No charges brought against Tyreek Hill


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What was legally done to Hill is of no consequence.

Now it comes down to the NFL being consistent and crawling up Hill's butt just like they did with Elliott and even Adrian Peterson.

I would say it would be interesting to see what happens but we probably already know what happens.

Kind of surprised that it's still not universally understood that legal ramifications and employment ramifications aren't tied to one another. I won't be prosecuted for violating my company's dress code policy. Can't be prosecuted for wearing a fishnet shirt and banana hammock to work, but I'll likely be reprimanded.

That said, this is concerning:

"We are deeply troubled by this situation and are concerned about the health and welfare of the child in question. We believe that a crime has occurred," District Attorney Steve Howe said. "However, the evidence in this case does not conclusively establish who committed this crime."

Why not charge them both?

Hill should be suspended. Both parents are equally responsible for the well-being of their child. He either committed the acts, or failed to stop/report them. Either way, I think this is worse than the Adrian Peterson situation.


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Why not charge them both?

Hill should be suspended. Both parents are equally responsible for the well-being of their child. He either committed the acts, or failed to stop/report them. Either way, I think this is worse than the Adrian Peterson situation.

I find that concerning.
I don't think it's ethical for the DA to make those statements. It puts out an idea to the public but offers nothing to support it, and no real chance for anyone to stand up to or defend against it.
I also don't think anyone should be suspended with zero evidence of anything. We have zero idea what happened. Find out what happened, and THEN you can talk about what should or should not happen to someone. Just making general assumptions is an absolutely terrible standard and one that nobody should be held to and should not be held by anyone about anything.


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I find that concerning.
I don't think it's ethical for the DA to make those statements. It puts out an idea to the public but offers nothing to support it, and no real chance for anyone to stand up to or defend against it.
I also don't think anyone should be suspended with zero evidence of anything. We have zero idea what happened. Find out what happened, and THEN you can talk about what should or should not happen to someone. Just making general assumptions is an absolutely terrible standard and one that nobody should be held to and should not be held by anyone about anything.

Is a broken arm evidence of something?


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It is evidence. It isn't enough evidence, but it is more than zero evidence. Something happened, obviously.
Well yeah, everything is evidence of something.

The world is officially over when that is the standard.


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Well yeah, everything is evidence of something.

The world is officially over when that is the standard.

What standard? He isn't being charged because there isn't enough evidence. My point was just to refute your stance of there being "zero evidence". that just isn't true. There is some, but not enough for a prosecution.


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What standard? He isn't being charged because there isn't enough evidence. My point was just to refute your stance of there being "zero evidence". that just isn't true. There is some, but not enough for a prosecution.
By itself it is not evidence of the specific thing being referred to.

By itself it is only evidence of of an arm being broken. More data is needed for it to be evidence of anything else.


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By itself it is not evidence of the specific thing being referred to.

By itself it is only evidence of of an arm being broken. More data is needed for it to be evidence of anything else.

It is more evidence than "zero evidence". It by itself isn't enough for a prosecution. Of course they relied more than just a broken arm to have the child removed from the parents custody. They don't do that type of thing on a whim. That was probably based on interviews with both parents where their stories didn't mesh and something else. They have more than "zero evidence" for this case. They just don't have enough to win a case beyond a reasonable doubt.


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It is more evidence than "zero evidence". It by itself isn't enough for a prosecution. Of course they relied more than just a broken arm to have the child removed from the parents custody. They don't do that type of thing on a whim. That was probably based on interviews with both parents where their stories didn't mesh and something else. They have more than "zero evidence" for this case. They just don't have enough to win a case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If a kid trips and breaks his arm, but you don't know the details, is the fact the kid broke his arm evidence of abuse?


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If a kid trips and breaks his arm, but you don't know the details, is the fact the kid broke his arm evidence of abuse?

Never said the broken arm was evidence of abuse. Said it was evidence that something happened. You claimed there was "zero evidence". You start with the broken arm and see if there is anything else. There obviously was more than just the broken arm because they determined it was best to remove the child from the parents, which demonstrates my stance that there was more than "zero evidence".


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I find that concerning.
I don't think it's ethical for the DA to make those statements. It puts out an idea to the public but offers nothing to support it, and no real chance for anyone to stand up to or defend against it.
I also don't think anyone should be suspended with zero evidence of anything. We have zero idea what happened. Find out what happened, and THEN you can talk about what should or should not happen to someone. Just making general assumptions is an absolutely terrible standard and one that nobody should be held to and should not be held by anyone about anything.
In regards to Hill no one is making general assumptions, words from these criminals tell us what we need to know.


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Never said the broken arm was evidence of abuse. Said it was evidence that something happened. You claimed there was "zero evidence". You start with the broken arm and see if there is anything else. There obviously was more than just the broken arm because they determined it was best to remove the child from the parents, which demonstrates my stance that there was more than "zero evidence".

Well, I would say their determinations aren't really evidence of much of anything either. What they based those determinations on would be evidence, but we're not privy to that.

But my "no evidence" was in regard to something wrong having happened, and more specifically that Hill was responsible for that. It wasn't a blanket no evidence of an infinite "anything." Yes, I know I used the word anything, but I think the context is clear that I meant "any wrong doing on Hill's part."


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In regards to Hill no one is making general assumptions, words from these criminals tell us what we need to know.
All of this was based on things before the tape was released. So, yes, there was almost universal general assumptions.