NFL Sunday Ticket Class Action Lawsuit

I just got a notice today of a class action lawsuit against the NFL and the 32 NFL teams on anti-trust grounds. Basically the plaintiffs are claiming that if not for the NFL Sunday Ticket package, televised NFL games would be more available at a lower cost by other means.

The suit is pending and there is no outcomes yet, but if you were a subscribers between June 17, 2011 and February 7, 2023, you are a member of the class unless you exclude yourself.

The notice is to inform me, and other class members, that discovery will include DirecTV turning over records including personal identifying information about customers.

I don't know that this case has any merits but at best I think we wind up with a discount on Sunday Ticket at some point. I doubt there will be any money, but who knows these days. I got a $113 check out of the clear blue a few weeks ago as the member of another class I had no idea even existed.
$113??? Nice! You could buy nearly 3 dozen eggs with that kind of money!
I just got a notice today of a class action lawsuit against the NFL and the 32 NFL teams on anti-trust grounds. Basically the plaintiffs are claiming that if not for the NFL Sunday Ticket package, televised NFL games would be more available at a lower cost by other means.

The suit is pending and there is no outcomes yet, but if you were a subscribers between June 17, 2011 and February 7, 2023, you are a member of the class unless you exclude yourself.

The notice is to inform me, and other class members, that discovery will include DirecTV turning over records including personal identifying information about customers.

I don't know that this case has any merits but at best I think we wind up with a discount on Sunday Ticket at some point. I doubt there will be any money, but who knows these days. I got a $113 check out of the clear blue a few weeks ago as the member of another class I had no idea even existed.
Good - I hope the geeedy NFL FO’s and owners lose their shirts. AAMOF - the whole thing needs to go under. Salaries for these guys are inane.
I guess what I don't understand is why the NFL wouldn't be allowed to do this. They could make football pay per view if they wanted, right?
Yeah, weird angle.

You could basically apply it to everything. If an expensive exclusive didn't exist, cheaper alternatives would exist. Welcome to subscriptions, I guess.

If successful, the lawsuit basically eliminates copyright, does it not? If someone didn't have sole ownership, everyone else would be able to offer it cheaper. This doesn't even address the fact that people opt-in to the subscription anyway.
Lol, they don't work very well where I live. I might get a PBS channel.
The cheapest way to get local channels is fuboTV. If you just want four months of NFL YouTube $69 a month DVR, NFL channel. No contract.
I don't get this. While I don't like it the NFL has every right to do it. Pro football isn't a "necessary service" for life and is entertainment. Nobody forces people to sign up for it. Anti-trust on what real grounds?

It's not like electricity or gas or anything else like that. Not even Networks have a "right" to broadcast games. It's business.
Are you guys whining again? Just kidding.

I usually get Fubo..Just create a new email every week, get the free 1 week trial, then cancel it after the game. I actually bought the service last year, but then they billed me after I cancelled it so that won't happen again. I'll just do a free trial every week. The last preseason game was not on Fubo. If something doesn't work out, there's always streammeast, which only has a tad delay, that I can deal with. I can buy it. I'd just rather spend $80 a month on something else.
Get a $20 antenna
This is also a good idea. Otherwise, I see it as throwing money away. I already spend enough time on here and following the team. Invest that money and it pays over time. I don't know. Just how I roll.

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