Most state funded Technical schools will be MUCH CHEAPER and just as good as ITT (if not better). But if he's even considering an engineering degree... go all out for the 4 year school from the start. Like everyone else has mentioned, most tech school courses don't transfer to the university level.
I got an associates in Electronics degree at Texas State Technical College. I had looked at Devry and ITT and decided to go to TSTC because of the money. Well, turns out that the electronics program at TSTC was highly respected. I had a job lined up before graduation and got hired on to a small industrial electronics company that highers people almost exclusively out of TSTC.
My advice:
Talk to his high school teachers. The computer course teachers at the high school may have some good recommendations for you. My high school electronics teacher referred me to TSTC and it worked out very well for me.
And, there's nothing wrong with starting out in Junior College and then transferring. Most all of the courses will transfer from JuCo to University and it should cost less to take all your basics (English, Psych, etc) at JuCo.