Obvious that Jerry's "All-In" Meant Something Different


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I think Jerry throws quotes around solely to create a buzz and spur reactions from the pundits; in this way the Cowboys are relevant in the only way they can be…in the media.
Or maybe, in this instance, perhaps “all in” meant he was intending to sign Dak to his $240 MM contract…it certainly didn’t mean he was going to actively acquire players to strengthen positions of need within the team.


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It's my view that Jerry lives in a world of confirmation bias.

All in?

A glimpse into his mind might look like this - obviously Dak is a franchise QB, CD is a No 1 WR, and MP is a generational defensive talent... sign them and I will build around this core because I'm the genius that divined their presence on my team in the first place. And, because I did, I will have a competitive team that makes them attractive to the markets which will enrich me. The rest? Opportunistic and fluid. Gaps? Will always have gaps. Good enough roster. All I need is good coaching to coach em' up and maybe we can catch a Super Bowl every now and then. Winning? Not the goal. Relevance is the goal. Flux and controversy sells.


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It meant that we should stop listening to Jerry and the Cowboys media and only pay attention to their actions.

That means Ignore the hype about how great the team is and the players. Parcels said it best. You are what your record says you are. At the end of this year the Cowboys record will be what they deserve and the only judgement on Jerry's performance that matters.