New Coach the same as the Old Coach


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I looooove posts where you act like you have some inside track to information and say things like “Dak has never been taught proper mechanics.”

Lol, really? How asinine are you? The QB of one of the most valuable sports franchises on the planet and you’re saying he’s never been taught?

I get it, he’s not perfect, but please tell me how you’re privy to what he’s been taught at the college and the pro level about mechanics?
It's especially funny when his mechanics improved a ton over the offseason.


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How do you know he hasn't been taught proper mechanics? I think it's fair to say he's never had it, and some coaches here have tried but that's something all QB's tinker with every year. Mostly it's something they do in the off-season with their personal training staff with some guidance from coaches.
I know that his HS HC and Mullen both tried working on his mechanics, they couldn't make it work which is why he couldn't win the QB1 job for either HC and if not for injuries at Dallas, he probably wouldn't be the QB1 for the Cowboys.

The one thing all coaches work on with every QB and why mechanics are so important, consistency. Inconsistency makes mistakes and mistakes lose games.

Aikman didn't make that comment about accuracy improving because he doesn't like Prescott. It's been proven that mechanics have to be set in early before instincts take over under pressure. The one thing that's been in Prescott's favor is that, when passing, he's always careful with the ball. He's not a Cutler or George using the big arm indiscriminately.

In all fairness to the QB, the drops and fumbles after the catch should be factored in as well. Is he getting the help that Brady, Brees, Mahomes and Rodgers are getting. I've seen Brady struggle with some of his receivers, not named Edelman, this year too.


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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same
Way back when I heard of course there wasn't much social media then what Jerry Jones said about Jimmy Johnson I knew it was over right then and there and I knew we were going downhill from there now we want another Super Bowl but that was with a Jimmy Johnson built team we should have won four in a row no doubt about it I didn't think this slide would be this long or awful but I knew right then and there that it wasn't good as far as Jerry Jones is concerned


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know that his HS HC and Mullen both tried working on his mechanics, they couldn't make it work which is why he couldn't win the QB1 job for either HC and if not for injuries at Dallas, he probably wouldn't be the QB1 for the Cowboys.

The one thing all coaches work on with every QB and why mechanics are so important, consistency. Inconsistency makes mistakes and mistakes lose games.

Aikman didn't make that comment about accuracy improving because he doesn't like Prescott. It's been proven that mechanics have to be set in early before instincts take over under pressure. The one thing that's been in Prescott's favor is that, when passing, he's always careful with the ball. He's not a Cutler or George using the big arm indiscriminately.

In all fairness to the QB, the drops and fumbles after the catch should be factored in as well. Is he getting the help that Brady, Brees, Mahomes and Rodgers are getting. I've seen Brady struggle with some of his receivers, not named Edelman, this year too.

He's better now than before. But I thought there were reports of him working on these things under linehan. I'm not a Dak fan but I'm sure he's working to get better. I know he worked hard on it with help from kitna.


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..nothing new here. I think we just like to ruminate in our inevitable situation. ;)>.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same

Dak has been terrific this season.

He was throwing with a bad shoulder in this past game and multiple ex QBs now in the media said it affected his throwing motion.

Garrett is not the reason that Dak has made a drastic improvement since being drafted. Dak worked with an outside consulting company (3DQB, Tom House) the past couple of years. Kitna seemed to have a bigger impact than Garrett).


Well-Known Member
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8,829 least he's right about JJ...Jerry needs to take a seat and let a real GM take over...I imagine that Dak will be franchised for at least one season...maybe the new HC will like him...and want to keep him around...cause he's also right about JG...I'm looking forward to not seeing Garrett with the Cowboys next season.
Go Cowboys 2020...:star:

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Dak was never taught proper mechanics. The GM / Owner has never respected the impact of a Great Coach. From the beginning of the End of Jimmy. The Any 1 of 500 coaches comment. Jerry had success immediately and he contributed it to what he was personally involved in accumalating Talent. Jerry underestimated the greatest talent on the team, Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a great man who admitted his marriage was destroyed for his passion and commitment to football.

So Jerry has continued to employee yes men and not Employing anyone that would embody what it takes to be a Great Coach. A Great Coach is not a Yes Man no matter who that may be.

Dak is flawed but under Jason's tuteledge he never improved to the level of a complete QB. Jerry has mandated that no one in Cowboy's Organization is to criticize Dak. So Jason being the lap Dog that he is followed protocol and Blew smoke up Dak's ***. And then ran off anyone who criticized Dak, which just so happened to be on the other end of his Passes . . . the WR's.

All of them their reputations were tarnished in Media and the Fans and then they were shown the door.

What do we have to show for it. An incomplete QB that is demanding over 40 million a year. 4 years later his mechanics are still terrible. Can't read a defense and throws a terrible pass that " EVERYBODY" Drops. Early in Dak's the Coach who was a QB is demolishing him in Accuracy contests and Garrett doesn't address this.

Garrett is a Buffoon. He was groomed to be the Head Coach based on his Families Historical association with the organization. Garret is a smart Princeton Grad. But all you learn at Princeton is to exploit peoples weaknesses in order to climb ladders. He knows Jerry like the back of his hand. Garrett knows how to whisper in Jerry's ear.

Garrett said Hey you need a coach I mind as well be it. I promise to tow the Company Line. And 10 years later and being deserving of being a candidate for *** Kisser Hall of Fame. Faked his way to the top but what is worse is those types of people are spiteful. And the Right Kind Of Guys implies being a Yes Man AndY's Men are not compatiabke with the NFL. Their Fakeness is dismissed and real football minds do not promote it within the organization.

Yet Jerry actively seeks this Quality because it allow for Jerry to be a focal Point. Jerry doesn't think he is emasculating his Coach when he gives a Post Game news conference all Drunk on Johnny Blue. Jerry believes he is "sharing" the Lime Light. Jerry will never allow for a Real Coach to have free reign. Which hinders this team.

Without a real Coach the Culture around the team is abysmal and worse yet being the Cowboys is infact a Negative. Because all the smoke Jerry & the National Media (America's Team) Blows up their ***** has them all feeling entitled and without a real man coaching there is no accountability. Talent in Dallas tends to regress 10yrs is a generation and the last 10yrs, sorry to say is the Garret era. Search twitter to find the list of wasted talent

Garrett has proven to be a king with no clothes. He is a farce and a Fraud. But that's what Jerry demands and unless that changes we can expect more of the same
Can i get the cliff notes version? Haha