NFL officiating incompetence on full display last night


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So for the naysayers on here, and not involving the Cowboys, it was clear last night in the Green Bay/KC game the glaring incompetence of NFL officiating. To point, the hit on Mahomes on the sideline, clearly still in bounds and with shoulder hit, was a penalty. It was egregiously wrong. And late in the game, the clear pass interference on the KC receiver (Scantling) the only point any official would be looking and in middle of the field, an egregious no call. There were many other questionable calls. BUT HOW CAN ANYONE WATCHING THIS GAME AND SEEING THESE BLATANT MISTAKES, NOT SEE INCOMPETENCE? What possibly could all the officials on the field be doing while the game is happening? Richard Sherman even stated it on Undisputed, the OFFICIATING HAS BEEN AWFUL ALL SEASON!!! And SKip Bayless also articulated the same calls as being ridiculous. The NFL is an unmitigated joke and might as well be world federation wrestling.
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The officiating seems to run in spurts it's tolerable for a while and then all of a sudden you just have the most head scratching things and you're ready to reach for your tin foil hat.
That eagles game had some holding in it that even the announcers put it on replay it was so bad and asked how they couldn't call that as a hold so I don't know what they're watching or being told to watch almost very hard to believe in today's day and age with all the electronic equipment we have that the officiating can be so bad


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There's always some bad calls, but yeah, it just seems it's getting worse. I don't remember being this bad and inconsistent even during the replacement refs year.


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There's always some bad calls, but yeah, it just seems it's getting worse. I don't remember being this bad and inconsistent even during the replacement refs year.
Not bad calls……egregiously bad. And not getting worse, it has been horrible for years including the Dez catch. What are you watching, it is not the NFL (Now Phony League).


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Yes indeed, they even show tin hat pics when I bring it up. Are you missing something?
I'll have to go back a couple pages and look for some older threads to see specifically. I guess it just depends on if we are arguing if the officiating is bad or if games are getting fixed. I know there have been some fixed game threads that I've found to be ridiculous, but would agree completely that officiating has been extremely bad and inconsistent this year. I think it's time to make these officials full time employees, make a portion of their pay dependent upon accuracy, and maybe even have a sky judge who instantly reviews every call and can intervene quick enough to not slow the pace of play if a call needs to be reversed.


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been a lurker for a while but if I remember correctly is there a regular on the board that always defends the refs as pure of heart and with the eyes of an eagle and the strength of their convictions?


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The NFL must like it because it gets worse every year and they keep adding more and more rules to throw a flag.. I'm a Cowboys fan and that flag fest Thursday night was unwatchable garbage. Truly ridiculous.


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I love that every year you get people saying, "This officiating has been really bad this year."
I find it funny, because people say it as if this year is somehow different, and people weren't saying the same thing for the last 10, 15, 20 years, etc.

There's always terrible officiating.