Name a Band Where The Lead Singer is NOT the Most Famous of the Group.

Were a couple of great shows.
Ted jumped over his drummer who was up on a tall riser, landed on the stage running, still playing a riff. Never missed a beat
Sadly, I never got to see Ted Nugent perform. I had his Double Live Gonzo album and played it so much I wore out the grooves. I had a neighbor who was really prissy and was disgusted by Ted Nugent. That's okay. He just wasn't her thing. So when her birthday was coming up, I kept bugging her saying I was going to get her a Ted Nugent album. I mean, I really pestered her about it, driving her nuts. So I bought her an Olivia Newton John album and put it inside the double cover of my Double Live Gonzo album, taping it shut. So I wrapped that up and went to her house to give it to her. She was always a super nice and polite girl. When she opened the present, you could see the disgusted on her face and then she made a big, fake smile and said, "Oh, Ted Nugent, thank you." Fakest smile I've ever seen, LOL. Then I said, "There are some cool pictures inside. Open it up." So she did, and of course found her Olivia Newton John album and realized she had been had, but she was genuinely grateful for the album she actually got.
Sadly, I never got to see Ted Nugent perform. I had his Double Live Gonzo album and played it so much I wore out the grooves. I had a neighbor who was really prissy and was disgusted by Ted Nugent. That's okay. He just wasn't her thing. So when her birthday was coming up, I kept bugging her saying I was going to get her a Ted Nugent album. I mean, I really pestered her about it, driving her nuts. So I bought her an Olivia Newton John album and put it inside the double cover of my Double Live Gonzo album, taping it shut. So I wrapped that up and went to her house to give it to her. She was always a super nice and polite girl. When she opened the present, you could see the disgusted on her face and then she made a big, fake smile and said, "Oh, Ted Nugent, thank you." Fakest smile I've ever seen, LOL. Then I said, "There are some cool pictures inside. Open it up." So she did, and of course found her Olivia Newton John album and realized she had been had, but she was genuinely grateful for the album she actually got.
I never liked her music as a kid, but man did I like her posters!
All 4 members are singers.
they are but no one thinks of peter cris or ace as the lead...but most recognize paul stanley as the lead singer considering on most of their songs,his voice is most prominent.
and i think gene is the most popular tho he is not the lead singer.