New DirecTv questions...

ChldsPlay;3876867 said:
Now that's not a bad idea right there.

For the first 5 years I had directv I had maybe 2 interruptions due to weather. Now the last 6 or 7 years I get 7 or 8 interruptions a year when it storms heavily (New dish, and new location). Now with snow/ice it's because the dish gets covered and I just go out and clean it off and it's okay, but there's nothing I can do about the rain. My signal strength is about 92-93 on average, so I figured I shouldn't have much problems, but I do. Perhaps the rain-x would help. Or maybe the weather has just been more severe.

Try adjusting your dish for a higher signal. It makes a difference.
My roof is at a 55 to 60 degree angle and on the second floor and the dish is mounted on the edge of the roof almost at it's highest point. I'm not to gungho about going up there. My signal strength is 96% or above so I figured I wouldn't have many problems, but if it's storming hard (snow or rain) I have issues. (I also have the HD dish)

The rain-x sounds like a good deal. I might just have to go up there and try that.
ChldsPlay;3876742 said:
If any of you guys are looking at signing up with Directv, I'd be happy to "refer" you so we can both get the $100.

I might take you or someone up on that. I just signed a lease yesterday for a duplex, but won't move in until Sunday. Haven't decided yet what I'll get for TV...cable or dish. Was going to check in to Fios availability where I'll be living. Never had a dish before.
1 HD DVR, 1 HD Receiver (I own), 2 standard receivers, Total Choice plus or something, HD DVR package, and no premium channels. $100/mo

I don't think I have the best deal going, but I don't really need much more than that.
Back when I had it years ago they didn't have ondemand channels. How are they now? Comcast has one channel you go to and select what you want to watch. How is it setup on dtv?
Yeagermeister;3877085 said:
Back when I had it years ago they didn't have ondemand channels. How are they now? Comcast has one channel you go to and select what you want to watch. How is it setup on dtv?

They have like tons of channels. They will have one movie that playing on like 5-10 channels with staggering starting times. You purchase the channel that has the next closest starting time then you have that channel for the next 24 hours. (sucks, it's not on demand at all)
nyc;3877094 said:
They have like tons of channels. They will have one movie that playing on like 5-10 channels with staggering starting times. You purchase the channel that has the next closest starting time then you have that channel for the next 24 hours. (sucks, it's not on demand at all)

So they don't have an HBO OnDemand channel that you can go to and pick what you want to watch?
Yeagermeister;3877117 said:
So they don't have an HBO OnDemand channel that you can go to and pick what you want to watch?

Hmmm. Never looked for it, so I can't say for sure.
You're talking about pay per view. DirecTV has on demand as well, though I haven't used it much. For the longest time I didn't even have a cat 5 cable run to the receiver so I couldn't access the on demand, and even since I hooked it up I rarely use the on demand. I know exactly what shows I want to watch and I DVR them, so on demand is really not of any use for me. It's there though.

Edit for the other person's question: Yes, they have HBO on demand.
Thanks, everyone. :) Good to know about the $5.99/mo thing on the other location. WG, that sounds like a good price. Also nice to know that the HD dish is better for rain fade -- I didn't realize that. Though it might be moot because I don't think it's going to rain here ever again. :(
The Directv iPad app is fantastic. I love it. It controls practically everything connected with either the remote or the receiver itself. The only significant exception is the absence of volume control. The apps is easily ten times better than the one designed for the iPhone and I love that one as well.
nyc;3876955 said:
My roof is at a 55 to 60 degree angle and on the second floor and the dish is mounted on the edge of the roof almost at it's highest point. I'm not to gungho about going up there. My signal strength is 96% or above so I figured I wouldn't have many problems, but if it's storming hard (snow or rain) I have issues. (I also have the HD dish)

The rain-x sounds like a good deal. I might just have to go up there and try that.

PAM also works great as well, used it for years back in NY.

I got real desperate one year, rented a place where I just could not reach the dish and we were having our worst winter ever. I simply installed a flood light near the dish and point it out back. Served two purposes, the heat was enough to keep the dish clean and I could see my dogs when I let them out! lol

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