OL with no guts hanging down!


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They showed a side shot of the OL during the game and I was shocked. Remember when the Cowboy OL used to have huge, fat stomachs hanging down. Our OL for the first time in a long while looks to be in good shape. This surprised me.
Parcells likes OL that can move, so they have to be in somewhat of shape.
Speaking of online. I like the way Flo played yesterday. He seemed to be a little more animated. I thought for sure he would mail this game in. I hope he is impassioned next week against the Giants.
Not only the Oline, but, remember all the off season reports about players (and I mean almost all of them) have gained muscle weight? Some as much a 10 or 15 lbs if I remember, or more!

Also, watching these game this year, I always seem to see the other teams having trouble with getting physical with the Cowboys...

Every team that we have played, one or more of thier players have been knocked silly, and I think that the teams that we have not played yet really don't know what they are in for, or just how much more physical this whole team is this year!

I believe this past seasons workout routine greately increased the success of this team this year...
Back in the mid 90's, wasn't our average on o-line over 300 lbs....well above all other teams in the NFL.

Now, it seems as though almost every team is above 300 lbs. on average. But it is nice to see that they aren't sloppy over-weight. :)

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