NFL Power ranking entering week 14

America's Cowboy

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My goodness all four of our next four opponents are in the top 10

Just watch, there are some here (I won't name them, but we know who they are) who will move the goalposts once again by season's end once Dak and the Cowboys beat these current Top 10 ranked teams. They will say by season's end, "Look, their end-of-season record is at 9 - 8 or 10 - 7, so Dak led the Cowboys to victories against average to slightly above average teams!"


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If there was ever a year for this team to get to The Big Dance and have a good shot at winning, it's this year.
Man, I hope you're right, but my gut feeling is that we're still a year away. Offense & special teams are in place. However, our defense has performed poorly against all the .500-or-better teams it's faced thus far, and is currently in no position at all to compete with SF. Right now it's the Niners, then everybody else. With the Ravens perhaps being a dark horse to challenge them in a Super Bowl.

Nice to see the Chiefs finally fall in the power rankings...we've been breathing their exhaust all season. Unfairly, I think.


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I don't see Washington where this string prior to playoffs end.