NFLN Announcer Rant Thread

jackrussell;1800158 said:
3rd and short, Cowboys ball.....Barber rumbles for 16 yards....

Gumble: "Barber may have the first down on that run.":eek::


Newman leaves the game

Grumbles: "it appears Newman may be hurt"

the PI call was probably the longest I've seen 2 commentators focus on 1 play, they went back to it like 10 minutes later
...your 12 and 10 year old sons are yelling at the TV about the announcing.

There must be something terribly wrong with Gumbel to be so inaccurate.

I know he is getting up there in years, but heck Summerall was better his twilight years compared to this.
Avery;1800055 said:
Worst group out there - and it's not even close.

Gumbel can't get names, teams, anything right. Looking forward to the Rick Romo interview.

Collinsworth - Doesn't know what a PI is. Genius, he had his hands on him too.

Euthanize these guys.

Completely Disagree. MNF is far worse. I can understand someone ridiculing Gumble for his inaccuracies. However, if you put the tv on mute, the camera work and clarity of the game was superior. MNF looks like some cheap NFL Europe broadcast. I don't even watch MNF any more. I think NBC's Sunday Night Football is the best however, i wasn't disappointed with this broadcast by any means.

Yes, I liked Gumble. I'll admit. Yes, I'm aware of his inaccuracies but he had an opinion and was saying things that all of us think. A lot of play by play guys are too p.c. and are afraid to offer opinions of their own.
CanadianCowboysFan;1800083 said:
It was ridiculous re the pass interference. I mean for God's sake, at the very worst it was illegal contact.

Give it a rest,damnit! It was PI,IMO. Regardless,what down was it? Was it third? I don't remember,but I thought it was first or second down,and who is to say Romo doesn't pick up a first on a later down,and keep the march going,leading to a score anyway? It was not the pivotal play everybody thinks it was. My opinion!
Collinsworth is fine, IMO. Gumbel makes the whole thing a disaster all by himself.
Collinsworth is an overbearing know it all who doesn't know what he is talking about. The PI call was correct and he went on and on about it.

Does anyone on that announcing team realize that if T.O. just catches that one TD pass it is a 17 point margin?

Nice win by our Boys tonight.
This team of Collinsworth and Gumble may very well be the most unlikable and ackward duo EVER.


NFL Network needs to open up their eyes and see that. It's a universally accepted fact that these guys are terrible.
I cannot believe that Collinsworth and Gumble are where the NFL is hanging the hat. Those two guys do not have a clue.

I was so embarrassed that Gumble kept calling the Cowboys the Packers over and over again.

I just could not believe my ears. Then the 2 village idiots had to go over and over again.

"Was that PI?"

"I don't think so."

"It looks unintentional." "I dunno."


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