My Roku device is on its way

I've got the fire tv box and subscriptions to hulu netflix and Amazon prime as well as a HD antenna and TiVo roamio. I've recently started buying dvds and blu ray discs when amazon has sales. The picture and sound quality is much better plus the subscription services can get rid of a program without notice.
We have a Roku and ditched cable a while back. Not much that I miss about cable honestly. We could afford cable no prob, but found ourselves watching everything on TiVo and realized that we could do that for about $90 less per month.

We already had Netflix, Amazon Prime and Sunday Ticket Streaming, so the only thing we actually added was Hulu. That ended up being about $10 per month.

Ditto to a tee
An update:
I'm loving my Roku. Turns out France 24 is available in French via Youtube. I found a ton of free channels in French and in German on Youtube, some which stream live and others that have on demand stuff. My Internet is fast and I'm not experiencing any delays. This is cool. I'm watching a bunch of TV to improve my language skills.

Thanks for the heads up about Plex. It looks pretty cool.

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