OH NO! Pat Watkins Was a DeadSkins FAN!


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Well, my brother in law used to play in the league, and the one thing he let me know is that you are a fan of the team that signs your checks. You are a fan of the team that pays your mortgage.

This is really a non-issue.


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sadams said:

Got a minute? Pat Watkins

By BRIAN LANDMAN, Times Staff Writer
Published September 16, 2004

What's your favorite video game? It's either Madden '05 or the new James Bond game.
What's the last movie you saw?
I, Robot.
What did you think?
I loved it. It had a great storyline and a great finish.
Are you a Will Smith fan, then?
I'm a real big Will Smith fan. Him and Denzel.
Do you have a favorite NFL team?
I'd have to say the Washington Commanders. I love watching Clinton Portis run.
Do you pick up things as a defensive player watching a guy like Portis?
You see how someone like that operates in the open field, it helps you learn. ... It helps me out when I'm not seeing running backs moving as fast.
[Last modified September 16, 2004, 01:32:19]

:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

The Realist

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felix360 said:
Thats why he didnt sound to excited when he was on the phone with JJ and BP you could tell in his voice he was that thrilled

It may have had something to do with the fact that he was graded a 2nd or 3rd rounder.

Ya think?


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sadams said:
http://www.sptimes.com/2004/09/16/Sports/Got_a_minute_Pat_Watk.shtmlDo you have a favorite NFL team?
I'd have to say the Washington Commanders. I love watching Clinton Portis run.
I enjoyed watching Portis run when he was in Denver too. I mean can you honestly say you'd prefer to have JuJo over Portis? I mean let's be serious. I'd take Portis over JuJo in a heartbeat. Portis is a darn good back, it's just a shame that he has to play for that team.

And to the other thread talking about JuJo's favorite team growing up.. yes, he was a Skins fan.



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The Realist said:

I'll never understand that logic.....

Fast forward to 24:55.....

Does it even matter?

Thank God our front office isn't that dumb.

It's one thing to have been a fan of a team; it's another to remain one even after playing for the Cowboys or any other team. Bobby Carpenter was a Giants fan and said so, but now he's all about the Cowboys. I as a fan can believe he will be a Cowboy at heart.

I get a different vibe regarding Watkins and Burnett; did they renounce their former teams when they mentioned being fans of them?

Of course this does not affect the game much itself as all the men involved are professionals-- but WE are fans.

When I root for players more often than not I find they bleed silver and blue. Roger, Troy, Lilly, Irvin-- those guys retired Cowboys. Emmitt was a Cowboy through and through, regardless of joining the Cardinals late. It's illogical, but it hurt seeing Charles Haley return to the 49ers because he had meant alot to the Cowboys' resurgence.

So you're right, it ISN'T logic, it's passion, and I think it takes passion to play football and be counted among the very best Cowboys.


Just taking it easy
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DCowboyz said:
I forgive him.. People in life make mistakes.. Thank god Julius has recovered.. Now its Pat's turn.
He's just a football player --He can be reprogrammed with the
proper information:laugh1:


The Quiet Man
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sadams said:
Do you have a favorite NFL team?
I'd have to say the Washington Commanders. I love watching Clinton Portis run.

It doesn't really matter. Besides, it's not as though he sounds like some sort of diehard fan with an answer like that. It sounds more like someone without a true favorite team who picked one player he likes and says that player's team is the favorite. Sort of like one of those Vinny Testaverde fans. Another analogy would be asking someone what their favorite car is and they answer, "I'll have to say Dodge Magnum. I love those Hemi motors."

The Realist

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ravidubey said:
It's one thing to have been a fan of a team; it's another to remain one even after playing for the Cowboys or any other team. Bobby Carpenter was a Giants fan and said so, but now he's all about the Cowboys. I as a fan can believe he will be a Cowboy at heart.

I get a different vibe regarding Watkins and Burnett; did they renounce their former teams when they mentioned being fans of them?

Of course this does not affect the game much itself as all the men involved are professionals-- but WE are fans.

When I root for players more often than not I find they bleed silver and blue. Roger, Troy, Lilly, Irvin-- those guys retired Cowboys. Emmitt was a Cowboy through and through, regardless of joining the Cardinals late. It's illogical, but it hurt seeing Charles Haley return to the 49ers because he had meant alot to the Cowboys' resurgence.

So you're right, it ISN'T logic, it's passion, and I think it takes passion to play football and be counted among the very best Cowboys.

"We're going to have a young, angry defense."

Who said that?

Rookie Symposium last year - Who organized all the Cowboy's rookies and had them running wind sprints on a field close to the meetings?

Would you consider that passion?

Renounce their former teams?

I must have missed them playing in the NFL prior to us drafting them.

Woody HATED the Cowboys growing up.

When did he renounce his former team?

When did Julius renounce the Commanders?

When did Petiti renounce the Giants?

The Realist

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What was it like when Jerry Jones and Bill Parcells called you and said you were about to become a Dallas Cowboy?

Watkins: “It was the greatest feeling in the world. I love the Cowboys


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Football players are football fans. It's silly to expect EVERYONE we draft to be a Cowboys fan.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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ravidubey said:
It's one thing to have been a fan of a team; it's another to remain one even after playing for the Cowboys or any other team. Bobby Carpenter was a Giants fan and said so, but now he's all about the Cowboys. I as a fan can believe he will be a Cowboy at heart.

I get a different vibe regarding Watkins and Burnett; did they renounce their former teams when they mentioned being fans of them?

Of course this does not affect the game much itself as all the men involved are professionals-- but WE are fans.

When I root for players more often than not I find they bleed silver and blue. Roger, Troy, Lilly, Irvin-- those guys retired Cowboys. Emmitt was a Cowboy through and through, regardless of joining the Cardinals late. It's illogical, but it hurt seeing Charles Haley return to the 49ers because he had meant alot to the Cowboys' resurgence.

So you're right, it ISN'T logic, it's passion, and I think it takes passion to play football and be counted among the very best Cowboys.

KNOXVILLE — When the first round of the NFL Draft came and went yesterday without Kevin Burnett's name being called, he strayed as far away from a television set as possible.

''You learn to be patient, real patient,'' said the former Tennessee All-SEC linebacker.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait much longer for the call he's been dreaming about since he first started playing football. The Dallas Cowboys selected him in the second round with the 42nd pick overall.

Burnett was the fourth linebacker taken in this year's draft, and in vintage form, he doesn't mind saying that the Cowboys got a bargain.

''I'm just ready to play. That's all there is to it,'' Burnett said. ''I thought I would have probably gone earlier, but you take it how it comes. The Cowboys wanted me. They got me, and I'm happy. Now it's on me to show them what kind of football player I am.''

The intriguing part of the Cowboys picking Burnett is they plan to move to a 3-4 defense, which means Burnett could end up playing inside or outside. He played outside linebacker in Tennessee's 4-3 scheme.

But as Tennessee defensive coordinator John Chavis pointed out, the 6-foot-3, 234-pound Burnett has been the essence of versatility throughout his career.

Burnett becomes the ninth Tennessee linebacker to be drafted since Chavis took over as defensive coordinator in 1995.

''Kevin's the kind of athlete that can play at lot of different places,'' Chavis said. ''A good football player can adapt, and I don't think it will be a problem for Kevin whether they play him inside or outside.

''He's smart and competitive, and whatever they want him to do, he'll do. He never played linebacker until he got to Tennessee. He was a safety in high school, so that shows he's willing to adjust and do what you ask him to do.''

Burnett said he talked with both Cowboys Coach Bill Parcells and owner Jerry Jones by phone.

''(Parcells) said, 'Are you ready to be a Cowboy?' I picked you for a reason,' '' Burnett recalled. ''I told him, 'I've been ready.' ''

The false alarms yesterday were the toughest part for Burnett. Twice during the first round, he said teams called and indicated they were about to pick him.

Burnett said he heard virtually nothing from the Cowboys leading up to the draft, but he correctly predicted that he wouldn't land with any of the teams showing the most interest.

When the call finally came, Burnett said a million thoughts raced through his head. He was celebrating with what he estimated were 100 friends and family members at his mother Rhonda Hickman's house in Carson, Calif.

''My mom cried. A lot of people cried,'' Burnett said. ''I just thought about how hard I'd worked, everything I'd put into it and what I'm getting out of it.''

Burnett also thought about the irony of going back to Dallas after the Vols played there a few months ago in the Cotton Bowl. They practiced at Texas Stadium and used the Cowboys' facilities. Burnett will also be reuniting with his former UT teammate, tight end Jason Witten.

''It's crazy how things work out,'' Burnett said. ''I'm just ready to move on.''


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This just in... Bill Parcells used to root for the Giants.
