Okay - Maybe I have been overly negative -

BA you havent been overly negatice, you just dont put it our right, you come out like a troll, being negative is ok, when you ahve concerns and you post them legiamte, some of your threads, just have been a tad on the umm attacking side.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Badattitude saying "Okay, maybe I have been overly negative?" :eek:

That's kind of like Bill Clinton saying "Okay, maybe I have been overly horny."

Or Michael Jackson saying, "Okay, maybe I have been overly creepy."


I'm just trying to figure out how he got from hating Bill Parcells to rippin' on Larry Allen...
wayne_motley said:
Hey, I catch a little flack for saying Johnson isn't a beast, that Parcells did a poor job of coaching several games last season and mishandled his players in some cases, for saying from the beginning that we'd never win with a 41 year old QB, and mostly for having no faith that henson or romo are ever going to amount to crap...but I've been a fan since the ice bowl and flew from Richmond Va to Texas to watch the Cowboys win against Atlanta in JJ's first year when it was the only win we had.

Sometimes negativity can go overboard with no facts behind it, but a little reality without rose-colored "homer" glasses is actually welcomed by some of us.

There's a lot to be excited about this year...a much more solid team from top to bottom, and while Bledsoe is still a bit of a ?mark, he's an upgrade over Vinne...I'm thrilled with the offseason job this year, especially bringing in 2 CBs...I even caught crap for blasting Parcells all preseason for not bringing in a suitable replacement for Mario Edwards or keeping him last year...it, imo, was an even bigger mistake than the one he made at QB because we never ran out a decent CB opposite Newman all season, including that bum Hunter.

This is going to be an exciting year, as long as Bledsoe stays healthy...I still have no faith in any other QB on our roster.

None of the qbs on our roster have given us any reason to have faith in them so you shouldn't be catching any flak for telling the truth.
The Duke said:
Wayne Motley

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 1 and 15 season your referring to, we won in Washington with Walsh QBing, right? Atlanta must been another year.
you are correct, Duke....as a matter of fact, it was 1985, the year Landry won only 3 games...it was 1 of the 3 victories in Landry's last year...my bad...when you get to 48, it all runs together. All I remember is the folks in Irving being really warm and welcoming us till they asked what brought us to the area...when we said the Cowboys game, they all asked "Why?"....it took some of the fun out of it...lol...it was Atlanta though.

kartr said:
None of the qbs on our roster have given us any reason to have faith in them so you shouldn't be catching any flak for telling the truth.

:qapol: :signmast:
BHendri5 said:
Duke you are right, it was the skins. Wayne Motley must be talking about another team, maybe his real favorite team.

I mean he said he flew to Atlanta from Richmond VA to watch that game. He was either drunk, high or had been knocked silly.

That post makes you think?
My mistake...as i said, it was the year before when Landry won 3 games, but you made a little mistake as well...reread...I said I flew from Richmond VA to TExas, not Atlanta...:)...Atlanta was the opponent...read carefully before attempting humor :), if that's what it was.
wayne_motley said:
you could be correct, Duke....as a matter of fact you are...it was 1 of the 3 victories in Landry's last year...my bad...when you get to 48, it all runs together. All I remember is the folks in Irving being really warm and welcoming us till they asked what brought us to the area...when we said the Cowboys game, they all asked "Why?"....it took some of the fun out of it...lol.


I have more respect for those who attend the games when the team is down over those who only attend when things are going great. It is always easy to be a fan when we are winning. I also do not find anything wrong with questioning certain players, plays or picks but when the criticism turns into out and out attacks then some of us will take exception to that.
HeavyHitta31 said:
I don't really see the point in discussing the Cowboys with you. You obviously know little about the NFL and how it works, as every thread you create further affirms this, and I'm doubting you are even a Cowboys fan to begin with. You're a joke.

That's cause you are a rose-tinted glass homer and don't know that you don't know anything about football. All the criticism Bill got for 2004 was deserved. He even admits that he messed up. Now you criticize those of us who were proven right. The harsher team critics here are not Cowboy haters, they just want Bill to follow thru on what he says he believes and do what he says he will do. This whole Bledsoe and Vinny nonsense(getting veteran qbs who make the same mistakes as younger ones) is not upgrading, but degrading the team. The Henson nonsense(project qb who is more of a project than Hutch) is a waste of time. We had the opportunity to take Aaron Rodgers or Jason Campbell, qbs' who have proved that they can play at high level and we take a run-stopping DE instead. When you've got garbage at qb and pass on the real deal twice, you've simply lost it! We should have taken Merriman(see pass rusher and a 1st round qb). Three years from when Rodgers and Campbell are leading their respective teams to the playoffs and Henson is still working on his mechanics, what will you say then.
Doomsday101 said:
I have more respect for those who attend the games when the team is down over those who only attend when things are going great. It is always easy to be a fan when we are winning. I also do not find anything wrong with questioning certain players, plays or picks but when the criticism turns into out and out attacks then some of us will take exception to that.
Thanks Dooms...any trip to Dallas from Commanders territory like VA is a great trip, but I have to admit that my only thought process revolves around having enough frequent flier miles....:)

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