No one has said it, so I will...


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Do I think Crayton is the best choice for the #2?


Is he the car wreck that many seem to infer?


Can this team win a SB with Crayton as the #2?


Hey, it's like this, I watched this team win a SB with Kevin Williams as the number 2, and that team did not have the offensive firepower this one does.

If you folks want to ****** about something, start a thread about Canty/Spears. I'll be happy to participate.


Kane Ala
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I suspect Romo reads the plays as they were designed although he makes his reads fast. And that TO and Witten are much more often primary reads over Crayton.

Crayton doesn't seem to be on the radar as much though. And Austin is. My guess is Austin is one of those fellows Romo was talking about in camp as a surprise. I hope he keeps it up. And that Crayton does well, too.


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be better off working Felix into the slot out of a 2 back set---which should line him up against a LB.......mismatch city

come on Garret study Westbrook, study the old buff bills early 90's.....felix needs more touches, will command that the LB's dont drop near as deep thus opening up for Witten , Bennett

With Austin keeping the S at least honest.........

Felix in the slot ---Crayton on the bench


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MichaelWinicki;2279119 said:
Do I think Crayton is the best choice for the #2?


Is he the car wreck that many seem to infer?


Can this team win a SB with Crayton as the #2?


Hey, it's like this, I watched this team win a SB with Kevin Williams as the number 2, and that team did not have the offensive firepower this one does.

If you folks want to ****** about something, start a thread about Canty/Spears. I'll be happy to participate.

Who on our team is a better choice at #2 ????


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fortdick;2279103 said:
So Crayton = TO? TO makes plays even though he does has the occasional drop. Crayton has no made any significant impact since the Cleveland game, and then only marginal. The guy should have had a huge night last evening, but wasn't even apparent.

Might as well give Austin the shot, he has looked much better in preseason and last two games. He has better speed and at least so far, better hands.

And it's posts like this that make you look like a agenda pushing blind man.

Why? you single out one part of a persons posts and make an outlandish exaggeration, and completely ignore the many other posts in this thread that show you the complete pointlessness of this thread.

Instead of just posting a thread bashing a player, and then only come back in to find a spot where you can bash him some more, you should try forming an opinion and then debating it like a sensible man you used to be.


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dargonking999;2279129 said:
And it's posts like this that make you look like a agenda pushing blind man.

Why? you single out one part of a persons posts and make an outlandish exaggeration, and completely ignore the many other posts in this thread that show you the complete pointlessness of this thread.

Instead of just posting a thread bashing a player, and then only come back in to find a spot where you can bash him some more, you should try forming an opinion and then debating it like a sensible man you used to be.



"You want some?"
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DaBoys4Life;2279124 said:

Who on our team is a better choice at #2 ????

Good question.

At this point no one.

Crayton doesn't have Austin's speed, but I don't think Austin can run routes as precisely as Crayton.

Hey, a #2 in this offense is going to only get 40-50 receptions. They don't have to be all-world... just a little reliable. Last night wasn't a good night for either TO or Crayton.

I think you'll see a top-notch receiver drafted next April.


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MichaelWinicki;2279141 said:
Good question.

At this point no one.

Crayton doesn't have Austin's speed, but I don't think Austin can run routes as precisely as Crayton.

Hey, a #2 in this offense is going to only get 40-50 receptions. They don't have to be all-world... just a little reliable. Last night wasn't a good night for either TO or Crayton.

I think you'll see a top-notch receiver drafted next April.

True. so for know we have to put up with him.


"You want some?"
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dargonking999;2279129 said:
And it's posts like this that make you look like a agenda pushing blind man.

Why? you single out one part of a persons posts and make an outlandish exaggeration, and completely ignore the many other posts in this thread that show you the complete pointlessness of this thread.

Instead of just posting a thread bashing a player, and then only come back in to find a spot where you can bash him some more, you should try forming an opinion and then debating it like a sensible man you used to be.


Someone got schooled.


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MichaelWinicki;2279096 said:
TO had 2 catches last night.

In my book that's not "Managing to catch passes".

TO had a grabby CB with help over the top. Who did Crayton face?


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MichaelWinicki;2279119 said:
Do I think Crayton is the best choice for the #2?


Is he the car wreck that many seem to infer?


Can this team win a SB with Crayton as the #2?


Hey, it's like this, I watched this team win a SB with Kevin Williams as the number 2, and that team did not have the offensive firepower this one does.

If you folks want to ****** about something, start a thread about Canty/Spears. I'll be happy to participate.

i dont think anyone is saying its a train wreck with crayton as our #2 but he's just very very mediocre. the guy has very little speed, size and his best asset, hands, have failed him too many time. he's had a total of 2 catches for 17 yards the last two game combined. he's is what he is, a zoner as someone put it. he is intelligent enough to get open against a zone defense but he cant get any seperation against man defense. defenses dont respect him at all imho and when TO gets doubled, Crayton doesnt make them pay. sending Crayton deep instiles ZERO fear on Defensive coordinators. Miles has a chance to free TO up a bit especially if Miles can keep his play up.

as for canty as spears, they dont need to sack the QB but push and pressure would be nice. i see both of them being stood up at the line of scrimmage too many times on pass plays. i see ware and ellis coming around the corners only for the QB have too much room up in the pocket to setup up and buy time and complete a pass cleanly.


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fortdick;2279054 said:
Patrick Crayton is not having a good season so far. Another drop in the Packer game. He is no where to be seen. The only time you hear his name is when he runs his mouth.

I was a Crayton fan until the loss to the Giants. All the defenders can say what they want, but he quit on that route and had a huge drop. I see the same things with him this year.

Can Austin be the #2? May as well give it a try. He has better speed and has shown he has hands. Put Crayton in the slot, or even Hurd. Why with all the double teams on TO and Witten, why didn't he have a big game(s)? Maybe Romo has seen enough drops to lose confidence in him.

Whatever, the guy is not producing.

Hey, I know!! Let's hop on the Zone and nit-pick the Cowboys to death after an impressive road win...
Yeah man, that's a brilliant idea. Let's go down the entire roster and post threads on who sucks, who's too old. who's not producing, who's holding the team back... blah, blah, blah, diddy-freakin'-blah...
OK!! Rock on man! We're real Cowboys fans. We rip whoever needs to be rip and there's absolutely no holds barred in this Zone.
I mean, the Cowboys have to do something about all of these roster deficiencies if they ever want to win another game.


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Nexx;2279162 said:
i dont think anyone is saying its a train wreck with crayton as our #2 but he's just very very mediocre. the guy has very little speed, size and his best asset, hands, have failed him too many time. he's had a total of 2 catches for 17 yards the last two game combined. he's is what he is, a zoner as someone put it. he is intelligent enough to get open against a zone defense but he cant get any seperation against man defense. defenses dont respect him at all imho and when TO gets doubled, Crayton doesnt make them pay. sending Crayton deep instiles ZERO fear on Defensive coordinators. Miles has a chance to free TO up a bit especially if Miles can keep his play up.

as for canty as spears, they dont need to sack the QB but push and pressure would be nice. i see both of them being stood up at the line of scrimmage too many times on pass plays. i see ware and ellis coming around the corners only for the QB have too much room up in the pocket to setup up and buy time and complete a pass cleanly.

IDK but before we crown austin I think we need to realize who he was going up against. GB #1 CB was out for some reason and Woodson was shadowing TO so that leaves the #3 on Crayton and #4 on Austin if he can't beat their #4 then he shouldn't been on the team.


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dargonking999;2279129 said:
And it's posts like this that make you look like a agenda pushing blind man.

Why? you single out one part of a persons posts and make an outlandish exaggeration, and completely ignore the many other posts in this thread that show you the complete pointlessness of this thread.

Instead of just posting a thread bashing a player, and then only come back in to find a spot where you can bash him some more, you should try forming an opinion and then debating it like a sensible man you used to be.

Sorry, it was a cheap shot. But so many people use that argument (Crayton = TO, or similar) I jsut couldn't resist.

As I said earlier, I was a Crayton fan until the Giants game. That single game turned me against the guy. He could have made his place on this team with a catch or two in that game, but he failed. His drops this year confirm the opinion I got of him after the Giants game. He is not a clutch receiver. He is serviceable, but not clutch. His mouth also hurts him.

He should have had a big game last nite. He didn't. In fact, he didn't even appear to be on the field. Either Romo, or more likely, Garrett, has lost confidence in him, or he just isn't getting open. With TO and Witten doubled, that means he had to have been in single coverage. Why, if he is singled up, can't he get even one catch? Austin stepped in and made two huge catches. Where was Crayton?

Say what you will about Crayton, he was not in the game last nite. Why would they throw to Austin instead of Crayton? Someone on the Cowboy sideline didn't consider him last nite. For whatever reason. Why is he so low on Romo's reads if he is a solid player?

The other option is that Garrett can't figure a way to get him open. I don't believe that is the case.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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I dont know about putting Austin #2 yet but he has been lookin good.... last night and even in the pre season ( i know pre season dont mean jack )but he was catching everything thrown at him and was having great game until injury on the kick coverage......I think its great we have them both....i think its mental with Crayton he just needs to get his head right again..he didnt drop alot last year......


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DaBoys4Life;2279183 said:
IDK but before we crown austin I think we need to realize who he was going up against. GB #1 CB was out for some reason and Woodson was shadowing TO so that leaves the #3 on Crayton and #4 on Austin if he can't beat their #4 then he shouldn't been on the team.

And if Crayton couldn't beat the #3, does that make him better?

I wouldn't be against using Austin as our #2. I like what he showed so far, especially in preseason. Crayton hasn't shown much.

About nitpicking, ask this question: What would the score have been in we had a healthy Terry Glenn in the game?

Not saying that Crayton or Austin are Terry Glenn, but, a dependable #2 receiver would have opened TO more as the defense would have had to account for the other side. TO is the guy that gets hurt the most by Crayton's lack of production.

And I will say this Alvin Haper > Patrick Crayton.


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MichaelWinicki;2279091 said:

He's always looking at the guys out in the pattern in that order: TO, Witten and then either Crayton or the check-down.

I think Cowboy fans over analyze everything.

I agree.

Crayton has, what, 7 receptions on the year? I think TO has 10. It's not like TO is killing him in that department. There are only so many balls to go around people.


Messenger to the football Gods
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MichaelWinicki;2279091 said:

He's always looking at the guys out in the pattern in that order: TO, Witten and then either Crayton or the check-down.

I think Cowboy fans over analyze everything.

I agree.

He definitely isn't overlooking an open receiver. I don't care who that is.