NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Chris Pressley, FB, Wisconsin


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now this is a fullback, im not knocking deion anderson, but anderson has been hurt the last 2 years when we have needed him, what do you zoners think?

NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Chris Pressley, FB, Wisconsin
by Paul Eide
Senior Writer

Quantifying the contributions made by a fullback to an offense is a difficult task, statistically speaking. Fullbacks are rarely offensive centerpieces if ever and are more often than not complementary pieces to a successful offense.

One way to gauge a fullback’s influence is the success of the running backs he is blocking for and judging by that criteria, former University of Wisconsin fullback Chris Pressley has done better than most. In the three years that Pressley blocked for former Badger and current 2009 NFL Draft prospect PJ Hill, Hill reaped the benefits;

- Hill averaged 106 yards rushing per game in 37 games
- Hill averaged over 5 yards per carry each year, 5.1 on a 770 career attempts
- Hill scored 42 rushing TD
- Hill averaged 1,314 yards rushing and 14 rushing TD per season in three years

Having a 6-1, 260 sledgehammer like Chris Pressley to smash open and create holes where there aren’t any was a huge advantage for Hill as it would be for any running back. Pressley’s immense physical strength and love of contact projects well at the next level where he hopes to follow in the footsteps of other fullbacks like Mike Karney, Lorenzo Neal and Tony Richardson. Not only is Pressley physically dominant, he is mentally dominant as well, sporting a 4.0 GPA and being named a team Captain for the 2008 season.

TFE: Fullbacks don’t get a lot of publicity. But when you get down to crunch time any team with a great running attack has a great blocking fullback. Is that how you see yourself?

CP: Absolutely. I pride myself in my blocking and really get a thrill out of it. But you can never be comfortable and have to continually elevate yourself and learn from the guys in front of you. I’m a blocking fullback that can only get better. Once I get my hands on some NFL coaching and continue to work like I do, I think its going to be a good thing. I bring more than just blocking, but also a good relationship with my offensive line. Sometimes you could have a good block set up but the running back runs right into you, those are the types of areas where chemistry is important and I understand that and can bring that to the team. You want to be on the same page.

TFE: What happened to the Big Ten in the Bowl games?

CP: Man, its unexplainable I don’t even have words for what happened. It was really disappointing for us specifically, especially coming into the season with the expectations we did and that made it more disappointing. We were ranked really high coming in, we worked hard the entire off-season and I thought we were ready but after we lost the Michigan game, we thought we would recoup but then we lost three more after and it was a really hard time for the whole team. We made it to a bowl game but the answer comes down to the way you execute, if you play like a family and we just didn’t get it done.

TFE: How hard is it to go into a bowl game and stay focused when you have been eliminated from National Championship consideration?

CP: It’s actually easier to get excited because the pressure is gone, everyone expects you to lose. Everyone was counting us out, and that got the seniors fired up considering it was out last game. When people count you out, you’ve got to show these young guys that you’re prepared to respond. It was far from where we wanted to be at the beginning but you work with what you got.

TFE: How does the success of PJ Hill add to your resume?

CP: I think it speaks volumes about the way I play. Just the fact that I blocked for him showed I was able to block for a back who put up numbers but also get it done in the trenches consistently.

TFE: What was it like to come to Wisconsin and be converted to fullback after being a great high school running back?

CP: It was kind of crazy. I barely blocked in high school but once they moved me I started to fall in love with it. I just loved running into linebackers. My overall versatility as far as pass catching and working with the rock has never been displayed, but it’s there so I hope the scouts can see I do it all. Running back is a great position but I am a fullback, a true, hard nosed fullback. If you want to run the ball as an offense, a good blocking fullback is what makes it go.