Last night was jusk ok for me. Some good, some awful. I've begun to kind of fear that each week.
I really don't like where they have gone with Dwight's character. I liked him best when he was Michael's incredibly naive and loyal lackey. Volunteer sheriff's deputy, down on the farm etc. Falling for all of Jim's pranks etc.
I don't like the new "street-smart" (relatively speaking) Dwight at all. So any episode where Dwight displays any smarts at all I don't like. Scoring Pam's best friend? The old Dwight would never be scoring anyone. They've totally changed his character.
Knowing when to be subtle and when to be out there has been this series strength and that balance is critical to my liking it. When they go over the top at the wrong time, it loses me.
Jim spilling the beans scene, Michael going over the top in making it worse, Kevin wearing kleenix boxes, Michael with Me-maw, Michael with Pam's mom, and Dwight scoring the maid of honor, and then treating her as a fling were all over the top for me.
Things I liked; Jim & Pam together, pretty much all of Andy's stuff, the staff burning Kevin's shoes for health reasons, Michael's inability to control his desire for center-stage, and the wedding dance. Didn't know it was a You-tube copy, but I thought it was great regardless.