They are at the Sheraton, they make this info available in the media (anything for a buck) but don't expect any availability other than photo ops of them arriving. Like everything else this is down to a science.
I'm trying to find out. Are you in Nashville?
The Cowboys will stay at the https://encrypted-tbn3.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIqRff1mjf2fh5GiXjJrUA8IKkXkY22qYsolZduqY7rBs829iQCw
Who cares where they are staying don't be one of those fans
I'm trying to find out. Are you in Nashville?
Yes, I'm here. Didn't make it to the hotel, too much time at the restaurant.
Going to the game?
Going to the game?
R u going?
Planned on it at the start of the year, but sadly i'm a little low on funds so it wont be this year. It's all ok though, the T.V product has gotten so good now it's as if you're at the game anyway.