No excuse for my support of Owens

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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You can't staunchly defend athletes and call out other Zoners without failing to hold yourself to the same standard.

That would be hypocrisy at its best.

So here's the deal: When I spent all that time talking about the haters and their network founded by dcfanatic (The THC), I was talking about most of the people I thought never really embraced The Player.

I named several people, including dcfantatic, Hos, Dave_in-NC, and others. Then I said I didn't think it was right for Jerry to make such a rash decision and thought that T.O. should have stayed for one more year.

Of course that could never be possible because we all know dcfanatic & Hos were always staunchly opposed to any idea of keeping The Player.

That's my mistake, and there's no excuse for it.

I didn't even realize it until dcfanatic called me Thursday night. Obviously, he was giddy as all getup since we all know he has a rough spot for T.O.

You have to always be careful when you're naming names in the FanZone, which I am. You have to be even more careful with every submission because you don't get a do over if you screw up.

All you can do is admit your mistake, apologize and take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Bleu :)
I've been fighting with you about this for two years, not even an honorable mention.:)
Bleu Star;2681185 said:
So here's the deal: When I spent all that time talking about the haters and their network founded by dcfanatic (The THC), I was talking about most of the people I thought never really embraced The Player.
I've disliked Terrell Owens since 1997. Why didn't I ever think of founding a network during that time? :(

;) :)
DallasEast;2681241 said:
I've disliked Terrell Owens since 1997. Why didn't I ever think of founding a network during that time? :(

;) :)

You missed the train. Then it derailed. Consider yourself lucky.
Bleu Star;2681247 said:
You missed the train. Then it derailed. Consider yourself lucky.
Terrell must have been at the wheel. You know... he always does say that he loves his haters.
Bleu Star;2681185 said:
You can't staunchly defend athletes and call out other Zoners without failing to hold yourself to the same standard.

That would be hypocrisy at its best.

So here's the deal: When I spent all that time talking about the haters and their network founded by dcfanatic (The THC), I was talking about most of the people I thought never really embraced The Player.

I named several people, including dcfantatic, Hos, Dave_in-NC, and others. Then I said I didn't think it was right for Jerry to make such a rash decision and thought that T.O. should have stayed for one more year.

Of course that could never be possible because we all know dcfanatic & Hos were always staunchly opposed to any idea of keeping The Player.

That's my mistake, and there's no excuse for it.

I didn't even realize it until dcfanatic called me Thursday night. Obviously, he was giddy as all getup since we all know he has a rough spot for T.O.

You have to always be careful when you're naming names in the FanZone, which I am. You have to be even more careful with every submission because you don't get a do over if you screw up.

All you can do is admit your mistake, apologize and take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Bleu :)
I honestly don't mind being called out as long as I am being accused of what my opinions really are. I don't hate Terrell Owens. Never have, never will.

I do think this move is the absolute best move the team could make in 2009 and I will stand by that belief.

Don't sweat it. It really isn't a big deal. It's good that you can reflect inwardly like this. It says a lot about you.
Just one last time Bleu.

:beatit: :banjo: :mchammer: :mchammer: :spidey:
Dave_in-NC;2681288 said:
Just one last time Bleu.

:beatit: :banjo: :mchammer: :mchammer: :spidey:

You beat me to it.... :bang2:

oh well....

Bleu Star;2681185 said:
You can't staunchly defend athletes and call out other Zoners without failing to hold yourself to the same standard.

That would be hypocrisy at its best.

So here's the deal: When I spent all that time talking about the haters and their network founded by dcfanatic (The THC), I was talking about most of the people I thought never really embraced The Player.

I named several people, including dcfantatic, Hos, Dave_in-NC, and others. Then I said I didn't think it was right for Jerry to make such a rash decision and thought that T.O. should have stayed for one more year.

Of course that could never be possible because we all know dcfanatic & Hos were always staunchly opposed to any idea of keeping The Player.

That's my mistake, and there's no excuse for it.

I didn't even realize it until dcfanatic called me Thursday night. Obviously, he was giddy as all getup since we all know he has a rough spot for T.O.

You have to always be careful when you're naming names in the FanZone, which I am. You have to be even more careful with every submission because you don't get a do over if you screw up.

All you can do is admit your mistake, apologize and take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Bleu :)


I never called you ???

What the heck are you talking about?
dcfanatic;2681766 said:

I never called you ???

What the heck are you talking about?


I was inspired by JJT's apology today. I don't believe anyone thinks you actually called me man.

However, you were so giddy that you would have called if you had my number just to say neener neener til I hung up on you.
Bleu Star;2681802 said:

I was inspired by JJT's apology today. I don't believe anyone thinks you actually called me man.

However, you were so giddy that you would have called if you had my number just to say neener neener til I hung up on you.
So we all got played?

IMO, TO is a huge problem to any team. However, a lot of it is caused by an overbearing media making mountains out of every little mole hill.

TO, in and of himself is not so much the problem. He seemed to be a quality teammate. However, he does have a fragile psyche. He does act childish and petty when things do not go his way. He does have a tendency to open up to the media, when he should just keep his mouth shut. He had a rough upbringing, with few male role models. He admittingly was a very introverted child. So, he doesn't have the best people skills. When he came to the NFL, he was not cocky or outlandish at all. He was quiet and somewhat timid. It wasn't until that GB game that he completely broke out of his shell. I absolutely feel that the Niners were the worst team for TO to start his career with. Jerry Rice is the worst lockerroom personality a young, impressionable WR could learn from. Yes Rice is the greatest of all-time, but he was also a completely self-centered, self-absorbed jerk. He would berate teammates and coaches when he didn't get the touches. Even in wins he would complain about not getting the ball enough. So TO learned how to be a tool from Jerry Rice.

Once TO opened up, the one person who could keep him in check, retired shortly after, Steve Young. TO had so much faith and respect for Young. Young never gave up on TO. He had faith in TO as a player. TO never had that rapport with Garcia. He definitely did not have the respect for Garcia that he had for Young. Also, the Niners started spiriling downward. Free Agency, Injuries, and the DaBarolo scandal took their toll on the organization. So TO wanted out. He grew tired of his new QB and felt that the Niners couldn't win with Garcia. TO was sent packing. IMO, TO was the bad guy here.

Then there was the whole Philly thing. I believe TO was at fault. I also believe McNabb was at fault. As insecure as TO can be, he has nothing on that quivering punk McNabb. Nobody gets his feelings hurt as much as McNabb. Also, nobody gets bailed out by the media as much as McNabb. It is sickening. So TO once again looks like the bad guy. However, I say both are guilty.

TO comes to Dallas. Parcells shows him no respect. Maybe if Parcells had shown some respect, TO would have had a better first year with Dallas. Maybe we could have had a better record and won a playoff game or two. Instead, Parcells used petty mind games and drove a rift between he and TO. TO didn't help matters by mocking the old man. Wade comes in and TO is a happy camper. Things are great that first year. TO looks like a great teammate and even cries after we are eliminated from the playoffs. He defends his QB. However, this past year, it seemed like from day 1, the media was about TO 24/7. ESPN was doing everything it could to create controversy, drama, and havoc in Big D. It worked. The lockerroom was pure chaos. The team was totally distracted. There were moles, deep throats, unidentified sources, rats....etc. It was one giant male soap opera.

So how was it all resolved? TO had to go. Not because he was a horrible teammate, which I firmly believe he wasn't. Not because he didn't produce, cause he did. Not because he had issues with Romo and Witten, I don't believe he did. Not cause he couldn't get along with coaches...they loved him. He had to go because of the circus. As long as he was around, the media would hound the team 24/7. Any little thing would be blown completely out of proportion, be it true or false. The team would not be able to focus and prepare properly. It would just be another year of distraction after distraction........

I am not a fan of TO. I hated him for the Star incident. I hated him for doing the Eagle dance in our end zone. Still, he busted his butt as a Cowboy. He hustled downfield when no one else did. He was a playmaker for us. He entertained us. He did a lot of positive things in the Dallas community. He never got arrested for drugs, violence, DUIs, disorderly conduct, weapons charges, etc. He may be a butthead in the lockerroom, but off the field he seems to be a class act. I wish the media would get off his butt already and come down on all the thugs and criminals they constantly ignore, so they can tear down TO. Nice to see 3 hours of coverage on TO being cut, and barely a blurb about Matt Jones getting arrested again. ESPN and their foolish priorities.

So TO is the scapegoat, because he is TO....he is a walking media frenzy. The Bills will now have to deal with the daily goings on of the Erroneous Sports Propaganda Network.

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