Okay, let's settle it now, what is the toughest division right now?


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There's a lot of talk in various threads and several published links about division strength. It's something we haven't been able to brag about in a while.

So what would you rank the divisions right now and why? Is the NFC East the toughest division in football?

My ranks....


NFC East.... I pick 'em because I'm a homer. :D But seriously, the Eagles are last place. Yes McNabb is injured, yes TO is a distraction, but it's still the same team that went to the Super Bowl last year and has been to a number of consecutive NFC Championships. It's not an easy team to whack all the way to last. What's happened is that 3 of the best coaches in the NFL have all moved into the NFC East. Two Hall of Famers and the coach with the highest winning percentage ever in expansion team history. Great personnel moves.... Eli is going to be one of the best QBs for the next decade, the Cowboys defense is begging for the Doomsday tag, Washington figured out that Santana Moss was the most underrated receiver in the NFL, two of the best tight ends in the league are in the NFC East, the list of talent is endless... and they're all newly formed squads under their legendary coaches with plenty of young players who are only going to get better. Yes, the NFC East is back. Hey Philly, it ain't easy posting those 12 win records anymore when you don't have Spurrier's Skins and Campo's Cowboys 4 times a year, is it?

AFC West.... Just think about it, if the Chargers had gotten off their cheap butts and signed Antonio Gates and Schottenheimer had figured out LT is the greatest running back in the game today and used him properly early on, the Cowboys probably would have lost that close season opener. Dallas already lost to the Raiders. We all fear this Denver game coming up, and Kansas City isn't a slouch either. I hate teams like Denver and Kansas City. Teams that just tell ya they're gonna run all over you and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. When the Chargers are a team in your division and barely above .500, you know you have some quality teams in there. I'd hate to play 6 games a year against any AFC West teams.


NFC South... Buccs are getting exposed but still have such a great starting record, they may threaten to squeak in the Playoffs somewhere. I wouldn't want to play the Falcons or Panthers this year. Impatient anti-pocket passer or not, Vick is a pain in any defense's collective rear end. The Panthers are a team which can beat anyone. Don't let the Saints record fool you. They wouldn't be threatening to win the division with or without Katrina, but they're not a team that should only be winning 1 or 2 games. I challenge any coach to keep the team together, winning each week, in that type of situation.

AFC NORTH... This division would be an elite one if not for the eternally rebuilding Cleveland franchise and a Ravens team which has fallen apart this year because Billick still can't get off his cocky head and bring in a real QB, and because of injuries and what have you, the running game and defense can't shoulder the load this year. As it is, the Browns and Ravens would be easy teams to beat this year, but Cincinnati and Pittsburgh are the cream of the crop. Those are two teams I would hate to know the Cowboys had to face 4 games this year. That's a chance to go 0-4.

NFC WEST.... Same as above. Seahawks already proved they were one team that could take advantage of the Dallas 55 minute defense. The Rams aren't anywhere near their Super Bowl days but they're still a team that can hurt anyone on any given Sunday. Arizona and San Fran round out the two cakewalk teams. San Fran would have been a team that would always keep you on your feet no matter their record if they would have kept Rattay.

AFC EAST.... Nowhere near the powerhouse they used to be, but who wants to face the 3-time Super Bowl Champ Patriots twice a year? Or the Jets and Bills which can still bring it if not for huge mistakes in the personnel department when deciding which QBs can cut it. The Dolphins are one of the scarier bottom feeders this year under Nick Saban. I'd rather play a Cardinals or Packers tank job.

AFC SOUTH.... The Colts are the main reason this division doesn't drop to Cream Puff status. That's like having two guaranteed losses every year with the way they're playing. Jags would be a tough team I'd hate to play twice a year. Leftwich is the type of QB who will occasionally expose our secondary with that arm of his. Tough defense that could probably knock Bledsoe on his butt a few times. But it would all be worth it just to play the Texans twice a year and kick 'em while their down. :D (No, I still haven't forgiven those Houston fans after that crushing season opener a few years back.) The Titans aren't pushovers, but they're not the type of team this year I'd lose sleep over.


NFC NORTH... Joey Harrington, Kyle Orton, Daunte Culpepper with most of his oline missing from last year and no Randy Moss, and an aging Brett Favre with most of oline missing from last year and no Jevon Walker... Can you imagine what our defense could do to that? The Cowboys would dominate this division. No resistant at all. Woooey.... body bag time.

Where would you rank the divisions?


Commanders Forever
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Honestly I am not sold on the NFC South being elite just yet.

The Saints flat out suck right now.
The Bucs are indeed being exposed.
The Panthers have one of the easiest schedules in the NFL.
The Falcons have been up and down, we will see.

The AFC West and NFC East get the Elite status for me.


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NFC south is full of pretenders. Without Steve Smith the Panthers are a .500 team. This division is a little bit overrated.


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SkinsandTerps said:
Honestly I am not sold on the NFC South being elite just yet.

The Saints flat out suck right now.
The Bucs are indeed being exposed.
The Panthers have one of the easiest schedules in the NFL.
The Falcons have been up and down, we will see.

The AFC West and NFC East get the Elite status for me.

Ya know, you're right, I'm not even going to argue, I'll change it now. The main reason I had NFC South up top was because I originally wrote this in a format with the best 3 divisions, instead of grouped together by descriptions. There are too many question marks in the NFC South right now to call them an elite division.


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SkinsandTerps said:
Honestly I am not sold on the NFC South being elite just yet.

The Saints flat out suck right now.
The Bucs are indeed being exposed.
The Panthers have one of the easiest schedules in the NFL.
The Falcons have been up and down, we will see.

The AFC West and NFC East get the Elite status for me.

Since you are a Skins Fan we probably would not agree on much, but on this topic, I am in full agreement. LOL


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Series is tied now at 5-5, but IMO the NFC East beats the AFC West because:

- Of 6 remaining games, 5 are hosted by NFCE teams.
- NFCE's last place team Philly is 3-1 vs AFCW and 0-2 vs NFCE
- AFCW's leader, Denver, lost to NFCE leading Giants

AFC West beats the NFC East because:

- the AFC did well last year and that means something to the media


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Kinda funny that *this* board would think the NFC East is all that. Afterall theres no shortage of comments noting that the Giants are over rated, the Commanders are lucky and the Eagles are done....

Good thing we're so freakin stout to be able to pick up the slack. ;)
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The NFC East. 4 very solid teams. There you have it. AFC West...is second with 2 good teams and 1 above average team, and an average team.

Some of you have to face the fact that the Commanders aren't always so lucky. The fact is, is that we have played 6 teams with a 5-3 record or better. Coming out with 5 wins is no slouch.

By the way...the Eagles at the bottom of the NFCE? Kudos to the division for making this fun/nailbiting to watch. Should go down to the wire between 3 teams.

Our next 5 games are:

@ Tampa
vs.San Diego
@ St. Louis
@ Arizona

Then we got our final 3 divisional games at the end...which will be the deciding factor of our season. 2 home games vs the Giants and Cowboys. 1 away game vs Philly.

I have a feeling this is gonna be a very interesting race to the end.