no one is to blame


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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MichaelWinicki;1840212 said:
Neither is Jessica Simpson.

That's right...but Ice was wearing a wig yesterday. If he says otherwise he is lying because I have it on good authority he was wearing a blond wig, a red cocktail dress, and red sparkling slippers like dorothy wore in the wizard of oz.


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BrAinPaiNt;1840217 said:
That's right...but Ice was wearing a wig yesterday. If he says otherwise he is lying because I have it on good authority he was wearing a blond wig, a red cocktail dress, and red sparkling slippers like dorothy wore in the wizard of oz.

i swear to god i didn't leave the house - how did this get out?????



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iceberg;1840215 said:
blunt brutal honesty - romo had a bad game and that hurt the most. but there are a lot of things we could have done and if we're really a "one trick pony" with romo, we need to fix that and get romo more help.

it's not any singular persons fault, sp. not jones, not romo, not garrett and certainly not jessica simpson. yet how many threads do we have blaming them anyway?

it's a team sport for a reason regardless of singular views around it.

Please just give us just one...

"I hate Romo" or

"I hate Jessica Simpson" or

"I hate Jerry Jones" or

"I hate Son-of-Bum" or

"I hate this gutless defense"...

You know you want to. ;)


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ologan;1840211 said:
By and large,Ice....:hammer:

(But Bayless really does suck!!!)

bayless does suck. 90% on purpose. saying he sucks 1000 times won't make him stop, only feed his suckiness.


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iceberg;1840224 said:
bayless does suck. 90% on purpose. saying he sucks 1000 times won't make him stop, only feed his suckiness.

That's a four bagger...:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: (us old farts just love me some emoticons!)


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BrAinPaiNt;1840217 said:
That's right...but Ice was wearing a wig yesterday. If he says otherwise he is lying because I have it on good authority he was wearing a blond wig, a red cocktail dress, and red sparkling slippers like dorothy wore in the wizard of oz.

I have it on good authority that he is in fact "BUXOM". Ice,ice, baby!:D


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I'm sorry, but it is JSimpsons fault, not for being in the stands, but for that kinky stuff she has Romo doing that leaves his thumb numb... (and sore)


The Funcooker
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It's not whining. This is a forum and discussion about what we liked or didn't like.

Blame is a harsh Sunday's case, I think there were a lot of different people that screwed up on enough plays that things just didn't work out.

Passing game: Nobody can argue that Tony Romo was NOT off Sunday. His passes were often high or behind receivers. But he's not alone. A problem that has been there all year and really made itself apparent Sunday is the inability of the other WRs (Crayton, Hurd, Austin) to get open. With the coverage that both Witten and Owens receive, you'd think one of them could develop into a real clutch player.

We know that Romo's pretty much good for at least one INT per game. Normally it seems he can over come the mistakes but Sunday seemed to just not be his day.

Pass Blocking: It was one of the knocks on Marion Barber than Parcells had...and with good reason. As good as he is with the ball, his duties without the ball aren't very good. It wasn't just this game, but others where he's either wiffed on picking up blitzers or simpy run by them. He has made some players, but overall, it's why Julius Jones, despite not being the stronger runner, is the starter. Jones is more reliable in the passing game.

Offensive Line: They played good imo, though the pressure coming in after Gurode went down was obvious. Hopefully he'll be back.

Rushing game: Hard to tell because Garrett seemed to abandon it way too early. Jones/Barber are averaging 4.4yds/carry. But a lot of it does come later in the game when Dallas has been able to build a lead. I'd like to see a breakdown of rushing yards in the 1st half vs 2nd half. Sunday, they just couldn't get anything going.

Defensive Line: They played their best game of the year IMO. Jay Ratliff showed he was worth the $25mil extension and Demarcus Ware continues to be the monster we want him to be. I didn't like seeing Canty go down, but Bowen and Hatcher offer up great depth. They had pressure on McNabb almost all game and that helped the 2ndary

LBs and 2ndary. They had a good game. IMO, they gave up 2 big play: McNabb's run and Westbrook's run at the end. The DLine (Ware in particular) really kept Westbrook in check most of the game. McNabb had 208yds, but the defense held them to 1 TD and 2 FG attempts (1/2 FGs). They forced eight punts. Nice.

Roy Williams: Would you STOP with the darn horsecollar?! They named a rule banning the move for you for a reason: it's not a good thing. Somebody pointed out that the horsecollar often comes when a guy is beat and is reaching for anything. Tank showed that you can catch a guy from behind (westbrook) without resorting to a move that could potentially injure a guy.

I'd hate to see him get suspended, but he's done it so many times since the rule went into effect that maybe it's what he needs. he needs to learn hwo to change what he's doing and IMPROVE.

Coaching: Playcalling appeared...confused. There didn't seem to any kind of consistancy, which could have been a result of being stuffed by the Eagles, or bad passes forcing 3rd and longs. 1/13 on 3rd down is downright pathetic. That stat disgusted me the most. How do the Cowboys not convert on at least 25% of their 3rd downs... 7% on 3rd down... 7%.

That was just pathetic. This goes back to the other WRs (Crayton, Hurd, Austin) not seeming to be able to get open, seperate from a defender and/or find an open spot in coverage and let Romo find them.

Let's just hope they can do what they've done all year: learn and fix.


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Would not have mattered yesterday as Romo could not find his butt with both hands. ANd if he had found it he would have missed it.
ANd with Redball being stupid and trying to pass even after its clear Romo has a bad hand.
And Wade for hot kicking Redball in the butt and telling him to run the ball.


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iceberg;1840124 said:
i'll never understand it. never. we lose a game and the vast majority of people go crazy looking to blame someone. the stupidest of which is to blame jessica simpson. 70,000 people in the stands and it's her fault romo was way off in that game.

or it's jones fault for *xyz* reason. (like the reasons matter at this point)

it's this persons fault or that. it's parcells team when we win, phillips when we lose. parcells had nothing to do with this team, or everything.

the sad part is, it's the same way when we win. it wasn't enough. this person sucked, roy sucked. all the madden geniouses come out and want to trade our trash for another teams gold and these fans think it's fair and "do-able".

i've never in my life seen such a jaded, spoiled fan base. NEVER. people want refunds, jessica is yoko, wah wah wah. we're instant gratification baby and I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW!

hell, we're 12-2. this is our only second loss and i daresay, it won't be our last. romo will likey have another bad game or two in his life. it could happen you know? what will follow is a mass run of psychotic fans who demand satisfaction and a singular point of blame.

it was a bad day for romo. to dropped another one. we couldn't run.

we all knew this team wasn't "there" yet. but every week we whine and holler and trade the farm for mcfadden. we tell people how bad roy sucks and should be traded. nevermind the cap hit, that would require more football knowledge and less WAH'ing around.

we can't focus on the good around here. too many fans simply won't allow it. "i must vent and damn it - this is how i feel so you hush!!!"

what kills me more is the vast majority of the fans in here are as bad as extremeskins when the skins lose yet, every week they lose we see a "wow, meltdown!" thread as if WE'D NEVER do that here.

look around people. we're 12 and freaking 2 and have the best record in the NFC. do we have more work to do? yes. does that suprise you? would seem to. but the whiners have taken over and this just isn't as much fun as it used to be. if we said going into the season we'd be 12 and 2 at this point we'd be estatic, yet live through it and far too many are busy looking for faults and things to whine about.

have fun whining. i'm going to go enjoy our best season we've ever had to date so far and LOVE IT. if we don't make it all the way, it's ok. still proud of this team and how far we've come in relative short order. but at this point i just refuse to let the WAH WAH NOW NOW idiots take these accomplishments away cause it's not enough for them.

Well stated!:bow:


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My 10 year old was very upset near the end of the game and I just asked him if he would rather be a Miami fan.

He kind of shut up after that. It did not help that Romo and TO ruined his fantasy playoff run also!


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cost me in the fantasy world also. but it's a given they won't perform at a high level every single time they hit the field.

does anyone expect that? does anyone expect the cowboys to win every game? to *never* have a bad day? i'd hazard a guess, no. the vast majority won't expect that.

yet when we lose it's a huge personal issue to some.

sad part is the vast majority of the whiners whine just as loud after a victory.


Last of the Duke Street Kings
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iceberg;1840165 said:
i'd love to talk football and see what we could do and what we need but i HATE the:

worst thread ever
boy are you stupid
roy sucks
bayless sucks

You forgot Troy sucks.

davidyee;1840188 said:
I can't remember the name of the author, but I believe he wrote about how everything you do in adulthood you learn in the kindergarten sandbox.

So THAT'S why I fancy a good cat turd now and then!


rock music matters
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jackrussell;1840641 said:
You forgot Troy sucks.

So THAT'S why I fancy a good cat turd now and then!

cat turds can fix more than they're given credit for ya know! : )


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iceberg;1840124 said:
i'll never understand it. never. we lose a game and the vast majority of people go crazy looking to blame someone. the stupidest of which is to blame jessica simpson. 70,000 people in the stands and it's her fault romo was way off in that game.

or it's jones fault for *xyz* reason. (like the reasons matter at this point)

it's this persons fault or that. it's parcells team when we win, phillips when we lose. parcells had nothing to do with this team, or everything.

the sad part is, it's the same way when we win. it wasn't enough. this person sucked, roy sucked. all the madden geniouses come out and want to trade our trash for another teams gold and these fans think it's fair and "do-able".

i've never in my life seen such a jaded, spoiled fan base. NEVER. people want refunds, jessica is yoko, wah wah wah. we're instant gratification baby and I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW!

hell, we're 12-2. this is our only second loss and i daresay, it won't be our last. romo will likey have another bad game or two in his life. it could happen you know? what will follow is a mass run of psychotic fans who demand satisfaction and a singular point of blame.

it was a bad day for romo. to dropped another one. we couldn't run.

we all knew this team wasn't "there" yet. but every week we whine and holler and trade the farm for mcfadden. we tell people how bad roy sucks and should be traded. nevermind the cap hit, that would require more football knowledge and less WAH'ing around.

we can't focus on the good around here. too many fans simply won't allow it. "i must vent and damn it - this is how i feel so you hush!!!"

what kills me more is the vast majority of the fans in here are as bad as extremeskins when the skins lose yet, every week they lose we see a "wow, meltdown!" thread as if WE'D NEVER do that here.

look around people. we're 12 and freaking 2 and have the best record in the NFC. do we have more work to do? yes. does that suprise you? would seem to. but the whiners have taken over and this just isn't as much fun as it used to be. if we said going into the season we'd be 12 and 2 at this point we'd be estatic, yet live through it and far too many are busy looking for faults and things to whine about.

have fun whining. i'm going to go enjoy our best season we've ever had to date so far and LOVE IT. if we don't make it all the way, it's ok. still proud of this team and how far we've come in relative short order. but at this point i just refuse to let the WAH WAH NOW NOW idiots take these accomplishments away cause it's not enough for them.


The Funcooker
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All credit to the Iggles, especially Westbrook. That guy is a one-man wrecking crew. Hate the eagles, but I respect him as a football player. He really does it all for them and yesterday was a mini-showcase of that talent. I wish Barber could develop into THAT kind of player: runner, receiver, returner, pass blocker.

McNabb didn't do much (and didn't have to as it turned out). Their WRs are still crap. The defense on the otherhand did a solid job of shutting down Owens (bad passes aside) and really kept Witten in check..they gave up small gains to Witten instead of big plays (like vs Detriot).

They easily took out the 2nd+ WRs (though I think those guys don't do a good job of trying to get free IMO b/c they're often in single coverage).


Lightning Rod
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iceberg;1840124 said:
i'll never understand it. never. we lose a game and the vast majority of people go crazy looking to blame someone. the stupidest of which is to blame jessica simpson. 70,000 people in the stands and it's her fault romo was way off in that game.

or it's jones fault for *xyz* reason. (like the reasons matter at this point)

it's this persons fault or that. it's parcells team when we win, phillips when we lose. parcells had nothing to do with this team, or everything.

the sad part is, it's the same way when we win. it wasn't enough. this person sucked, roy sucked. all the madden geniouses come out and want to trade our trash for another teams gold and these fans think it's fair and "do-able".

i've never in my life seen such a jaded, spoiled fan base. NEVER. people want refunds, jessica is yoko, wah wah wah. we're instant gratification baby and I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW!

hell, we're 12-2. this is our only second loss and i daresay, it won't be our last. romo will likey have another bad game or two in his life. it could happen you know? what will follow is a mass run of psychotic fans who demand satisfaction and a singular point of blame.

it was a bad day for romo. to dropped another one. we couldn't run.

we all knew this team wasn't "there" yet. but every week we whine and holler and trade the farm for mcfadden. we tell people how bad roy sucks and should be traded. nevermind the cap hit, that would require more football knowledge and less WAH'ing around.

we can't focus on the good around here. too many fans simply won't allow it. "i must vent and damn it - this is how i feel so you hush!!!"

what kills me more is the vast majority of the fans in here are as bad as extremeskins when the skins lose yet, every week they lose we see a "wow, meltdown!" thread as if WE'D NEVER do that here.

look around people. we're 12 and freaking 2 and have the best record in the NFC. do we have more work to do? yes. does that suprise you? would seem to. but the whiners have taken over and this just isn't as much fun as it used to be. if we said going into the season we'd be 12 and 2 at this point we'd be estatic, yet live through it and far too many are busy looking for faults and things to whine about.

have fun whining. i'm going to go enjoy our best season we've ever had to date so far and LOVE IT. if we don't make it all the way, it's ok. still proud of this team and how far we've come in relative short order. but at this point i just refuse to let the WAH WAH NOW NOW idiots take these accomplishments away cause it's not enough for them.

post of the year


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I fully agree, no whiners.
Reminds me of a story Troy told one time about how he thought he would starve after losing a game because he was afraid to go out of his house and get a loaf of bread. Some fans get vicious I guess. Any one want to take Tony a loaf of bread.


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seniorette;1840952 said:
I fully agree, no whiners.
Reminds me of a story Troy told one time about how he thought he would starve after losing a game because he was afraid to go out of his house and get a loaf of bread. Some fans get vicious I guess. Any one want to take Tony a loaf of bread.

heh, don't get me wrong - we'll all vent. we need to especially vent with other fans. but things have seemed to go...well, i guess too far over to cater to the whiner and not enough to find better ways to get your point across.

romo had a terrible day. he's had 2 terrible days so far and lost 1 of those games. he's still .500 when he sucks. not many other qb's can lay claim to that.

or jessica simpson.

maybe he and jessica did party a bit much the night before. i can't think of too many men who'd tell jessica "honey, not tonight, i have a game tomorrow". i'd be too busy going for oxygen and hoping i have enough power in my cell phone to let all my friends know what (or who) i was doing that night.

then again we don't have a running game. people go crazy at garrett thinking he's all to blame and maybe he could have done a better job, ya know? but then again, maybe that's why he's not a head coach just yet. even smart people need real world experience to help define how to "win" in any given sitaution.

then again, marion is a damn good change up back but i don't think he's a starter. i know jones isn't. so when you don't really have a running game, it's hard to dust if off the few times you need it. it's hard for the OL to suddenly refocus on running vs. throwing and basically it's a mindset that's hard to suddenly switch gears over.

we know this team isn't perfect but they're playing pretty damn close to it just the same. we know we have more holes to fill, so be patient when we run into them from time to time while we work on it.

in all, we know our qb answer is resolved. he's not perfect but i can't think of any team out there sans the pats who'd say "no" to having romo as their starter. maybe peyton also and maybe palmer. ok, the browns oddly enough. but i digress.

so where do we go to fill these holes?

i may get yelled at, but i think our line needs 1 more dominate player. i think romo's mobility helps out a lot but i think it's dangerous to count on that as much as we do. but we also took martin and free, so unless a major stud falls in the draft, i don't see it happening. we spent the $ for davis last year, so FA is out. i think we're ok but something to keep an eye on for now.

RB - ah. the pinnacle of what we really need on this team. does anyone else hate the phrase "jones for 2!" as much as i do now? does anyone else think jones loves the big mans backside vs. daylight? let's end the jones experiment and put RB on the list. whether it's to continue to split time w/barber or be the #1 'dude' - we'll get to that later.

WR - glenn coming back is great, but it's only a matter of time, and we know that. put WR on the grocery list.

TE - set and match.

FB - nah. we're good.

QB? johnson scares me. during the eagles game i actually thought a hurt romo is still better than johnson. put him on the maybe list.

D - let's see.

Safety. resign hamlin and let's continue to churn and get better here. no, roy isn't going anywhere so put the crackpipe down, turn off madden, and play in reality. get therapy if needed, but stop the roy bashing. it helps not. put it on the maybe list.

CB - oh yea. newman and henry are going good but after that we've got reeves and then little nate jones. time to upgrade and have a better secondary than we do now.

DE/DT and LB - BPA if one is there but i'd not reach.

Nice to have:
SS/FS, backup QB.

from there, let's look at FA to see what we can find. for RB, turner won't cost us much and he's been bantered about. definate upgrade over jones. beyond that we'll look at what RB's are in the draft when we pick on the 1st day if not 1st round.

WR - i'd love to talk the cards out of fitz for clevelands #1. not really sold on berrian or other WR's that may be out there. even roy williams is great, but he's injured a lot. javon walker? i wanted him over TO - was wrong there, huh? that said i don't want him now for the same reasons as roy williams.

CB - again, FA but keep it mid 20's in age please and no hype. performance only.

I think our "maybe" list can be filled via FA a lot as well.

in the end we need to identify needs and fill them via FA when it makes sense, then draft from there. yes we're going to let some good players find other teams but that's a good thing (hopefully) and not a bad.

we're better than we've been in an awful long time, but we're not home yet. 1 more good year like we've had this last year or two, i think we'll be set for 5+ years to come.