NFL Rumors & Notes by Ben Maller 03/27/06...

Catch-22 said:
Funny how people are up in arms about a guy who's football character is questionable, but are mysteriously silent about guys like Newton and Irvin.

People are acting like TO is some form of criminal..

This coming from a guy whos 18. Not a mock on your age but there are guys here who have been fans of the boys twice as long as you have been alive.

If you include Pops almost three times.:) Irvin and others were OUR problem children, home grown Cowboys. Haley was a saint while a Cowboy and never as much of a distraction as Owens IMO.

Theres a tradition and pride that Older Cowboy fans have, Its the way we were brought up to be. If that makes sense.
skinsscalper said:
I don't blame Jones one bit for his stance. It's horsesh*t to think that teams get away with a half ***ed job of generating revenue for their teams while the bit hitters (Jerry, Danny, the Mara's) pick up the slack. I'm not sure a formula could be reached, but tere needs to be some assurances by the samll market teams that they are going to commit X amount of resources to generate their own revenue. This crap of the Bill Bidwells of the world reaping in the profits for every Cowboys or Skins jersey sold only to field a marginally competitive team and be perpetually 25-30 million dollars under the salary cap is a joke. Here's a hint: put something marketable on the filed and the money will come. Look at the Rams of a few years ago. Before they won the SB you couldnlt find Rams paraphenelia anywhere. A short two years later and their jerseys are on every rack of every sports store from sea to shining sea. Same with the Bucs, Patriots, Panthers, Broncos, etc. The nation is full of fairweather fans and this is where your REAL revenue jumps come from. (You get your money from the hardcores no matter what.)

Until these teams start thinking beyond operation capital, the successful teams in the league will get hog-tied and that's just total bulsh*t. The markets in Detroit or Cincinnati are larger than Denver, yet Denver out earns them by two to one. Why? Because Pat Bowlen makes it a priority to field a competitive team EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

You go Jerry, shove some of that crap right down their throats!

Some teams like the Jaguars try to sell tickets but can't. The NFL needs to help frachchises like them that are giving a whole hearted effort to improve their market ability. Team like the Bengals deserve no help.
Z-Man said:
Former Cowboys wide receiver Drew Pearson, on Sirius NFL Radio, regarding the Terrell Owens signing: "There used to be some pride. There are certain people that you knew would never ever be in a Cowboy uniform and there used to be a lot of pride in who wore that star on the helmet. Yes, it upsets me."

Duane Thomas, Hollywood Henderson, Erik Williams, Michael Irvin, Dwayne Goodrich, Qinthy Carter........


what exactly did they do wrong before they were Cowboys?

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