No Tom Brady Here


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The sad truth:

No matter how much he saved our season or kept us in the game today, fact still remains that we don't have a great one just yet. I don't know how long we can wait for Romo to become great, given that this team is built to win NOW.

For weeks, it looked like we had ourselves another Tom Brady, but most great players step up huge when needed most and it feels like Romo did the worst when needed most. Can anybody think of a player in sports who has come back and been a great all-star after something like that?

The great ones seems to always shine no matter what. Or they at least aren't the ones who screw up the biggest. I don't think there's any excuse that can be made for Romo...nor should there be. I think every athlete dreams of moments like this...when they can lead their team to victory. That's why they play.

Even more than the useless fact that we don't have a Tom Brady-esque QB (does it really matter since nobody else does either) is where I'm left right now. There's this void in my mind. I don't think any of us can be confident in Romo going into next year. We all have hope...but man I wish I had assurance. I HOPE Romo bounces back and plays like we all know he's capable of playing. The kid is just amazing when he's at the top of his game. We saw it against Tampa this year. I just wonder if those type of games can come against Philly and the Giants ever.

Man...I sure hope so. Maybe we have no Tom Brady...but I would be just as happy with a great Tony Romo.


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Just because he made 1 big mistake in his first playoff start doesn't mean he won't be a great one. Ask John Elway. He could've given up a good 15 years before he won his two SBs.

Now all this comparison to Elway or Brady or anyone else for that matter is premature. But I think Romo has the ability to be an excellent QB in this league, as he has shown 'IT' all season. One mistake doesn't take that away.


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The truth is Romo is a great quarterback but he is not suited to this type of offense. Romo would be great in a west coast offense in which he could dump it off in the flats and run outside the pocket and throw downfield. He reminds me so much of Jeff Garcia and Donovan McNabb in that he is really athletic but lacks the big arm and height to stand in the pocket and deliver. Unless, we have a west coast offense, I just don't see Romo having great success here.

The only way Romo can compensate for his lack of physical abilities is if he spends a month with Peyton Manning and learn from him how to be a student of the game so that he can get rid of the ball quickly and make lightening quick decisions. Otherwise, he doesn't have the arm to really thread the needle while making late decions.


Forum Architect
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There's not another quarterback in the NFL today that stacks up to Tom Brady. The guy is heads and shoulders above the rest of the field when it comes to what he's accomplished.

"No Tom Brady Here" could be posted on, oh, 31 NFL message boards.


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Dale;1296456 said:
There's not another quarterback in the NFL today that stacks up to Tom Brady. The guy is heads and shoulders above the rest of the field when it comes to what he's accomplished.

"No Tom Brady Here" could be posted on, oh, 31 NFL message boards.

Likewise, we have to stop delluding ourselves into thinking we will be the next lottery winners to get a Tom Brady in the 6th round or some baseball park.


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Early on, it'd be fair to say Romo benefitted from his anonymity (no real game film on him) and beginner's luck. I still think his height is a problem in the pocket, but if Brees can make it work, so can he.


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bbgun;1296476 said:
Early on, it'd be fair to say Romo benefitted from his anonymity (no real game film on him) and beginner's luck. I still think his height is a problem in the pocket, but if Brees can make it work, so can he.

ehh i dont think its that big a problem. He is 6'2" that is plenty tall enough IMO


Forum Architect
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mr.jameswoods;1296459 said:
Likewise, we have to stop delluding ourselves into thinking we will be the next lottery winners to get a Tom Brady in the 6th round or some baseball park.

I agree that part of this team's problems is it's been committing to quarterbacks simply not worth committing to.

And I think Parcells' failure here can be attributed to the lack of stability at quarterback as much as the lackluster defensive coordinator. I mean, he's essentially had a different starting quarterback in each season he's been here. That's no way to win.

The question becomes is Romo worth committing to? In my opinion, yes. My explanation is as follows:

When the Cowboys committed to Hutchinson and Carter, there was no evidence they'd ever be any good -- other than we invested money and/or draft picks in them. We headed down the wrong path and continued heading down it.

With Romo, he was never really "handed" this job in that fashion. When he replaced Bledsoe, many were willing to admit he'd probably be no good. We were just so fed up with Bledsoe, another guy not worth committing to, that we were ready for anything else.

Well, as it turned out, the guy could actually play. Unlike Carter, Hutch or Henson, we're not just assuming this guy will be good someday. He's actually done something halfway respectable on the football field.

He had his ups, and his downs, as one might have expected. But his overall body of work was pretty good -- remarkable, even, at times.

To me, this is the sort of young quarterback you suddenly commit to. He's actually accomplished something, it's not just wishful thinking.

You said you don't think he fits this offense, yet he posted a pretty respectable season here. Maybe with a full offseason of planning, we do a better job of molding this offense to his strengths? Maybe he improves, even if only a little? And while he doesn't have the strongest arm, he's been effective most of the season at throwing downfield.

I'm not a fan for "settling" at quarterback. It's my opinion you need a high quality quarterback to win consistently in this league. I think Romo has shown every flash we'd hope to see -- attitude, accuracy, ability to move the ball, make nearly every throw, perform in the clutch.

Granted, he hasn't done each of those things perfectly all the time. But he's done enough to suggest to me that he's not simply incapable at [fill in the blank.]

The thing I like about Romo is we never went out searching for this guy in someone's backyard, like we did with the other guys. He emerged on his own doing. Hutchinson, Henson and Carter were basically given the "quarterback of the future" labels by Jerry. Romo went out and played for it.


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I have been skeptical of Romomania since the Carolina game. NFL teams typically need a few games of film before they really have "a book" on a player.

That said, I do believe he has a future. Just as it was way too early to anoint the kid our savior, I believe we shouldn't be so quick to write him off either.

Young QBs struggle. That's what they do. I'm not certain he's a perennial Pro Bowler, but he's a compentent NFL starter. And I do think a lot of his problems can be cleaned up. I really do.


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I don't have a problem with committing to Romo but have a backup plan in case. The QB position is the most important position on your team and we have been gambling on that since Aikman left. Romo is still a gamble. He is undersized and reminds me a lot of Jake Plummer in that he is great outside the pocket and average in it. Like Jake Plummer, Romo doesn't seem comfortable unless he is moving.

Get the classic pocket passer and let him sit behind Romo. People called San Diego foolish for having Phillip Rivers on the roster when they were saying they should trade him. If Romo falters, at least you have a legitimate prospect on your roster. We have not had a legitimate QB prospect here since Aikman. Quincy was a reach. Henson and Hutchinson didn't deserve to play in the NFL. Testaverde and Bledsoe were way past their prime.

If Romo turns into the next Peyton Manning, then trade our golden boy prospect that had been riding our bench for 1-2 years.


Forum Architect
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mr.jameswoods;1296486 said:

I don't have a problem with committing to Romo but have a backup plan in case. The QB position is the most important position on your team and we have been gambling on that since Aikman left. Romo is still a gamble. He is undersized and reminds me a lot of Jake Plummer in that he is great outside the pocket and average in it. Like Jake Plummer, Romo doesn't seem comfortable unless he is moving.

Get the classic pocket passer and let him sit behind Romo. People called San Diego foolish for having Phillip Rivers on the roster when they were saying they should trade him. If Romo falters, at least you have a legitimate prospect on your roster. We have not had a legitimate QB prospect here since Aikman. Quincy was a reach. Henson and Hutchinson didn't deserve to play in the NFL. Testaverde and Bledsoe were way past their prime.

If Romo turns into the next Peyton Manning, then trade our golden boy prospect that had been riding our bench for 1-2 years.

I agree on the backup thing. I'm not really opposed to having a young guy behind Romo. But, if we were to draft someone high, it better be a darn good prospect. Not sure if any of those will be there high this year? No more reaching, please, on bad prospects. :)

To be honest, I don't know what to expect of next season. Who's coaching? Who's returning? Is this a rebuilding team or a win-it-now team? I'm assuming the moves made will be to help make this team an immediate winner. If so, I think it's imperative the Cowboys sign a respectable, veteran backup (one that's actually willing to be a backup). Romo needs someone to look up to in a sense, and the Cowboys also need an insurance option in case of injury.


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Dale;1296488 said:
I agree on the backup thing. I'm not really opposed to having a young guy behind Romo. But, if we were to draft someone high, it better be a darn good prospect. Not sure if any of those will be there high this year? No more reaching, please, on bad prospects. :)

To be honest, I don't know what to expect of next season. Who's coaching? Who's returning? Is this a rebuilding team or a win-it-now team? I'm assuming the moves made will be to help make this team an immediate winner. If so, I think it's imperative the Cowboys sign a respectable, veteran backup (one that's actually willing to be a backup). Romo needs someone to look up to in a sense, and the Cowboys also need an insurance option in case of injury.

And Dale, I totally agree. I don't really see anyone that great. Even Notre Dame's golden boy has a strange release when he kicks his back leg up in the air after throwing. It's annoying. But this year, you had three great prospects in Young, Leinart and Cutler. Jerry could have and should have traded up to get one of them on the roster. If something like that is available in future drafts, then you jump on those opportunities even if it means that you trade up to do so.

I think the Cowboys need to upgrade their offensive line by acquiring two tackles this offseason. We need to sign or trading up for a quality starting tackle and then a veteran player who has years of experience playing tackle.


Forum Architect
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mr.jameswoods;1296490 said:
And Dale, I totally agree. I don't really see anyone that great. Even Notre Dame's golden boy has a strange release when he kicks his back leg up in the air after throwing. It's annoying. But this year, you had three great prospects in Young, Leinart and Cutler. Jerry could have and should have traded up to get one of them on the roster. If something like that is available in future drafts, then you jump on those opportunities even if it means that you trade up to do so.

I think the Cowboys need to upgrade their offensive line by acquiring two tackles this offseason. We need to sign or trading up for a quality starting tackle and then a veteran player who has years of experience playing tackle.

Not sold on Colombo?

Offensive line definitely needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, I have no confidence this staff can go out and find the right guys. The inability to find talent along the line has been one of the most befuddling things of this Parcells era.

With that said, I bet you'll be pleased when the reigns are given to McQuistan -- what, a 6th rounder? -- in training camp next year. :laugh2:


Star Power
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You're right. If Romo was, they would have invented a new rule on the tackle that prevented him from getting the first down which would given the Cowboys back the ball.


Well-Known Member
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I agree, comparing him to Brady is just: wrong. I'll repeat it again: the O-line is to blame guys. I look for Kosier and Rivera to be gone next year and maybe Gurode too. WAY too soft up the middle. How do you think Aikman would have done with a line like this? Or even Emmitt? Think real hard before you answer that question........................


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jesusphreak;1296441 said:
Just because he made 1 big mistake in his first playoff start doesn't mean he won't be a great one. Ask John Elway. He could've given up a good 15 years before he won his two SBs.

Now all this comparison to Elway or Brady or anyone else for that matter is premature. But I think Romo has the ability to be an excellent QB in this league, as he has shown 'IT' all season. One mistake doesn't take that away.

Romo made more than just one mistake. Aside from the fumbled field goal attempt, he played very poorly at the QB position last night. 75% of his passes were drilled into the ground or at the receivers' ankles. He played very poorly.


Semper Fidelis
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Romo hasn't had a great run lately but neither has the whole team. It's the same thing that has happened for years. I definitely think he is capable of doing well. We never expected to even go to the playoffs in the first place when we replaced Bledsoe. They say that no NFL quarterback, in his first season as a starter, has won his first postseason start while playing on the road since 1979 so this is not out of the ordinary. I think that you give the guy the keys next year and it will be his team from the start. That, along with some tweaking in the offseason, and I think the flashes of potential he's shown this year will become the norm for him.