Nickleback is ripping you off...

They can't rip you off....if you don't buy the stuff to begin with lol.
Yeagermeister said:
How else can you get it? :confused:

Download it...if that is your thing.

I am just not a nickleback fan...nothing against them just not a big fan.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Download it...if that is your thing.

I am just not a nickleback fan...nothing against them just not a big fan.
How would I download it?
Yeagermeister said:
How would I download it?

There are programs.

I think napster is back up and running, you have to pay.
Itunes is another place you can download songs from (pay).

there are some programs you can use for free like KazaaLite
But you have to be very careful with such programs as the normally contain spy-ware that can mess up you puter.
BrAinPaiNt said:
There are programs.

I think napster is back up and running, you have to pay.
Itunes is another place you can download songs from (pay).

there are some programs you can use for free like KazaaLite
But you have to be very careful with such programs as the normally contain spy-ware that can mess up you puter.
Maybe I should google for those programs :D
Yeagermeister said:
Maybe I should google for those programs :D

There is a link on one of these threads somewhere for the KazaaLite....but once again I caution you that it, or part of it, contains spyware and gave me a time getting rid of the stuff.....many of the other free programs are worse.

The pay ones just go to or

I think in some places you can even buy napster cards (like phone cards)...I seen them in a gas station a few months ago....get like 15-20 songs for $15-20.
BrAinPaiNt said:
There is a link on one of these threads somewhere for the KazaaLite....but once again I caution you that it, or part of it, contains spyware and gave me a time getting rid of the stuff.....many of the other free programs are worse.

The pay ones just go to or

I think in some places you can even buy napster cards (like phone cards)...I seen them in a gas station a few months ago....get like 15-20 songs for $15-20.
You do realize I was messing with you right? *as I peruse my 3 gigs of mp3's*
Yeagermeister said:
You do realize I was messing with you right? *as I peruse my 3 gigs of mp3's*

Well figured you were but then again was not completely sure.

I had a HUGE amount of MP3s....easily around 10 thousand, the majority of them I took off of CDs I have.

Then My puter screwed up and I lost them all....was too tired to ever add them back on again :eek:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Well figured you were but then again was not completely sure.

I had a HUGE amount of MP3s....easily around 10 thousand, the majority of them I took off of CDs I have.

Then My puter screwed up and I lost them all....was too tired to ever add them back on again :eek:
I started doing that a while back but some of my cd's had bad scratches on them so the mp3's were junk.

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