Netflix Raises prices AGAIN

Not to be an Apple shill, but with Apple TV you can access the iTunes movie catalog and it has wider, more up to date movie selections than Netflix. Plus you can use it to stream your Netflix.
Temo;3991123 said:
Fault is a tricky word, but they did cause it. And that is irrefutably true. I haven't pirated a single movie (and go several in theatres) since I've had Netflix. Now it's too expensive to do streaming+dvds, and movies that aren't streaming I'll probably pirate. Their loss, not mine.

If they have a problem with it, they should probably figure out how to stop me/others, or drop prices back down.
I was kidding. It wasn't an excellent attempt. It was a terrible one.
I just use streaming Netflix and $1 Redbox for the newer movies. I do agree that if Netflix is going to be raising prices, then they should get better streams as well. I also subscribe to Hulu to catch old shows that don't come on TV anymore.
theogt;3991223 said:
Not to be an Apple shill, but with Apple TV you can access the iTunes movie catalog and it has wider, more up to date movie selections than Netflix. Plus you can use it to stream your Netflix.

Apple rental rules are ridiculous and at $20 to buy HD, you might as well get the physical media which often come with a digital copy you can use on your Apple devices anyway.
JustDezIt;3991242 said:
be careful with that. def not the way to go anymore.

I rarely use torrents anymore.

I did not too long ago and it was probably the 1st time I had used it to watch a movie in like 6 months. At absolute most, I was at like 1 movie every 4 months. Just when I get bored enough I guess. Probably only used it for for 5 movies max. Just really don't watch movies that much. I watch some stuff on Netflix. Just browse the documentaries and click something.
TheCount;3991222 said:
It's no ones job but yours to follow the law, if you choose to pirate, the very least you could do is just admit you're cheap. :laugh2:

If you want to get technical, it's not actually stealing since the original remains. It's copyright infringement, which you're also probably doing by using that Pearson image in your avatar since I doubt you paid the photographer. ;)

Then again, that might fall under fair use, what do I know.

I wasn't getting technical, obviously.

And I don't know if I have the right to use the Pearson image, either--though it's not the photographer I'd pay since this is an image from his playing card that the photographer certainly doesn't hold the rights to.

But, if I'm using something I shouldn't be using, that's my responsibility. You won't find any carefully articulated excuses about whose fault it is.
We've been discussing getting Netflix and dropping all the pay movie channels. Netflix is still way cheaper. Most of the times the pay channels are playing garbage I don't care to watch anyhow.
Idgit;3991256 said:
I wasn't getting technical, obviously.

And I don't know if I have the right to use the Pearson image, either--though it's not the photographer I'd pay since this is an image from his playing card that the photographer certainly doesn't hold the rights to.

But, if I'm using something I shouldn't be using, that's my responsibility. You won't find any carefully articulated excuses about whose fault it is.

My comment was in fun, relax.
The streaming selection is getting decent enough to where I don't feel the need to have a DVD plan associated with it.

So, I've already adjusted my account accordingly. Plus, if I REALLY need something that's not available to stream, I can always swing by a Redbox or torrent it.
TheCount;3991240 said:
Apple rental rules are ridiculous and at $20 to buy HD, you might as well get the physical media which often come with a digital copy you can use on your Apple devices anyway.
Maybe so. When I rent a movie I always just sit and watch it right there, so I've never had an issue.
TheCount;3991222 said:
It's no ones job but yours to follow the law, if you choose to pirate, the very least you could do is just admit you're cheap. :laugh2:

Cheap is relative, but I don't mind the label. I just don't want to pay the price for Netflix's dvd rental (their streaming is still worth it to me). And I can't use redbox/etc. for dvd rentals because most of the movies I want to see aren't current ones.

So like my last netflix rental was "Broadcast News", a 1987 movie that was recommended to me. I can't really get that anywhere else other than Netflix, for a reasonable price. Unless I pirate.
theogt;3991225 said:
I was kidding. It wasn't an excellent attempt. It was a terrible one.

A terrible attempt at assigning fault? You're right, because I just said I wasn't trying to do that. It's my fault if I pirate movies, but it's still caused by their actions.

I used to pirate. I stopped. Now I will again. The only difference is that there used to not be Netflix, then there was, and now it's too expensive.
The problem is many of Netflix's licensing contracts were based on user caps, so the more subscribers they get the more those licenses expire early and suddenly the new subscribers joining have a smaller streaming selection.

The ugly truth is a model like Amazon's where you pay a low rental fee like $2 for a streaming movie is probably the future for everybody. Netflix's current model doesn't hold up as they add more streaming content, unless the subscriptions go up probably even more than they are now.

I like netflix, because I use the dvd/streaming combo to stream things that are available, and get dvd/blu ray copies of new releases and old TV shows that I didn't watch when they were on. Watching Sopranos, Six Feet Under, etc. by having them send it to me saved me a ton compared to buying the boxed sets.

I don't like this new increase, because like all other consumers, I don't like seeing a price increase without any associated increase in the goods and services received, but I do understand it. And with movie ticket prices going higher and higher, it's unlikely I'll cancel anytime soon. Hell, it's going to cost me as much to buy me and my wife tickets to see Harry Potter this weekend as an entire month of netflix subscription, and we typically consume 12 to 15 discs of content per month plus the streaming.
I just never viewed them as a ethical company.

I used their services two years ago, I guess Netflix viewed me as "too active" of a customer. Within a month my account was "throttled"; DVD's didn't get shipped out quickly anymore and movies that I had returned weren't promptly checked in. When I complained, Netflix repsonse was to tell me to call the Post Office! I wish they had just told me I wasn't a profitable customer instead the corporate policy is to lie to their clients.

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