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My friend and I were having a debate earlier about which product made more money, had more fans, and was just better.

One of our arguements was he said College football has always been better than NFL.

In my opinion 70's, 80's, and 90's NFL was way better. I also thought last years NFL season killed college football.

I do agree though in this decade College football has been overall better.

Another debate was he talked about Colleges making more money than pro teams because they have more fans that fill up their stadiums.

I said that the Texas Longhorns may have more people at their games week in week out than the Cowboys do but the Cowboys are still the #1 team in Texas by far.

He said NFL Rivalries are BS and College Rivalries are better. He said he doesnt believe that veterans we pick up or anything care about Dallas vs Washington, or Dallas vs San Fran or just any big Rivalry in general.

So what I wanna know is who does make more money? Without knowing i'd say the NFL in a land slide.

Also do you think College fans care more about their College team or their pro team?

What about the fan attendance at College vs Pro games?

Whats the better product?

I live in Oklahoma so everyone here thinks College Football is the end all be all.
a little late to start this one . ncaa has rivalrys and such that seem a little more real than in the nfl. and they seem to change from generation to generation in the nfl also. And about caring more for college fans, i think that only holds true for the major markets/ colleges .
DallasEast;1585447 said:
For this question, let's Goooooogle!


College -

College > NFL... which makes sense when you consider that there are way more college teams playing a lot more games as a whole than the NFL does each year. :)


But why though does College teams get more fans going to their games than NFL teams do?

You'd think these College teams drawing a 100,000 fans a week would be killing these NFL teams money wise but the NFL wins in a land slide.
college draw more fans because their tickets are alot cheaper, period......
College doesn't have nearly the lucrative television contract or advertising power of the NFL, for one. That alone makes more money for the NFL.

Additionally, the NFL splits the money between 32 teams, not 114.
One of the other arguements that I always here is NFL players dont play with as much emotion because they are just trying to get a pay check.

I just dont see it....

TO is the all time want my money guy but you cant tell me the guy doesn't play with as much heart and passion as any college kid.

I dont think because Vince Young is a Titan instead of a Longhorn now that the guy is going to play with less passion.

I just dont buy that arguement at all.
Let me try and put an end to this on going moronic debate (not talking about the thread...but the college vs pro debate)...It just really irks me when some idiots always want to argue that ANY college sport is a BETTER product than the pro sport..Does college sports provide a much more intense rivalry? Yes - they probably do...WHy? because when people attend colleges like MIch - OSU or DUKE UNC (bball) the entire season is predicated on essentially 1 game...all offseason and all season coaches and studens are talking about beating michigan or beating unc or vice versa...thus the players are much more intense about the the nfl or nba coaches dont preach rivalries...wade phillips isnt in BIGG davis' ear day in and day out talkin about how we HAVE to beat washington or philly...

HOWEVER, for one to suggest that the college level produces a better product is OUT RIGHT IDIOTIC. on a typical college team there are 1-2 NFL CALIBER players if that...those are the GOOD TEAMS. Yes some teams provide 4 or so but those are your powerhouses...Most of the talent level in college sports obviously doesnt produce nfl players...Thus, when watching college sports you see many many many more dumb clueless mistakes which minimizes the end product...FOr example in college basketball you see WIDE OPEN jump shots missed ALL THE the nba it DOESNT happen...In college football you will see clock management miscues, defensive lapses, and all sorts of other simple mistakes which hurts the end product..

For one to suggest college football has better rivalries is one thing...And to like the game more because of that is 1 thing...but to suggest the college game is a better product is plain stupid..HOw can a team of 2 nfl players provide a better product than a league full of pros. As far as the money football isnt even remotely close to producing nfl type money...The nfl has at least 3 BILLION dollar teams... The skins, boys, and Patriots I believe all have an estimated worth above a BILLION dollars...thats ridiculous.
CATCH17;1585720 said:
One of the other arguements that I always here is NFL players dont play with as much emotion because they are just trying to get a pay check.

I just dont see it....

TO is the all time want my money guy but you cant tell me the guy doesn't play with as much heart and passion as any college kid.

I dont think because Vince Young is a Titan instead of a Longhorn now that the guy is going to play with less passion.

I just dont buy that arguement at all.
Whoa. I think that the topic changed slightly.

If Owens motivation to play as hard as he does without money being a large factor, why is it that he didn't continue to play with as much 'heart and passion' for Philadelphia after signing a seven-year, $49 million dollar contract with the Eagles in good faith?

And I do ask that knowing that he was being paid a sub million per year salary his first season there, BUT he was given a $10 million dollar signing bonus AND earned $9 million in bonuses in 2004. That's not chump change, but we all know the events which transpired between the 2005 season and his eventual signing with Dallas.

I have yet to see where money should be downplayed in regards to Owens.
DallasEast;1585734 said:
Whoa. I think that the topic changed slightly.

If Owens motivation to play as hard as he does without money being a large factor, why is it that he didn't continue to play with as much 'heart and passion' for Philadelphia after signing a seven-year, $49 million dollar contract with the Eagles in good faith?

And I do ask that knowing that he was being paid a sub million per year salary his first season there, BUT he was given a $10 million dollar signing bonus AND earned $9 million in bonuses in 2004. That's not chump change, but we all know the events which transpired between the 2005 season and his eventual signing with Dallas.

I have yet to see where money should be downplayed in regards to Owens.

So you dont think he played hard for Philly? I thought he was far and away the best player on that team and played harder than anyone.

Maybe I misunderstood you but i've never seen TO not play hard.

He got kicked off the team for taking shots at McNabb.
NFL has the better gameplay across the board, but better, more memorable games belong to college for the most part (see OK vs BSU). There's more of an underdog mantra in the NCAA.
CATCH17;1585745 said:
So you dont think he played hard for Philly?
I didn't say that at all. You stated:

"TO is the all time want my money guy but you cant tell me the guy doesn't play with as much heart and passion as any college kid."

I responded by saying that, even though he was paid quite handsomely by the Eagles, his contract with Philadelphia wasn't enough motivation for him personally to continue playing hard for them.

His work ethic or abilities as a wide receiver are not questionable. His personal motivations on the otherhand...

CATCH17;1585745 said:
I thought he was far and away the best player on that team and played harder than anyone.
I would have to agree with that.

CATCH17;1585745 said:
Maybe I misunderstood you but i've never seen TO not play hard.
You did.

CATCH17;1585745 said:
He got kicked off the team for taking shots at McNabb.
That's not completely accurate. He was released from his contract with Philadelphia because he didn't wish to be a conformist within their organization. For example, he wasn't taking pot shots at McNabb when he dragged his weight set out into his driveway for a surreal conference with the media. He did it in defiance of the disciplinary actions which Reid and the Eagles placed upon him for being a nonconformist of team rules.
CATCH17;1585676 said:
But why though does College teams get more fans going to their games than NFL teams do?

You'd think these College teams drawing a 100,000 fans a week would be killing these NFL teams money wise but the NFL wins in a land slide.

Endorsements. Big businesses pay far more money to the NFL over the NCAA for advertisements. you have more college teams, and many of their stadiums hold more fans than the NFL. You have your Alumni that follows their alma Mater's and are loyal. So it gives the illusions they should do better. But busunesses still look to the NFL to get their products to most of the people.
glorydaysrback;1585730 said:
Let me try and put an end to this on going moronic debate (not talking about the thread...but the college vs pro debate)...It just really irks me when some idiots always want to argue that ANY college sport is a BETTER product than the pro sport..Does college sports provide a much more intense rivalry? Yes - they probably do...WHy? because when people attend colleges like MIch - OSU or DUKE UNC (bball) the entire season is predicated on essentially 1 game...all offseason and all season coaches and studens are talking about beating michigan or beating unc or vice versa...thus the players are much more intense about the the nfl or nba coaches dont preach rivalries...wade phillips isnt in BIGG davis' ear day in and day out talkin about how we HAVE to beat washington or philly...

HOWEVER, for one to suggest that the college level produces a better product is OUT RIGHT IDIOTIC. on a typical college team there are 1-2 NFL CALIBER players if that...those are the GOOD TEAMS. Yes some teams provide 4 or so but those are your powerhouses...Most of the talent level in college sports obviously doesnt produce nfl players...Thus, when watching college sports you see many many many more dumb clueless mistakes which minimizes the end product...FOr example in college basketball you see WIDE OPEN jump shots missed ALL THE the nba it DOESNT happen...In college football you will see clock management miscues, defensive lapses, and all sorts of other simple mistakes which hurts the end product..

For one to suggest college football has better rivalries is one thing...And to like the game more because of that is 1 thing...but to suggest the college game is a better product is plain stupid..HOw can a team of 2 nfl players provide a better product than a league full of pros. As far as the money football isnt even remotely close to producing nfl type money...The nfl has at least 3 BILLION dollar teams... The skins, boys, and Patriots I believe all have an estimated worth above a BILLION dollars...thats ridiculous.

Here's why the NCAA is an overall better product than the NFL. NCAA athletes love the game. NFL players love them some Benjamins. The NFL consists of "teams" whose rosters are filled with mercenaries. There is no team concept or camaraderie in the pros. And that's what turns me off about the pro game and ultimately about pro sports in general.

And of course you never witness errors or lapses in the NFL (*coughs* Tony Romo *coughs*).:rolleyes:

And, yes, I'd much rather watch college basketball or even high school b-ball than the alleged professional league known as the NBA (complete with crooked officials!)

Hell, I'd rather watch high school softball than have to endure MLB with its drug-enhanced "superstars".

I've watched pro football for 35 years, and the enthusiasm that I used to feel is dimming more and more. I spend more time working with our HS softball and basketball programs (along with the booster club) than I do watching pro sports. And believe me, I was a hard-core fan. But not any more. I come to this board because I like most of the people here and I've been able to help some of them by sharing my experiences.

Bottom line: Sorry, kid. NCAA's way better in a lot of people's books.

BTW, you're certainly welcome to your opinion, but if I disagree with you, I'm not "stupid" or an "idiot". Name-calling doesn't sit too well with the mods.
To me this is very very simple. The talent level that you see in NCAA Div I is on par with what you see in Minor League AA and AAA rosters. Same age groups and same relative developemnt of skill.

NCAA has a lot more hype and what not but you would never hear anyone say that AAA was better than MLB.

To me the only difference between AAA baseball and DivI is the TV contract and thats about it as relative leagues.
I wouldn't compare Div I to AAA baseball in any way.

Minor League baseball
- AAA is often comprised of older players trying to get in or who have dropped down.
- AA is younger and is more often tapped into for young talent. Players are motivated to get themselves into the pros as the championship is not so prestigious
- Minor League baseball plays in smaller stadiums that are usually in smaller cities and aren't huge draws.
- Minor League affiliates use similar philosophies as their Major League parent team. They are the same organization.

Division I football
- Is consistent of age
- Is a very popular sport played at a very high level in front of big television and live audiences often bigger than NFL stadiums.
- Every year, guys come in and do well in the NFL without the long development periods that most baseball players need. This speaks well to the level of NCAA football.
- NCAA football has a great variety of schemes compared to the NFL. On a given Saturday, you might see a true spread, Trigger, wishbone, wing-T, I-formation, or true zone read offenses. Compare that to the tight coaching trees that have killed variety in the NFL.
- With that variety comes systems that most kids stay in for 4-5 years, so they execute better vs their competition compared to the NFL. Its hard to keep guys in the NFL for 2-3 years. Then you have lots of coaching carousels. This wasn't a problem 15 years ago in the NFL.
- NCAA has great at the game tradition compared to the NFL. I would recommend anyone who hasn't seen a major college game in person, go see UT, A&M, OU or whomever the big school is near you. I was never a college fan until I went to college and experienced the games themselves compared to the NFL. Much greater atmosphere, lots of pageantry and beautiful stuff to watch. I think I had a wow moment at my first college game vs my experiences which were only at Cowboys games

Its not about the level of athlete that would make the NCAA better than the NFL to some. Everyone knows the athletic level is below guys that get paid to train as their job. But there is a hunger, there is a fun, there is the atmosphere advantage that a stadium full of half drunk 20 year olds can bring to a game that the NFL can't match in most stadiums. Its the intense rivalries where people can't stand each other's states, not just the teams. Its the old old stadiums that you know where hosting games in 1940. Two different leagues that I would never choose one as better than the other one hands down. The NCAA is simply not AAA baseball. Would millions tune into the AA or AAA championship series? I think not.
More passion, spirit, fire in NCAA football. BOTH fans and players. For all the cheeseheads, Dogpound, etc - they are nowhere near what it is like when you see Michigan - OSU, Alabama- Auburn, Texas- Oklahoma, etc.
Of course the NFL has the better product. BUT it is true that some coaches are able in the NCAA to put together a team that lasts 2-3 years. Not often but it happens. How often does that happen in the NFL anymore? BUT that is not the point: if you are talking money then the NFL wins due to its huge TV contracts plus all the endorsements, etc. Otherwise its the NCAA by a mile.

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