Networks ruined by reality television.

TV shows suck. The last tv show I watched wasn't actually on tv. It was Lillyhammer on netflix. Pretty good. Otherwise I watch Adult Swim on a regular basis. Good mix and cartoons are all my brain can handle at the end of the day.
Yep, it's pathetic. You know it's bad when even the Golf Channel and Weather Channel are running these things.

And the worst part is, they all look exactly the same. They may have a different subject matter, but it's all the exact same formula.

Telemundo soap operas are more "real", and have better eye candy. :thumbsup:
I watch HBO Originals, HGTV, Sports, and Law & Order.

I also watch Southland when it's on. Otherwise, reality TV is all garbage.
Lost is done.
Smallville is done.
Chuck was good but got cancelled.
The Event was cancelled.
The Office has gone downhill.
Heroes started to suck and got cancelled.
Alcatraz and Fringe are decent.

Parks and Rec, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and The Walking Dead my favorites now. TV could certainly be better.
The market for television shows has changed considerably. 30+ years ago, families sat down to eat together and watched TV for several hours each night. 30+ years ago if someone didn't have a TV in their house, they were considered poor. Now it is quite common due to computers and TV on demand through streaming and DVR playback.

The bottom line comes down to costs though. Most reality TV shows cost a small fraction of what scripted shows cost to make. Not to mention a reality TV show's production time is much smaller than scripted shows and is not limited to 20-24 episodes. If most people knew how little "reality" tv shows were actual "reality" and instead "scripted", they would likely not be as fond of them as they are. But being oblivious makes people happy in general so the formula continues to work at least for now.

What network do not realize is that this formula may be profitable or self-sustainable now, but underneath they are destroying their product and opening the door for a lot of other networks who are less concerned with bottom lines on each show and instead look at their overall bottom line. That's why pay networks such as Showtime and HBO have become more successful and some of the other non-major networks are starting to gain in popularity.

BrAinPaiNt;4540021 said:
They do these shows because they are cheaper to make and still get the ratings.

This. The lower your production cost the easier to make profit. The people putting this garbage out could care less if you entertained, it's about making buck.
Think of the average intelligence of a person you meet, and then realize that half the population is below that. Voila! An instant market for bad reality TV.

That said, I watch Deadliest Catch, Sons of Guns, Swamp People, and Dual Survival. I don't watch them with any regularity, but if they're on when I flipping through the channels I'll stop surfing.

Caught a couple of episodes of Wicked Tuna, but that show is so over the top with deckhands trying to inject drama that I lost interest. "Oh this could be our grander!" and then they pull up a short fish? C'mon guys, anyone who's fished offshore could tell in a second the difference between a 100 pound fish and an 500 pound fish.
SaltwaterServr;4541873 said:
Think of the average intelligence of a person you meet, and then realize that half the population is below that. Voila! An instant market for bad reality TV.

That said, I watch Deadliest Catch, Sons of Guns, Swamp People, and Dual Survival. I don't watch them with any regularity, but if they're on when I flipping through the channels I'll stop surfing.

Caught a couple of episodes of Wicked Tuna, but that show is so over the top with deckhands trying to inject drama that I lost interest. "Oh this could be our grander!" and then they pull up a short fish? C'mon guys, anyone who's fished offshore could tell in a second the difference between a 100 pound fish and an 500 pound fish.

As a writer I think you should know full well to quote the man.........although he may not have said it first I demand the source I am referring to.
SaltwaterServr;4541873 said:
That said, I watch Deadliest Catch, Sons of Guns, Swamp People, and Dual Survival. I don't watch them with any regularity, but if they're on when I flipping through the channels I'll stop surfing.

We watched 1 episode of it and I didn't like it at all. Love Deadliest Catch, though.
Hoofbite;4541907 said:
As a writer I think you should know full well to quote the man.........although he may not have said it first I demand the source I am referring to.

My favorite comedian.

I think he would tell you he doesn't give a <explicitive> that Salt used it.

Yes, it's mostly 'here's somebody's job' reality TV. To make matters worse, they script so much of 'reality TV' that it's not reality to begin with. I think if I was a higher-up in the world of TV, my motto would be that if we have to script 'reality TV', chances are it's not that interesting to begin with.

It does pain me because there are some really good reality shows out there like Pawn Stars and Storage Wars, but they keep scripting them as well. Those shows were interesting because they delved into so many different things that you never quite knew about. They were like the equivalent of taking Social Studies in school. But, they can't help but script them to death and they really lose their luster.

Probably what bums me out the most is how bad late-night and super-late night TV has become. When I was growing up I loved late-night and super-late night TV because that's when you had creative minds that were really taking chances on TV. Now it's become diluted with late night talk shows and informercials.

Yakuza Rich;4542125 said:
It does pain me because there are some really good reality shows out there like Pawn Stars and Storage Wars, but they keep scripting them as well.

I have a friend that knows all about these things. Let me get him down here to have a look.

Hoofbite;4540632 said:
I usually only watch Discovery or History Channel or TLC or AE or something like that.

I haven't watched many big network shows.

I did like the show, "Expedition Impossible".

That's about as close to "reality" as it gets because it likely has so little editing.

They still edit it and paint the bad guy as best they can by selectively showing comments and pieces of dialog that are away from camera that are negative but it doesn't have the post-production that you see on many of these other shows.

yup me too its docu's, sports, and once in a blue moon a sci-fi or western movie

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