NFC Predictions...

Billy Bullocks

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I was just thinking about next year and how the NFC is going to shape up. Here are my thoughts on the teams, go add yours, tell me I'm an idiot, whatever you want.

Seattle - I think it's pretty clear that Seattle will most likely win the NFC West. They were the class of that division last year, and look to stay that way. Though I think SF and Arizona have improved, they still wont pose a real threat to Seattle. St. Louis doesn't scare me that much. However, I do not see Seattle locking up the NFC this year. I dont think they will be gifted wins like they did against Dallas and NY.

Carolina - IMO, this is, at this point, the best team in the NFC. Defensively they have arguably the best front 4. They have a very solid defense built around those front 4 guys. Foster is a good back, and Goings isn't a bad change of pace. KEYSHAWN is what I think really puts them at the top of the NFC. They had no semblance of a #2 WR last year. Ricky Phroel had 25 catches, and that was the best for any of their WRs. Keyshawn gives them an instant thread in the red zone, and on 3rd down. With Steve Smith opposite of him, he should see even more space than he did in Dallas. An explosive offense just got even better.

Tampa Bay - Very easily a wild card contender. I like Caddilac as their work horse. The defense is aging, but Rice Brooks and Barber are still very capable. Wild Card is not out of the question.

Atlanta - I like alot of what this team does, but I think they have invested their future into the wrong QB. Vick wins, but as he showed last year, not enough. He still isn't a threat as a passer (55% comp, 2400 yards, 15TDs - 13INTs). Atlanta still lacks a true #1 WR, and even if they get one, I have a hard time believeing that Vick will get him the ball consistantly. THeir defense has some play makers, but I don't think they make it out of the NFC South....but as long as Vick is the QB, he will be criticized by some, and others will state that he is the reason Atlanata remains a playoff team.

Chicago - Grossman looked better than Orton. That is a plus. Muhammad is a good WR, but his age might catch up to him soon. I was happy to see Thomas Jones do well last year, and if Benson does what people expected him to do, this could be a great backfield. They can run the ball, and they play very good defense. I dont see any team in that division being that good, but I think Chicago is good enough to get out of that division as the winner. Minnesota is banking on Brad Johnson, I'm just not sure he's going to take them where they need to go. Who's running the ball for them? Hutchinson will make that person better, but this team always finds a way to **** it all up.

AHH, the good old NFC East...if they didn't take each other out, most would probably not argue that all these teams are good enough to be in the playoffs.

Dallas - It only takes 2 letters to describe what makes the Cowboys a front runner in the division, T.O. Sounds alot like Philly did when they first got him, but his talent is undeniable, and he makes the team that much better. Ayodele gives us a real LB along side Brady James. Shanle and Co did well, but the 34 is built on LBs, heading into the draft, we only need someone to occupy the other OLB spot, and this corps will be rounded out nicely. FS has yet to be adressed (draft). That has to be some concern to us. The OL looks like it might be a bit better off, but it's still one of the huge question marks hanging over this team. However the offseason additions make this team better than they were last year. I see us being one of the 2 teams coming out of this division.

Washington - Regardless of contracts, Washington added some pretty good players. Lloyd and Randle-El will make the offense more explosive. But their OC was the biggest aquisition. They have the best coaching staff in the NFC East. The biggest question involves their signal caller. Mark Brunell, everybone saw his slide in production in the playoffs. Im not sold on Jason Campbell, but I'll give Gibbs the benefit of the doubt. He knows QBs better than I do. Either way, I dont like their QB situation, and I see taht being the reason they might unravel. AA and ST make a good Safety tandem, but AA isnt the best in coverage either. We can poke fun at the money they paid for players, but we can't deny that both Washington games are going to be tough.

NYG - It all hinges on Eli Manning. Burress and him had some good chemistry going last year. Shockey is a good TE, but a tad overrated, IMO. The Giants coming out of the NFC East depends on the progress Eli has made. He still looked like an inexperienced QB at times last year. I pray that he doesn't progress. This would make this team very scary, and add even more drama to an already tough NFC East.
The defense got better, and anytime you boast the DEs that they have, you already are looking pretty good. Most teams would love to have one of their guys, so they are very fortunate.
Tiki Barber is another huge factor in this teams success. Tiki Barber is coming off a monsterous season, but he also just turned 31 yesterday. History is not usually on the side of a RB who hits that big 3-0, especially ones that weigh 200 lbs. When Tiki goes, the Giants go. He has only missed 2 games in the last 3 seasons, which shows us his toughness, but he has to hold up. He quietly is a top 5 back in this league.

Philly - Philly lost ground, and the rest of the NFC East cought up quickly. Many people are predicting Philly to bounce back. I am not one of them. McNabb is a great QB. But he has to stay healthy. And even if he is healthy, who is he throwing too. They do not have a proven go to guy. Westbrook is a good RB, however he isn't a between the tackles runner. Buckhalter hasn't stayed healthy, and if Philly is relying on him to be their tough runner for 16 games, they might need to rethink thinks. Ryan Moats is in Westbrook's mold. The defense hasn't really gotten better. They don't have the 6 cakewalk games they had in the NFC East anymore. They are going to get beaten up in the NFC East again this year. Esepcially since they really didn't do ANYTHING with their 13 picks last year.


Last Man Standing
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I like Carolina, as you do, and would have to make them the NFC favorites if the season started today. I would worry about their running game; with Stephen Davis gone, it remains to be seen if Foster can stand up to the punishment of a 16 week schedule (I think not).

Dallas is in the same class, but probably a notch lower because of the o-line concerns. If I had to pick now (so much can change with the draft still ahead of us), I'd pick Dallas to play Carolina in the championship game.

I agree with your analysis of Tampa, love their running back, their wide receivers, and their coaches. But I think they made a mistake in not resigning Brian Griese. Simms is average at best.

I think Seattle benefited from a weak NFC West last year, much as Philly benefited in previous years. I expect the Rams and Cardinals to be much better. Seattle might even be a wildcard team.

In general, I agree with your analysis of the NFC East. After seeing the schedule, I think Washington will be right in the thick of things and window has slammed shut on the Eagles. The Giants take the biggest fall this year, they could well start 2-5 with the schedule they have.


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As of now, Carolina over Seattle in the NFC Championships

Dallas loses in the Divisional Playoffs.


Last Man Standing
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DragonCowboy said:
As of now, Carolina over Seattle in the NFC Championships
You're walking into the trap, the same one journalists walk into every year, of making your picks on the merits of 2005. When the magazines hit the stores in June, I am sure Carolina verse Seattle will be featured prominently among the predictions. But the NFL doesn't work that way. In the NFC, for example, you had new division winners in 3 of the 4 divisions. In fact, three of the four teams that won their division in 2004 didn't even make the playoffs in 2005.

It's far too dynamic a league for championship games to show a rematch. It hasn't happened since the early 1990's. Still, that never stops sports writers from predicting it. ;)


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TheSkaven said:
You're walking into the trap, the same one journalists walk into every year, of making your picks on the merits of 2005. When the magazines hit the stores in June, I am sure Carolina verse Seattle will be featured prominently among the predictions. But the NFL doesn't work that way. In the NFC, for example, you had new division winners in 3 of the 4 divisions. In fact, three of the four teams that won their division in 2004 didn't even make the playoffs in 2005.

It's far too dynamic a league for championship games to show a rematch. It hasn't happened since the early 1990's. Still, that never stops sports writers from predicting it. ;)

lol, I forgot that it was a rematch. I was under the impression that the Seahawks defeated the Bears.

These are my division winners:

1. NFC West - Seattle (HFA on the merit of a horribly easy schedule)
2. NFC North - Toss Up (won't matter, they'll all suck)
3. NFC South - Carolina (First Round Bye)
4. NFC East - (swallows death pill) Commanders
5. Wild Card - Dallas
6. Wild Card - Atlanta

I think we would defeat the Commanders at their house, while Atlanta will defeat the pitiful NFC North winner. Seattle will defeat Dallas, while Carolina will defeat Atlanta. Then, Carolina defeats Seattle, and reclaims the Lombardi for the NFC.

That's just how I think will happen, but alas, I am a 15-year old, and a stupid one at that...


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Skins, Panthers, and Cowboys will be the best 3 teams in the NFC this year. Seattle, Minnesota, and TB are the other playoff teams.


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Carolina=overrated - big time

Division Winners - Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle

Wild cards - Skins, Panthers

bobbie brewskie

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superpunk said:
Carolina=overrated - big time

Division Winners - Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle

Wild cards - Skins, Panthers

Carolina is under-rated, they were a solid team with an almost there Offense (Keyshawn puts them there) and a good Defense, IMO the most solid defense in the NFC. definately a better team than last year with the addition of keyshawn, IMO they will be in another SB depending on the draft.
Either way, if they win the division or make it to the playoffs through the wild-card they are going to possibly be the best team in the playoff race.

so many threads about this, all im gonna say is Dallas and Washington in the race for the Divison with NY 1 game out of 2nd and philly sitting at the bottom.


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Billy Bullocks said:
tell me I'm an idiot, whatever you want.

You're no idiot BB! You have your opinions that are based on assessments and compilation of information that your accrue from media, and Other sources. That's understandable.

While I can't speak about Seattle, Carolina, Tampa Bay, Atlanta, Chicago , Minnesota, Dallas, Washington, and NYG, with any great authority ...but the Eagles ...

Philly lost ground, and the rest of the NFC East cought up quickly.

Lost ground - Believe there's truth is this component of your opinion. But the "lost ground" you refer to was attributed to a certain Mr. Owens; coupled with multiple injuries in key players. Admittedly, our OL and other positions needed tweaking -- a problem that has, at least for the most part, been resolved.

NFC East cought up - That's actually a good thing for the NFCE. We're more dreaded among the other divisions and the AFC Conference; and the rest of the NFL in general. That said, the Eagles have made strides toward improving as well -- don't underestimate the Eagles based on their 2005 performance.

Many people are predicting Philly to bounce back.
I am not one of them. McNabb is a great QB. But he has to stay healthy. And even if he is healthy, who is he throwing too.

Sometimes I don't know where you're coming from BB! I mean really ..."Many people are predicting..." (many people = the media); "McNabb is great; but he has to stay healthy..." (are you joking here? That's true for every QB, and every player in the entire NFL, AFL, and NFL in Europe). By that, I mean you really haven't said anything that doesn't hold true to everyone.

They are going to get beaten up in the NFC East again this year. Esepcially since they really didn't do ANYTHING with their 13 picks last year

Your statement is both profiund and honorable as an opponent fan. But in reality, my friend, are in for a rude awakening if you honestly believe that!

Truth be told, I believe that the Eagles are much stronger than the paper you're reading off of implies. I'm not prepared to go player for player to qualify what I'm saying, but you must not discount the Eagles in your assessment of tough it applies to the NFCE. You can't always get a good picture of outcomes by looking at the radar screen, or listening to rumors.


Last Man Standing
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Phoenix-Talon said:
Truth be told, I believe that the Eagles are much stronger than the paper you're reading off of implies. I'm not prepared to go player for player to qualify what I'm saying, but you must not discount the Eagles in your assessment of tough
Your wrong on this one. The truth is that all of the Eagles' best players are in their 30's or will be in their 30's when the season kicks off. Their draft classes have been weak year after year.

This is the same recipe that the Cowboys followed through 95, 96, and 97 and led to their inevitable decline and three straight 5-11 seasons. Combine that with the lack of activity in free agency, and I almost think that the Eagles are preparing for a rebuilding era (Mark Eckel of the Trenton Times feels the same).

I'd put the over-under on wins for the Eagles this year at 7.

Big Country

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DragonCowboy said:
lol, I forgot that it was a rematch. I was under the impression that the Seahawks defeated the Bears.

These are my division winners:

1. NFC West - Seattle (HFA on the merit of a horribly easy schedule)
2. NFC North - Toss Up (won't matter, they'll all suck)
3. NFC South - Carolina (First Round Bye)
4. NFC East - (swallows death pill) Commanders
5. Wild Card - Dallas
6. Wild Card - Atlanta

I think we would defeat the Commanders at their house, while Atlanta will defeat the pitiful NFC North winner. Seattle will defeat Dallas, while Carolina will defeat Atlanta. Then, Carolina defeats Seattle, and reclaims the Lombardi for the NFC.

That's just how I think will happen, but alas, I am a 15-year old, and a stupid one at that...

Don't be so quick to diss that scenario bud... that's completely possible... although I'd throw Chicago into that mix as your NFC North team... I like your Cowboy win in DC in the playoffs... revenge is sweet... :star:


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Put me down as thinking Carolina is overrated. Not as overrated as they were last year, but definately overrated. Dallas was better than Carolina last year, but found a way to fart the season away. You can't be underrated when half the people keep predicting you to make the SB.


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NFC North. Minn will make noise, but Chicago has the D and a very good running game.
NFC West: Seattle
NFC SOuth: Carolina
NFC East: Cowboys
WC: Pickem between Skins, Giants, Bucs. any 2 of those 3.


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burmafrd said:
NFC North. Minn will make noise, but Chicago has the D and a very good running game.
NFC West: Seattle
NFC SOuth: Carolina
NFC East: Cowboys
WC: Pickem between Skins, Giants, Bucs. any 2 of those 3.

This is how I really see before the draft. Things may change and injuries may change my ideas. I will release my own season preview the week after the draft...