New Coach the same as the Old Coach


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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same

How do you know he hasn't been taught proper mechanics? I think it's fair to say he's never had it, and some coaches here have tried but that's something all QB's tinker with every year. Mostly it's something they do in the off-season with their personal training staff with some guidance from coaches.


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I looooove posts where you act like you have some inside track to information and say things like “Dak has never been taught proper mechanics.”

Lol, really? How asinine are you? The QB of one of the most valuable sports franchises on the planet and you’re saying he’s never been taught?

I get it, he’s not perfect, but please tell me how you’re privy to what he’s been taught at the college and the pro level about mechanics?


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Dak worked with Tom House the last 2 offseasons to work on throwing mechanics. Do you not see the video of his hip thrusts before every game? That’s a technical thing he does. Not just some exercise.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same

Some of that is over the top, but on the whole...



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Dak was never taught proper mechanics.


The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment.

It wasn't a smart thing to say, but it was true.

BTW: I loved Johnson, but for all his great coaching, he couldn't get a very good Dolphins squad very far.

Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak.

Source? Link?

And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's. All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Oy vey.....

His mechanics aren't 'terrible', he absolutely CAN read a defense, and the quality of his pass has nothing to do with receivers dropping the damn ball. I guess you're referencing the snippets of 'competitions' from All Or Nothing. Even those don't show Garrett 'demolishing' Dak in accuracy contests. I'm guessing you're from a state where really good weed is legal.

But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders.

This quote alone puts you in the not-so-rare category of People Who Spew Garbage That Has No Basis In Reality

The rest of your post shows that you would have benefited from some basic grammar and spelling courses.

Reminder to all the young folks who peruse these forums: Stay in school so that you don't embarrass yourselves in an open internet forum/


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There is a reason they brought in Kitna this offseason, not sure how any can argue that Dak wasn't taught proper techniques.
Right. An argument can be made he’s not fully learned mechanics, but to say he’s never been taught reeks of the OP overindulging in Jerry’s favorite libation.


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Not sure how you can throw a football, even at Dak's level of accuracy, without being taught proper mechanics....


Well-Known Member
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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same

This is a death sentence by the electric chair in which they no longer use. I am stepping back away from you. LLLOOOLLL


Well-Known Member
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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same

really there are 3 ex QBs on the offensive staff and he has his own private coach.. he came out this year and showed amazing accuracy..he threw for a ton of yards and pretty good td-int ratio and compl % etc etc

the issue is against the better teams under a ton more pressure, he mentally broke down..most nfl qbs can throw when the pressure is less against lessor teams or when the stakes are low..add pressure and the ones that can be as good in those pressure stations will be the top rated QBs mentioned around the know the saying having a short memory, not cracking under pressure etc etc..

not sure if it was the looming Contract in the back of his mind, and as the loses piled up the pressure got greater, and combined with some late injuries, he fell apart the last 4-5 games of the season..

saying he doesnt have the correct mechanics when he has like 4 ex QBs on this roster, if you include Garett plus private coach that all they do in the off season is practice and improve mechanics.. the issues are more mental coach can make you better if its mental, Dak fell apart and only has himself to blame this time..

Dak is who is he is a a QB and no coach will make him better, hes a mid tier nfl QB that can be very inconsistent..

now you can win with a QB like this with a more creative staff to make the schemes and play calling better in all 3 phases..

lastly why is Goff and Wentz go through the same stretches with similar issues with better coaching staffs?

how do you explain Bradys down year? or other qbs who struggle some years and not others like Rivers? you saw Cousins look like elite for 4-5 games and then have 3-4 where he was average. it is what it is...

its because you are who you are and factors around a qb can create and environment where they struggle..

its not mechanics its how you deal with pressure and bigger game environments etc

Dak hasn't been great in the biggest games or bigger situations this year and its odd..i believe its mental
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Again, I have to remind everyone that Dak was doing quite well for the first 10 games of the season. He actually played himself into the MVP conversation. For most of the 1st half of the season Dak's mechanics were fine, much improved over 2017 and 2018. But starting with the New England game, something changed and he went back to his old bad habits of throwing off his back leg, not setting himself, jumping in the air and delivering the ball with neither foot on the ground, etc. I admit, I never played QB at any level, but I played a lot of baseball as a pitcher so I know proper mechanics are essential for power and accuracy.

I can tell someone taught Dak to get his feet set as he throws because he was doing it really well early in the season. As the season wore on he started to go back to his old way of throwing. I liken this to a golf swing. Guys who learn a new swing do it well on the driving range, but when they get onto the course in a tournament, they revert to their old swing in crucial situations when they are trying to make a shot. It seemed to me Dak was doing this in the Patriots game and it got worse as the Cowboys losing continued. I am guessing here, but maybe Dak was just trying too hard to make a play or do more than he could. I am going to throw out the Eagles game because at this point it obvious he was not healthy and his shoulder injury was effecting his throws. We know that because he is limited in practice after that game so Dak saying the should was not the problem is Dak trying not to make excuses.

But what all this means to me is that Dak can be better, he can be coached to throw with proper mechanics. It may be true that before this season no one was helping him but it seems like Kitna has made some progress with him. He just needs to time and reps to make it his natural throwing motion, even under pressure.

I am not a QBs coach, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.