended to have happen to him and he wasn't getting pushed back. I'd have to re-watch the game, but I think he was struggling with some of the blitz pickups.

- While it wasn't the worst INT ever, I think the Romo pick shows that they need not to force the issue to Owens. Particularly now that Dallas has Roy 11.

- It has been really nice to see our defense be stingy lately. We've basically shut down teams that get in our red zone or inside our 30 yard line. In the past we've basically given up TD's without much of a fight.

- Skippy predicted the Seahawks to win. Good prediction...I didn't know we were supposed to spot the Seahawks 26 points.

- Overall I'm pleased with the victory which puts the Cowboys at 8-4. I'm also liking the team mentality of "winning out" to ensure they make the playoffs. Amazingly, I think the team will have to go at least 11-5 to make the playoffs and even that's not guaranteed. So I will be rooting for the G-Men and the Chargers this weekend. Anyway, I fully believe this team can beat Pittsburgh if they come out with the same focus and intensity (and stay healthy) like they did against Seattle. Another great Thanksgiving day.



Hawaiian Cowboy
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On the INT, he had Barber open for a dump off righ tin front of him. Live to play another down, Romo.


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- Unfortunately, Gurode's shotgun snaps scare me. He's not snapping them over Romo's head, but they are S-L-O-W getting to Romo and I think that's one of the reasons why blitzing like the Seahawks did worked. Kind of a scary thought when they play the G-Men.

I've made this point more than once. Why a grown man can't snap a ball with the right amount of velocity is beyond me. Have they not noticed this? You can't tell me this can't be corrected.


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Yakuza Rich;2449160 said:
- I thought Holland played alright...better than Procter has been playing. He didn't get owned like Procter tended to have happen to him and he wasn't getting pushed back. I'd have to re-watch the game, but I think he was struggling with some of the blitz pickups.

Holland was light years better than Proctor... Flozell Adams wasn't getting beat, and he was playing a quick defensive end...


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Paniolo22;2449176 said:
On the INT, he had Barber open for a dump off righ tin front of him. Live to play another down, Romo.

If you want him to throw that pass, then you would be handcuffing him.

He is aggressive. Garrett is aggressive and this team likes to play up tempo and stay aggressive on offense.

You can go back and watch lots of the big throws down the field romo has made and see an underneath route open.

Last week against sf, witten was open constantly, but owens was also open and romo is always going to attack the deeper part of the field.

On the last drive against the giants last year in the playoffs, he had barber wide open about 8 yards down the field on the final three plays, he threw it down the field though. who knows if it would have been different had he dumped it off. That is his style and it suits the team well.


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A few other things I'd add:

2nd straight game where a newly signed ST player makes a series of key plays...Battle looks to be a great addition...Clearly, the ST has shown improvement

Really have to get a better understanding of what is going on with the Intentional Grounding penalties...That really didn't look like one yesterday and starting to wonder if they're specifically targeting Romo now for this...If there's a stat for it, could he be leading the league in it??

The more Tashard Choice, the better

I get so frustrated with Burnett and James that when they do play well, I own up to it too...James had a great game, wish there was more of those from him.

Folk looked like he got a little more depth on his kickoffs.

First strong return from Stanback in a lonnnnnng time...Wonder if it's a sign of things to come or it's Haley's comet and we'll rarely see it again...Ironically, his return turned into something when he actually ran away from the wedge and used those alleged wheels of his...I'm not enamoured with him despite that return - he didn't really evade anyone as he simply ran into empty space

How does Patrick Crayton get taken down on a punt return by someone just tapping his shoulder???...And the drop, uggh...Crayton's stock, definitely down

'High & Tight' is more and more a player on offense, eh?

Not sure Holland is an athlete, the guy just looks like a fat blob - oddest football player on that OL

Always hard to understand the tough catches like the one T.O. had early and then missing the easy ones like the one he did late...Strange

Roy Williams...Get him the ball more

Team still is a work in progress despite looking golden at times...Their offense sputtered on some drives and their pass defense let the Hawks move the ball pretty easily at times...Still, a lot of bright spots and hopefully they'll continue to work on putting it all together for an overall strong performance.


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Paniolo22;2449176 said:
On the INT, he had Barber open for a dump off righ tin front of him. Live to play another down, Romo.

Garrett also called a play action fake that the Hawks didn't bite on. It was a bad playcall on his part.

big dog cowboy

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Paniolo22;2449176 said:
On the INT, he had Barber open for a dump off righ tin front of him. Live to play another down, Romo.
It was easy to see how open Barber was on that play. It was a stupid throw for Romo to make forcing the ball to TO like that. Hopefully Romo will see that in the firm study.


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I wonder if the Gurode snaps are bloopers on purpose to spare Romo's pinkie. I don't think so because I've been complaining about these not being polished and as a Coaching issue (make him do 100 per practice) since start of year. But, maybe, they don't want to zip it into Romo's hand right now.

As for Holland, I have seen much fatter oline than him. He's short compared to Flo, but take a look at his arms, they ain't all blubber. He's a prototypical guard in this type of oline. He looks like Nate Newton out there, low centre of gravity, with big arse, but his gut is not that much bigger than most oline out there. I thought he played quite well (except the one play after they mentioned him, his guy turned him and pressure Romo forcing a throw away on 3rd down). He was hitting hard and not getting moved. He showed strength. It's the guys 1st full game in a new offense.



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LarryCanadian;2449385 said:
I wonder if the Gurode snaps are bloopers on purpose to spare Romo's pinkie. I don't think so because I've been complaining about these not being polished and as a Coaching issue (make him do 100 per practice) since start of year. But, maybe, they don't want to zip it into Romo's hand right now.

As for Holland, I have seen much fatter oline than him. He's short compared to Flo, but take a look at his arms, they ain't all blubber. He's a prototypical guard in this type of oline. He looks like Nate Newton out there, low centre of gravity, with big arse, but his gut is not that much bigger than most oline out there. I thought he played quite well (except the one play after they mentioned him, his guy turned him and pressure Romo forcing a throw away on 3rd down). He was hitting hard and not getting moved. He showed strength. It's the guys 1st full game in a new offense.

also was happy to see him get to the 2nd level and consistently get to the lb


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Yakuza Rich;2449160 said:
- I thought Holland played alright...better than Procter has been playing. He didn't get owned like Procter tended to have happen to him and he wasn't getting pushed back. I'd have to re-watch the game, but I think he was struggling with some of the blitz pickups.

I thought Romo blamed the blitz problems on his backs and tight ends.

Yakuza Rich

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gimmesix;2449993 said:
I thought Romo blamed the blitz problems on his backs and tight ends.

He may have. There was one play where I could see Romo tell Choice "use your head."

But Gurode's slow shotgun snaps put the team at a disadvantage since it allows that split second more time to get to Romo.

no, I'm not Mosely and don't claim to read lips


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I think that was the screen play where Choice didn't look back for Romo.


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Yakuza Rich;2449160 said:
My Meaningless Thoughts on the Game
by Yakuza Rich
- Speaking of Ware, that felt like the first game where the "WOW factor" came in for him this year...which is amazing since he's lacked that "wow factor" (IMO) and still has 15 sacks on the season.

Ware has WOWed me ever since he was drafted. I think for some reason he doesn’t impress you. Do you still believe he is the second best player on this D-fense? I would say that Ware is #1, Newman #2 and your boy at #3.


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theebs;2449225 said:
If you want him to throw that pass, then you would be handcuffing him.

He is aggressive. Garrett is aggressive and this team likes to play up tempo and stay aggressive on offense.

You can go back and watch lots of the big throws down the field romo has made and see an underneath route open.

Last week against sf, witten was open constantly, but owens was also open and romo is always going to attack the deeper part of the field.

On the last drive against the giants last year in the playoffs, he had barber wide open about 8 yards down the field on the final three plays, he threw it down the field though. who knows if it would have been different had he dumped it off. That is his style and it suits the team well.

Making the right read is not handcuffing him. TO was clearly double teamed when Romo threw the pass. I'm not saying I want him to turn into Brad Johnson...but when TO is double teamed and you throw the ball up there anyway, it's a stupid play.

I dont think it has to do with us being aggressive. I'm all for that, but he doesnt need to force the ball to TO when the coverage isnt dictating it, and you have a man open.


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NextGenBoys;2450225 said:
Making the right read is not handcuffing him. TO was clearly double teamed when Romo threw the pass. I'm not saying I want him to turn into Brad Johnson...but when TO is double teamed and you throw the ball up there anyway, it's a stupid play.

I dont think it has to do with us being aggressive. I'm all for that, but he doesnt need to force the ball to TO when the coverage isnt dictating it, and you have a man open.

He's a gunslinger and will make those type of plays, it's in his blood. If he didn't take shots and chances, he may not put up numbers like he does week in and week out.

You can be Jason Campbell or you can be Tony Romo. One of them is careful and conservative, the other is... well... Tony Romo.:D


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187beatdown;2450237 said:
He's a gunslinger and will make those type of plays, it's in his blood. If he didn't take shots and chances, he may not put up numbers like he does week in and week out.

You can be Jason Campbell or you can be Tony Romo. One of them is careful and conservative, the other is... well... Tony Romo.:D


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gimmesix;2449993 said:
I thought Romo blamed the blitz problems on his backs and tight ends.

he did, and they needed to be thrown under the bus, when you are not executing, under the bus you should go. Play calling, blocking , catching, passing, running etc, under the bus you should go.

Yakuza Rich

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Everlastingxxx;2450199 said:
Ware has WOWed me ever since he was drafted. I think for some reason he doesn’t impress you. Do you still believe he is the second best player on this D-fense? I would say that Ware is #1, Newman #2 and your boy at #3.

Ware has impressed the hell out of me. But the last 2 years time and time again he had that wow factor. This year he's been really good, but not until the Seahawks game where he just absolutely abused Walter Jones time and time again did I say "wow." Jones isn't nearly the player he once was, but he's not *that* bad and Sean Locklear is pretty darn good and Ware made both of them foolish.

I think my point with Ratliff vs. Ware is that for their position I felt Ratliff was a better NT than Ware was an OLB. I'm not so sure about that now, but I feel it's pretty darn close and I'm starting to believe that teams cannot contain both guys. Either one will have a dominating game.
