OG battle: McGovern vs Williams


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Tyler has been a center all this time, from what i read, he's never started any games at OG, in college and he is nowhere near as agile and athletic as Williams.
You protect him by leaving him at a position he's excelled at, letting him physically recover whole and slowly working him into the role
he works best at and not exposing him to go one on one vs the likes of Aaron Donald.
connor is the weakest link on the oline. Sorry, its just the truth.


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if Joe Looney proves himself to be the starter, why not then have our 5 best olineman on the field? I truly feel MM will think like this and find a way to get his best 5 guys out there. Is Connor Williams the best LG? I have serious doubts. Tyler has played some guard btw in college and HS. He is very good. SO GOOD, that maybe he will sway MM to get him onto the field. I just dont think he will be ready for center just yet. I like Looney there. Connor Williams wont get a free pass from this staff. Its a clean slate.

When did Tyler start or play any games in college at OG ? He was converted from defense to center at Wisconsin and developed into a stand out center since.
Biadasz started at center in all 41 games throughout his collegiate career.


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connor is the weakest link on the oline. Sorry, its just the truth.

You'll likely attempt to make it even weaker if you're determined to force Tyler to start at OG than center.
Just not neccessary. Stay patient.


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You'll likely attempt to make it even weaker if you're determined to force Tyler to start at OG than center.
Just not neccessary. Stay patient.
I love the kid,he's tough. Comes from a great program. I just want my best 5 dudes on the front line. Until we see it with Williams, I am not trusting him. Not trying to be harsh with him, but we have to have open competition there. MM has a history of going with youngsters if he feels they are better suited. He doesnt care.


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Is Connor Williams even healthy enough to play 10 months after ACL surgery? I guess as a guard he can just strap a big brace on and not worry about having to make cuts on the knee. But has there been any talk of him being 100% for camp?

He must be, because unlike Poe and Crawford, the team didn't put Williams on the PUP list.


Maui No Ka Oi
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Have no idea if true or not, but with William's being so athletic, wouldn't he be better suited to swing tackle ?
With his ACL injury, who knows how ready he will be this year. As others have said, ideally its Smith, McGovern, Biadazz, Martin, and Collins. William's as our swing Tackle, and LT in waiting.
We have alot of depth for the guard and center positions.
But this season - if they play, its likely to start out Smith, William's, Looney, Martin and Collins.


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I don't see McGovern battling Williams for the guard spot. I see him battling Looney and Biadasz for the center spot. The left guard spot is in decent hands despite what many think of Williams. The center spot is up for grabs with Looney having the edge right now because of a lack of preseason.

Maybe eventually we'll get Biadasz at center and McGovern at guard, but I think we might be a year away from that combo.
I concur


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The likes of Connor Williams, Joe Looney have the inside track to start the season due to their experience. However, I believe Biadasz was handpicked by MM and has a chance to start day 1. It comes down to his health and his ability to pick up the offense quickly enough.


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NOT HAPPENING. Most pundits have said he likely wont be starting this year and its Looney's job. Plus camp reps will be a huge question,not to mention no preseason. The deck is stacked against the kid to start. But I do think he may be our best option at guard..left guard. I'm Luke warm on connor Williams

Most believe McGovern is our best option at LG. And thats from many that haven't even seen him play at all.
Its a premise speculation of Mac's draft status as a 3rd rd pick and scouting profile.- and add on to their disappointment and criticism
of Williams.
And it's a different between Tyler not starting early this year.. vs not starting at all this year.

and If Biadasz is everything as advertised he should be starting over Looney at some point of the first half of the season.
Its' up to you to keep this notion of Tyler at OG, where he has never even played in college vs where he has excelled to be
one of the finest centers in the NFL
But to convert a rookie into a position he has never played before in college, not having the athleticism as Williams,
not having any sufficient camp or live game experience to prepare this summer, but yet you want him
starting Day one vs Defensive Player of the 2018 in Aaron Donald on opening day ?

Doesn't sound like placing him in best position to succeed but more so setting him up for the worst way position he can fail.


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Have no idea if true or not, but with William's being so athletic, wouldn't he be better suited to swing tackle ?
With his ACL injury, who knows how ready he will be this year. As others have said, ideally its Smith, McGovern, Biadazz, Martin, and Collins. William's as our swing Tackle, and LT in waiting.
We have alot of depth for the guard and center positions.
But this season - if they play, its likely to start out Smith, William's, Looney, Martin and Collins.

as others have already noted, he's not on the PUP list so it's been assumed he's ready to go with his ACL.

The only thing i'm not sure of is the new OL coach Joe Philibin. Dunno what's his mindset and preparation is.
He could be old school with going with experienced vets vs inexperienced ones.
His way of going about business maybe totally different than a Marc Columbo.


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If someone were to replace Looney at center, my money would be on Biadasz.
People forget that McCarthy just had his first draft and doesn't owe Looney or any other player a job because of experience or what Garrett would have done. Biadasz most likely gets the starting job at center sometime this season, whether it's week 1 or week 17


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Williams pick was a head scratcher. His draft profile was literally "Amazing rookie year, sophmore slump, and injured junior year. IF he can stay healthy and IF he can switch positions and IF he can play at his freshmen level then he'll be a good pickup"

I know nothing is a sure thing in the draft but that's alot of "ifs" for a top 50 pick.......

4 knee surgeries in the last 3 seasons hasn't helped his case either. Not durable and most would say not a good fit for guard.