Old bulletproof tiger
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mr.jameswoods said:Oh please, Cisco certification is a joke. It's essentially a correspondence course you pay 10K for. CCNA/CCNP are a dime a dozen. Go on Monster and there are thousands of you out there unemployed. The CCIE are the real boys. This is why you ignored my mentioning of CCIE because you know you don't have the goods. At the time, the CCIE were so rare they were numbered and they could walk in anywhere making about 120K full time or 80 per hour. When you get to that level, then you can talk. The CCIE is higher than any of the other credentials you have. And you are probably working in Alaska because in any other major metropolitan area, your job would be fielded to some H1B from India who can do your job for about half the money.
Excuse me, I don't even have to own a college degree let alone a GED to get my Cisco certification. You can go to DeVry and Uncle Jessie's Technical School in Ada Oklahoma and learn what you are doing. I don't see my medical school advertising to dropouts at 3 AM in the morning right after the DUI lawyer ads. Do your math Kenny. 15,000 students get into medical school each year out of 45,000 who apply. The last I checked, I didn't see over a hundred thousand physicians looking for work on Monster. Also, the drop out rate in medical school is 3% so most people in medical school do graduate. So much for your nurse hypothesis.
I don't really care because I didn't ask you to be a dad. Likewise, my wife and I aren't going to have a kid because I'm not stupid enough to have a kid when I'm not ready. If you ask me, it's your freaking job to raise your kid. That's not something I would take credit for. Seriously, you sound like those guys Chris Rock was making fun of. You want credit for something you are supposed to do: "I feed my kids." No shyte, it's your job to feed your kids.
P.S. How are you working 60 hours per week and then skiing, hiking on the mountains while still raising a kid full time by yourself. I guess you never see you kid during the week and then you go to the mountains during the weekend Sorry, the math doesn't add up. I'm guess you don't work 60 hours a week.
Hey listen Devry, maybe you should have realized that when you called me out. You don't call someone an idiot simply because you disagree with their opinion. If you can't handle my criticism of OU, then respond like a gentleman and a professional and not like some thug. You never liked me from the beginning and you just attacked me from day one. Did you really expect me to be cool to you after you have been an a-hole to me since Day one? Are you that thick?
But your still and idiot. You just prove my point with this drawn out breakdown of my last post. It is flattering. Borderling obession maybe? No tongue on the first date tho...k?
I dont want to get more into my personal life and explain my degree and where exactly my expertise comes from. The fact is I do what I do. I still make more than your medical school student butt. And will be even after your grinding those hours in some podunk Enid, OK. nursing home.
Dont get me wrong. Nurses are important bro. You go give some shots and take someones blood pressure, clean a bed pan and take a temp now and again and get back with me. Let me know how its going.
Your vast experience of CCIE is off the chart btw. This is because you are one? No?
BTW...my son comes w/ me on just about all my excursions. Even with his young age I would put him against most adults climbing and riding anyday of the week and all day Sunday. He can snowboard w/ the best of them. Can you believe that? Hes 4 man. The kids amazing. Literally.
Dont hate me cuz Im me. You are however allowed a little dislike. We are drawing this out. Im sure folks find it entertaining. But honestly you are tiring me out. Ill just have to stop slamming you in public and just snicker under my breath when I see your posts.