My thoughts Jerrys back


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I think we are seeing him take back control of his team from his son. I think we all saw Stephen taking a little bit of the reigns the past couple yrs. But Jerry has been more vocal then i have seen in a few yrs.

With the announcement of JG not going to be extended i think he's def gone unless he wins a superbowl. Think Jerrys wants Payton in Dallas and i def think Payton wants to be in Dallas. Why else go into 2019 with a staff of JG, Moore and Kitna? This make no sense other then to assume theyre looking ahead to 2020. Payton is free of his contract and JG isnt owed any more yrs.

Stephen and Jerry have different views on how to build a team. Jerry is one that know he needs a star or game changer to get the team going. He did this with Owens, he did it with Primtime, and he did it with Haley. Theres no doubt Jerry should've gotten a 6th superbowl with Owens but they didnt have a coach to guide this team.

I hope 2019 Dallas can go to a superbowl and win it, thats my hope every yr. But i think todays decisions Jerry is making for 2020. Think he's sending his team a message that he runs the team not his son and not McClay. Or maybe they all feel this is the best way to go about it. I would prefer Payton in 2019 but you have to give up compensation for him if NO would allow you to deal for him, which wont happen. So theyre just gonna roll with the tide and play out 2019 compete and move on to 2020 with a blockbuster signing in Sean Payton and starts the next era in Dallas Cowboys football.


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I think we are seeing him take back control of his team from his son. I think we all saw Stephen taking a little bit of the reigns the past couple yrs. But Jerry has been more vocal then i have seen in a few yrs.

With the announcement of JG not going to be extended i think he's def gone unless he wins a superbowl. Think Jerrys wants Payton in Dallas and i def think Payton wants to be in Dallas. Why else go into 2019 with a staff of JG, Moore and Kitna? This make no sense other then to assume theyre looking ahead to 2020. Payton is free of his contract and JG isnt owed any more yrs.

Stephen and Jerry have different views on how to build a team. Jerry is one that know he needs a star or two to get the team going. He did this with Owens, he did it with Primtime, and he did it with Haley. Theres no doubt Jerry should've gotten a 6th superbowl with Owens but they didnt have a coach to guide this team.

I hope 2019 Dallas can go to a superbowl and win it, thats my hope every yr. But i think todays decisions Jerry is making for 2020. Think he's sending his team a message that he runs the team not his son and not McClay. Or maybe they all feel this is the best way to go about it. I would prefer Payton in 2019 but you have to give up compensation for him if NO would allow you to deal for him, which wont happen. So theyre just gonna roll with the tide and play out 2019 compete and move on to 2020 with a blockbuster signing in Sean Payton and starts the next era in Dallas Cowboys football.

I think this is like an episode of "Dallas". You never have any idea what Jerry is up to.


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I think this is like an episode of "Dallas". You never have any idea what Jerry is up to.
lol, agree on the reference of a soap opera. But i think Jerry is transparent as there is. He doesnt hide what hes thinking and what hes gonna do. Name one time or yr where Jerry didnt give interviews of what most likely is going to happen the following yr or during that same yr. He's the last honest owner in sports. Right or wrong, brilliant or dumb what you see and hear is what you get with Jerry. I would rather have that kind of owner then the lying backstabbing owners in the rest of sports.


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lol, agree on the reference of a soap opera. But i think Jerry is transparent as there is. He doesnt hide what hes thinking and what hes gonna do. Name one time or yr where Jerry didnt give interviews of what most likely is going to happen the following yr or during that same yr. He's the last honest owner in sports. Right or wrong, brilliant or dumb what you see and hear is what you get with Jerry. I would rather have that kind of owner then the lying backstabbing owners in the rest of sports.

Jerry's back! Jerry's back! Jerry's back! (Eminem' voice over)


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Maybe. I just think they all realize that extending Garrett means missing out on Peyton possibly becoming available, losing Richard, wasting a solid defense, and watching more and more teams implement a dynamic passing offense and getting left behind.


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I think we are seeing him take back control of his team from his son. I think we all saw Stephen taking a little bit of the reigns the past couple yrs. But Jerry has been more vocal then i have seen in a few yrs.

With the announcement of JG not going to be extended i think he's def gone unless he wins a superbowl. Think Jerrys wants Payton in Dallas and i def think Payton wants to be in Dallas. Why else go into 2019 with a staff of JG, Moore and Kitna? This make no sense other then to assume theyre looking ahead to 2020. Payton is free of his contract and JG isnt owed any more yrs.

Stephen and Jerry have different views on how to build a team. Jerry is one that know he needs a star or game changer to get the team going. He did this with Owens, he did it with Primtime, and he did it with Haley. Theres no doubt Jerry should've gotten a 6th superbowl with Owens but they didnt have a coach to guide this team.

I hope 2019 Dallas can go to a superbowl and win it, thats my hope every yr. But i think todays decisions Jerry is making for 2020. Think he's sending his team a message that he runs the team not his son and not McClay. Or maybe they all feel this is the best way to go about it. I would prefer Payton in 2019 but you have to give up compensation for him if NO would allow you to deal for him, which wont happen. So theyre just gonna roll with the tide and play out 2019 compete and move on to 2020 with a blockbuster signing in Sean Payton and starts the next era in Dallas Cowboys football.

Isn't Payton under contract through 2020?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Maybe. I just think they all realize that extending Garrett means missing out on Peyton possibly becoming available, losing Richard, wasting a solid defense, and watching more and more teams implement a dynamic passing offense and getting left behind.
Yup. Probably some serious back-channeling going on and now it's on Garrett to really bring it, or go home.
The whole coaching staff is set up to be fired with minimal financial consequence.


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I actually think it’s Stephen taking more control. Jerry did say earlier in the year Garrett would get extended. Who knows.


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Other people are speculating that S. Jones is the one who is behind not extending Garrett


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Stephen and Jerry have different views on how to build a team. Jerry is one that know he needs a star or game changer to get the team going. He did this with Owens, he did it with Primtime, and he did it with Haley. Theres no doubt Jerry should've gotten a 6th superbowl with Owens but they didnt have a coach to guide this team.

Jerry hired that coach and TO helped zero teams win a SB in his career.

Not sure if you're giving Jerry too much credit or are just hoping he's right because he's in charge?


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Extension means absolutely nothing, the Jones boys and gals all want Garrett here. Do well this year and he is re-upped. I do not believe doing well means SB. If I remember correctly Jones has made Garrett go into his last year without extension before. True statement?