Ok, i dont know how true this is, but which player would you rather have, T O or Vick

cowboyjoe;2628275 said:
i do have 2 reliable people that i know, and both of them have inside sources to the cowboys, so i am trying to verify

Ummmmm.. phone alerts are NOT "inside sources", it's a mass text message from things already on the internet.
cowboyjoe;2628276 said:
i thought that the falcons released vick, and he is no ones property now and the commissioner said he would decide himself when and if vick can come back into the nfl?

i dont want vick playing for the nfl either period, to me, anyone that kills dogs for sport, the way he did, he should never be let back into the league

I could be wrong but I believe he has to be reinstated before he can even talk to a team.
no its been along time since someone told me a lot of bs

the guy that has the phone alert, is going to look at the alert and let me know if they have a website or not

he is eating lunch right now, but he will let me know

the last bs that i posted was like 6 months ago or so, and that came from a friend that lives in lufkin and told me something, but he got the story mixed up

i know now, whatever that other friend tells me, to see it in black and white before he tells me

the other time that i mentioned something was from brady tinker on dfw sports beat, so when i post things he says on his show, i tell you, this maybe true or not, sometimes brady tells thigns like ed werder does

ed werder assumes things and puts a spin on that, i know not to trust what ed werder says, so i dont post anything ever what ed werder says

now the friend i am talking about, he showed it to a friend of mine that is a lawyer, and he said he saw it, on the cell phone, the alert on cowboys news

now at the time i was told, he said, this isnt public knowledge, that the cowboys and vick are just talking, nothing else, just talking

so thats why im trying to get other confirmation

and as some others know, sometimes, i get wound up wound up like a clock when i hear something like this,



so i want to make myself clear on that,

as soon as i find out, on the cell phone alert, i will write back what the site is, or what the site on the cell phone is,
cowboyjoe;2628276 said:
i thought that the falcons released vick, and he is no ones property now and the commissioner said he would decide himself when and if vick can come back into the nfl?

i dont want vick playing for the nfl either period, to me, anyone that kills dogs for sport, the way he did, he should never be let back into the league

The Falcons have not yet officially released Vick because he is currently suspended. Only after he is reintated would the Falcons then have to make a decision about him.

He is currently property of the Atlanta Falcons and talking with him without the Falcon's permission would be considered tampering and we would lose draft picks.

That is why I say this whole thread is BS. (No offense to the OP, just his friends that are making up stuff).
I can't believe people responded to this thread......

Wait...............Oh crap!! :bang2: :eek::
cowboyjoe;2628289 said:
as soon as i find out, on the cell phone alert, i will write back what the site is, or what the site on the cell phone is,

Don't bother...I'm pretty sure nobody cares about such nonsense. Do something else with your time....
thats what i thought yeager,

so i couldnt figure out how could the cowboys be talking to vick or his lawyers, just dont see it,

someone posted this;Ummmmm.. phone alerts are NOT "inside sources", it's a mass text message from things already on the internet.

now this is what this could be, a mass text message from things already on the internet, heck this could be even off of rotworld

and we all know how rotoworld is, over half stuff they say is just pure speculation and totally wrong

i appreciate some of you that are being patient with me,

i am praying that this is just maybe speculation on some site, or cell phone alert, and its nothing to it,

i love the cowboys and i dont want to see the cowboys keep getting thugs, bad boys etc and ruin the cowboys image,

to me, you have to have players with good character, good morals, etc to build a team,

i am just totally worked up about this, big time, and dont like this ideal or thought or speculation if thats what it is at all,
Beast_from_East;2628292 said:
The Falcons have not yet officially released Vick because he is currently suspended. Only after he is reintated would the Falcons then have to make a decision about him.

He is currently property of the Atlanta Falcons and talking with him without the Falcon's permission would be considered tampering and we would lose draft picks.

That is why I say this whole thread is BS. (No offense to the OP, just his friends that are making up stuff).

If he hasn't been released you are correct unless Atl has given him permission to speak to other teams but only after he is reinstated which I hope Goodell doesn't do.
ok till i hear otherwise, i wont say anything else on this subject about vick and the cowboys, till i get confirmation,
cowboyjoe;2628297 said:
i am praying that this is just maybe speculation on some site, or cell phone alert, and its nothing to it,

It's not speculation , it's a "friend" making a fool of you. Watching you get all torn up over something so stupid.
silver;2628199 said:
charlie manson is elegible for parole. let's get his as senior team advisor.

He is a leader of men (and ladies) and we would have a killer defense:laugh2:
Beast_from_East;2628243 said:
If Vick was on fire I would not piss on him to put it out!!!!

I would, but it wouldn't be to put the fire out.
What does Vick talking to the Cowboys have to do with TO? just curious.

Anyway, I think the better question should be:

Who would you rather have to backup Tony Romo?
(A) Brad Johnson
(B) Brooks Bollinger
(C) Michael Vick

I would choose C, easily.
jdub2k4;2628337 said:
Who would you rather have to backup Tony Romo?
(A) Brad Johnson
(B) Brooks Bollinger
(C) Michael Vick

I would choose C, easily.

jdub2k4;2628383 said:
You seriously do not consider Johnson or Bollinger better than Vick, do you?

I do not want a dog torturing felon on the team.

For any reason.

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