NFL may adopt XFL kickoff rules


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The kicker lines up at the 30.. all the other players lineup at the opponents 35. 5 yards away from the returning team. Only the kicker and returner can move until the ball is fielded.

I don't know how you would handle onside kicks in this situation?


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As a kicker, I hate this, but I get it. I'd prefer the USFL rules. Here's the rule btw 10,collisions than on standard kickoffs.

"The XFL rule requires 10 players on each team to line up five yards apart on the kickoff, with only the kicker and the returner permitted to line up elsewhere. Because the players are so close together, they don’t have time to get into a full sprint and there are fewer high-speed collisions than on standard kickoffs."


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Useless thread without explaining what the NFL kickoff rule is. Do better
That’s not how he operates. Risen is a volume shooter kinda like Antoine Walker.


10 players on each team to line up five yards apart on the kickoff, with only the kicker and the returner permitted to line up elsewhere. Because the players are so close together, they don't have time to get into a full sprint and there are fewer high-speed collisions than on standard kickoffs


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What a dumb thought. It would no longer be a kickoff in any sense of the sport of football! Heck, might as well turn this game into flag football at this point. Them fools are ruining the game.
Or handball. Can't call it football when they barely use the foot on the ball as it is. Removing the kickoff means, to me, they may as well change the name to tackle handball.


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In an interview recap with Steven last year (who is one of the Rules Committee voters), he hinted we would probably see this one implemented. Bones and ST Vet Coaches seem to be in favor of it too. My guess is it happens.


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I love how the NFL keeps fixing one problem and creating new ones. So instead of finding a way to deal with the one they have years of statistics and research to work on a solution, they choose to go with the knock-off league's idea simply because it solves the problem-of-the-moment, while ignoring that coaches are smart and will find ways to attack the new systems that may include methods that increase injury risk even more.

I would just have the blockers run at an angle (left or right as long as every blocker runs and blocks in the same angled direction) and take out the next guy over instead of the one directly in front of them making them easier to block and push out leaving only one player on the end free that the returner has to beat cleanly.

By attacking at an angle, it removes the need to block and makes it much easier to push them out of the way or at least out of their intended lanes.

If a coverage guy runs head-on into the angle (meaning he also runs at an angle) then either he would make it even easier on the blocker to push him out (if he ran away from the blocker) or he would lose a step because he would have to hesitate to see which angle the blockers were taking (left or right). It would also mean his focus would be on the blocker and not the returner.


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So they made a rule change for player safety. With less returns, I can only imagine that injuries went down and it worked. So what is the problem?

Are fans really missing kickoff returns? I seriously doubt it.


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How do they handle an onside kick? Is that when they "go for it" on 4th and 20 or something?
When the above happens, I'll be done for sure....YOU GAVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO GO ON OFFENSE AGAIN WHEN YOU JUST SCORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!