Official Damn Nature, You Scary Thread


Komodo Dragon.

Mouth/saliva contains 80 different strains of bacteria in a cocktail that slowly will kill you over 2 days. Then, all of his Komodo friends come and group-feast on your body.
casmith07;4436764 said:

Komodo Dragon.

Mouth/saliva contains 80 different strains of bacteria in a cocktail that slowly will kill you over 2 days. Then, all of his Komodo friends come and group-feast on your body.

This is true...I watched a National Geographic on them and it showed one bite a Water Buffalo on the ankle and then proceeded to watch it sloooooowly get weaker and weaker over days...all the while the Buffalo knew it was watching it and tried as hard as it could to stay upright...until it just couldn't anymore and then they all came in and I turned the channel.

rkell87;4437089 said:

That's amazing. I just watched something the other day about Mongols using eagles to hunt wolves.
rkell87;4437089 said:
golden eagle

kills badgers, grey wolves, and even bears


You do know there is no way that those birds are going to take on and kill a Grizzly Bear, right? They will snap at them to chase them from nesting/mating areas as in that video shows but there is no Golden Eagle alive that has killed a Grizz.

If that bird ever got its talons enough into that bears hide (which they would never do) it would be over for the bird. Once they could not get away fast enough before the bear tore them apart, because the bear would go immediately to the ground and roll, probably killing bird outright (700+ lbs > 40lbs) or harm it so much it would soon die.

The GE in that video never even touches the bear. Im sure the screeching and swooping and not knowing where it was did however make the bear want to be elsewhere.

Cool bird though and huge talons, but not bear quality talons. :D
Wimbo;4437182 said:

That is one amazing fish. The speed and strength of the Goliath Tiger is awesome. Add to the fact of the fast currents they get into and it is one of the hardest fish to land w/ R&R.

Simply one of my favorite fish.
rkell87;4436161 said:
BTW the tarantula hawk has the second most painful sting in the world

After all these years I find out why it hurt so so bad for so long.
That thing almost killed me,Whipping along at 40mph and took it in my shirt front and out my short sleeve,hit me twice. Locked the brakes and took forever to stop before I could get off and shuck my shirt looking for it.
I saw it when it hit me but never saw it leave out.
Another life lesson was administered by a pretty beetle we called "Cow Killers" when I was young and dumb.Has velour yellow top side and black underneath.
Stomped it to death in loose sand and picked it up to admire my handiwork, that is when I found out it can still sting.
Ask me what I found out about yellow jackets sometime.:eek:
Dallas;4437189 said:
That is one amazing fish. The speed and strength of the Goliath Tiger is awesome. Add to the fact of the fast currents they get into and it is one of the hardest fish to land w/ R&R.

Simply one of my favorite fish.
I prefere filets thank you very much.

This is a pretty epic thread. The term "scorpion fly" scares the poop out of me.

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