NFL Network has the MOST REPETITIVE commercial breaks of ANY station

I'm going to puke if I have to see that Snickers commercial again. But wait, maybe it worked, because I bought a Snickers today. Dang! They got me! :eek:
How many people knew the Crestor commercial guy was Indigo Montoya in the Princess Bride? I didn't, until my wife told me. True story.
The snickers commercial is one of my favorite commercials.

I actually took the time to learn it today. I've been playing it relentlessly.
the commercials are nothing compared to CBS in the regular season...
-"Everything you want is here to see. Take a backstage pass like a V.I.P."

-"Where ya at 85? Ocho cinco."

-"Got it. T.J. Howshmazilly. Put it on the board. Championship."

-"Oh and Manning retired."

-"Sam I am. I will not eat green eggs and ham."

-"It's a cornacopia of football."

-"Who is Willie Parker? He is."

At least they seem to have done away with "RESPECT IS NOT GIVEN IT IS EARNED! NO FEAR... FOR 60 MINUTES!"
I laughed at Houashamazilly the first 82 times.

I can't laugh anymore.
superpunk said:
I laughed at Houashamazilly the first 82 times.

I can't laugh anymore.

They need to bring back the fellow from last year:

"Hey, Tommy! What year did Mark Brunell retire?"
Kevin said:
The snickers commercial is one of my favorite commercials.

I actually took the time to learn it today. I've been playing it relentlessly.

I'll pray for you. However, that fantasy football commercial where the guy can't pronounce TJ Hushmenzada's (sp?) name is funny as heck. I especially like when he says, "TJ Who's-your-mama." :lmao:
:banghead: I had the same feeling....shut these darn commercials up :shoot3: and that snickers commericial was great the first 25 times but then :shoot2: and if I see those silly little kids again :shoot1: :chainsaw::chop:

ok, maybe I had too much coffee this morning :storm:
sacase said:
come on now guys you forgot "Click Clack!"

yeah thats another one, but it doesn't seem to be as repetitive, but when they show it, they could at least do the one with julius in it.
I can't stand the snickers comercial, that is the teh gay.

I can't help but sing along with the "where you at 85?" commercial.

The take a NFL player to school commercial gets on my nerve, especially the mother and seeing Strahan act like a fool.

click clack don't make no damn sense to me.

TJ who's your mama is the best one by far though!
What about fat Dan Marino....

Snickers, that commercial made me hate snickers...
Hey everybody, did you know starting thanksgiving NFL Network is showing live NFL games? Ugh, I that one too
Got 2 more...

"How do you lose a bus? It's a big ol' bus?"


"I'd say a geek gets it done and a nerd doesn't and we're geeks. If you move to Earthlink, I'll do all I can to get you a highspeed internet that goes upto70timesfasterthandialup."
sacase said:
I can't stand the snickers comercial, that is the teh gay.

I can't help but sing along with the "where you at 85?" commercial.

The take a NFL player to school commercial gets on my nerve, especially the mother and seeing Strahan act like a fool.

click clack don't make no damn sense to me.

TJ who's your mama is the best one by far though!

Speaking of the Snickers commercial being "teh gay..." anyone notice the look the guy eating the Snickers gives the guy when he takes a bite at 15-18 seconds or so?? I know the commercial is old, I actually used to like it before I saw it for the 98th time. But you have to watch it again just for that...

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