Offensive Line concerns me

Fla Cowpoke

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Panicking after three days? Wow. Just wow!

Have you tried scouting out other sites? In almost every camp report I have read from other teams, the defense is kicking the offense's butt. It's what need more cohesion on the OL and with the offense in general.

We are working multiple new guys in on offense in Owens, Kosier and Fasano and using a new base offense. Give it a chance before bailing. And if you should decide to hit that panic button, how is it going to help you?


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Fla Cowpoke said:
Panicking after three days? Wow. Just wow!

Have you tried scouting out other sites? In almost every camp report I have read from other teams, the defense is kicking the offense's butt. It's what need more cohesion on the OL and with the offense in general.

We are working multiple new guys in on offense in Owens, Kosier and Fasano and using a new base offense. Give it a chance before bailing. And if you should decide to hit that panic button, how is it going to help you?

would it help if you knew there was those of us who were wanting to hit it last year and then through much of this pre-season?

that said, yes. it's far too early to tell who's "right" or "wrong" in all this. we won't know till the season starts or well into the late pre-season. i'd love to be wrong here, i'll say that now. but i just don't see what we did add up to a good enough line for drew.


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Just because you cannot see it does not mean it did not happen.


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burmafrd said:
Just because you cannot see it does not mean it did not happen.

and just because you THINK you see it doesn't mean it did either, now does it?

we can play "my opinion is smarter than your opinion" all day long dude.


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iceberg said:
would it help if you knew there was those of us who were wanting to hit it last year and then through much of this pre-season?

that said, yes. it's far too early to tell who's "right" or "wrong" in all this. we won't know till the season starts or well into the late pre-season. i'd love to be wrong here, i'll say that now. but i just don't see what we did add up to a good enough line for drew.

Good post. It is a valid concern. To dismiss the possibility of our Oline sucking is a fatal error. Setting yourselves up for a fall. But I can see where the optomist would dismiss it. Hope springs eternal and all that stuff. Optomism is a good thing, but you guys should at least not bag on a guy for expressing a real concern. Suppose he is right, Not only do you guys have to hear it from them, your boys will be sucking big time while getting crow shoved down your throat. Better to cosider and prepare for that option and it be moot then to ignore it and get blindsided by a 3-13 season. At least if you go into the season thinking theirs a possibility you could suck, it wont seem half as bad as if you sucked thinking your gunna win the SB.

Just consider the possibility our Oline is no better then it was last year is all I am saying. Its a real possibility. We did little to upgrade the oline IMO.


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bbgun said:
My finger is hovering above the button. The fact that everyone is more or less healthy (yet still getting pushed around) is the biggest indictment.


since i have a personal interest in the o-line, would you refer me to the stories that spell out where every o-lineman is getting pushed around. now, i have been reading articles on a few different sites and blog pages and have not seen anything that even comes close to what you are saying. i've seen articles where one or more o-lineman are struggling in individual drills, but i've also seen where the offense is running the ball at 5 yard clips.

while last years play dictates concern, we haven't even settled on a starting offense at every position. maybe a little patience will help with the blood pressure until at least the first scrimmage or even the first pre-season game. after that i think we'll know alot more about this o-line and team.


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bbgun said:
My finger is hovering above the button. The fact that everyone is more or less healthy (yet still getting pushed around) is the biggest indictment.


You might want to actually see the team play for yourself before hitting that button. BTW, aren't you always in panic-mode anyway? So what does pushing the panic button actually mean for you?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
pittdawg said:
since i have a personal interest in the o-line, would you refer me to the stories that spell out where every o-lineman is getting pushed around. now, i have been reading articles on a few different sites and blog pages and have not seen anything that even comes close to what you are saying. i've seen articles where one or more o-lineman are struggling in individual drills, but i've also seen where the offense is running the ball at 5 yard clips.

while last years play dictates concern, we haven't even settled on a starting offense at every position. maybe a little patience will help with the blood pressure until at least the first scrimmage or even the first pre-season game. after that i think we'll know alot more about this o-line and team.

Hey, pittdawg, Rob is looking really good, physically, from last year! I'm wishing him well this year...

About the Oline, as you can read here, there are some posters on this site that do nothing but complain about the Oline without even seeing, or even watching what is going on! But, boy oh boy, they sure as hell know it's going to fail...and the season is gonna get ruined because Parcells does not care about the Oline, at all! ;) These poster got all the's just noone will listen to them! They know they are "right"...damnit!

Anyway, I have good feelings about this year, and I think after training camp is over, and the wheat has been seperated from the chaff, the Oline will be way more then good enough to do what it's intended to do.

But, the type "b" personalities are what makes the world go around, I suppose! :confused:

Give Rob all the best from us Cowboy fans...I'll be rooting for him!



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pittdawg said:
while last years play dictates concern, we haven't even settled on a starting offense at every position. maybe a little patience will help with the blood pressure until at least the first scrimmage or even the first pre-season game. after that i think we'll know alot more about this o-line and team.
Yeah. And with all due respect, I'm thinking the first preseason game is still way too early.

During last year's first preseason game, the OL and Bledsoe looked horrible and, judging only by that game, the situation looked hopeless.

I'm guessing that the OL is going to look bad in the beginning of the preseason, but then will steady itself and improve.


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ZeroClub said:
Yeah. And with all due respect, I'm thinking the first preseason game is still way too early.

During last year's first preseason game, the OL and Bledsoe looked horrible and, judging only by that game, the situation looked hopeless.

I'm guessing that the OL is going to look bad in the beginning of the preseason, but then will steady itself and improve.

you're probably right. i just hope they settle on the starting five lineman early and let them play together thru pre-season. continuity and familiararity with each other are extremely important.


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I'm probably one of the biggest critics you will find on the offensive line. Although it doesn't sound good so far, it IS way too early to press the freak-out button. Let's rehash it after the 2nd or 3rd pre-season game. I believe we will only be as good as this offensive line or at least we will only go so far without it meshing and executing. We lost LA and honestly, we haven't done much to improve it, I believe it's going to be tough to put out a decent line if players like Rob don't step up. I hope he will.


Regular Joe....
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pittdawg said:
you're probably right. i just hope they settle on the starting five lineman early and let them play together thru pre-season. continuity and familiararity with each other are extremely important.

I doubt that will happen. To may questions all along the line. BP is going to want to see how the 2nd and 3rd year guys work with the first team for evaluation purposes. Questions on Adams (injury), Columbo (injury), Gurode (Starting Center), Johnson (Starting Center or can he play guard), Rivera (injury), Peterman (is he there yet) RP (has he improved enough from last year) Koshier (new to the O). Just way to many questions we need to get answers to. I honestly expect to see lots of different combinations through out camp and pre-season. JMO.


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stiletto said:
We lost LA and honestly, we haven't done much to improve it, I believe it's going to be tough to put out a decent line if players like Rob don't step up. I hope he will.

We lost LA a couple of years ago. It just took awhile to actually have his name off the roster.


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wileedog said:
We lost LA a couple of years ago. It just took awhile to actually have his name off the roster.

LOL - that is true. This line has been basically pathetic for at least 3-4 seasons. It started out "OK" last year and disintegrated when Flobee went down....not much confidence at all in this line.


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pittdawg said:
since i have a personal interest in the o-line, would you refer me to the stories that spell out where every o-lineman is getting pushed around. now, i have been reading articles on a few different sites and blog pages and have not seen anything that even comes close to what you are saying. i've seen articles where one or more o-lineman are struggling in individual drills, but i've also seen where the offense is running the ball at 5 yard clips.

while last years play dictates concern, we haven't even settled on a starting offense at every position. maybe a little patience will help with the blood pressure until at least the first scrimmage or even the first pre-season game. after that i think we'll know alot more about this o-line and team.

well said pittdawg, I have to agree with you. The o-line will be much better by the second preseason game. Whether that's playoff good or not, there's no point in worrying about yet.

Did you hear your son on ESPN radio yesterday? He said something like "at least I can say I did everything I could this offseason to get ready" or something like that. Sounded like he was pretty pleased with the offseason and felt he had a good chance to retake his starting position. Also sounded like all the negatives about him in the media and such motivated him this summer.


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C'mon folks! We were three missed field goals from being 12-4 last year. The defense is going to be dominating, T.O. just being on the field will take pressure off Bledsoe and Jones. I see a vastly improved team over last year.

The main question when predicting this season comes doen to this:

Which team in the NFC east has helped itself the most?

Did we improve more than the Eagles? Definately

Did we improve more than the Giants, probably

Did we improve more than the Skins? I think T.O. is worth more than all the WRs they added. We got Capenter Ayodele, they lost Arington. I say this is a big yes, too.

I see a three win improvement just in the kicking game. Last years rookies are all experienced, stronger, and more familiar with the game. Some of the hurts are healed, although I am wondering about Rivera.

You may be in panic mode BBGun, but I see improvement across the board!