OMG!!! I'm RICH!!!

I had similar thing happen to me on facebook (partly why I no longer have chat enabled on FB). It was a sorority sister who was "in london" and needed emergency funds. I asked her a question about the meaning of one of our symbols and the bot tried its best to sidestep it, and when it realized I was firm on my question, ended our conversation.
I love messing with people and those email I give them some goofy name; I will put my occupation as like a zamboni driver. Then I will give them the address and phone number to the FBI :lmao2:.

I lead one on for a good two weeks telling him I was traveling in Wyoming and the nearest Western Union was 200 miles away and keep delaying do to excuses before he gave up. It was quite fun :p:
JLAZeroSeven;3462994 said:
I got a bunch of people from the nation of Nigeria who keep emailing me, offering a similar hook up.

Ask them for a $10K retainer on the account.
This is an Email I received from Mr. Jay McHenry. This seems legit, fella's.

Dear Friend,

I happen to know Mrs.Mellisa Lewis very well, over the years I had been assigned by the firm I work with to handle her file and this brought me close to her,
she is in intensive care now and she claims to be closer to her God "day by day" borrowing from her terms, it is a pity you have not come to know her as she
is definitely a people oriented person. I would suggest you follow this through to at least satisfy your conscience, if she donated funds to you, then I
would expect you should question why? Especially if you do not really know this woman of faith.You see she had no issues (child) and so she gave her funds to her brother and sister she actually gave a rather large amount as a gift to her relatives and
requested they use some funds for charity, they thought she would die soon so they confisticated everything for their selfish use, this led her to will her remaining funds to someone else, I had often asked her about this someone else all she told me was God will show her. I guess you are that someone.

Note that the details you received from her(JJ/MMS/953/5015/GwrI/316us/uk) was a probing move to establish contact, because I am sure you know as well as I
do that most people would snatch at the offer considering the large amount involved and also since the disbursement of this fund would be entirely in the
hands of the claimant. For this reason she felt that after our initial communication I should be able to determine if we can proceed based on certain indices
as well as intuitive feeling I would deduce.

I shall undertake to collate relevant details with regards to the funds withdrawal process.( this will include the original deposit certificate issued by the
finance house when her funds were deposited,{you will need to present this at the financial institute where the funds are presently lodged, and I will find
it no imposition to assist you when that time comes.} Power of attorney and her will with the relevant changes in place) The relevant documents which include
the power of attorney must be completed with pertinent information from you, these will include the following:

Full names:
Country of origin:
Date of birth:
Direct telephone & fax numbers:

Once you send the above details I shall draft the power of attorney and send you a copy for your use alongside the finance/security firm's contact details,
so you can make the funds withdrawal. Please note that all paper works to gain you access to her funds which you are specifically to put to charitable use
will be given you by me and all monies to do this paper work has already been offset, It is very important you keep this confidential as Mrs. Mellisa Lewis
has requested your utmost confidentiality in this matter due to reactions which could arise from her relatives who has plundered her wealth to their selfish

Please respond promptly to enable me carry out my legal obligations to you and Mrs. Mellisa Lewis

Yours Faithfully,
Bar. Jay Mchenry.
Attorney at-Law.
J. Mchenry & Associates LLP
11 Staple Inn Buildings,
London WC1V 7QH,
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (+44) 703 596 5580


My response:

Mr. McHenry,

Please don't give me so many useless details. My attention span is limited, and it took me four attempts and nearly 2 hours of my time to read your previous Email. I'll be perfectly frank with you... I don't care much about Mrs. Melissa Lewis, her story, or why she chose to give me the money. I just want the money. And there's a $20 in it for you if you keep it confidential that under no circumstances will I be using the money for charitable means. I intend to spend it on a big house, cars, women, pokemon cards, alcohol, and video games. I'd also like a tiger as a pet, but I dont know where I could find one. If you could assist with that, I'd appreciate it.

Please Email me the money at your earliest convenience. I quit my job last night and I have bills due soon.

Lastly, don't sign messages using "Yours Faithfully." That just sounds so gay.

HoleInTheRoof;3463330 said:
This is an Email I received from Mr. Jay McHenry. This seems legit, fella's.

My response:

Mr. McHenry,

Please don't give me so many useless details. My attention span is limited, and it took me four attempts and nearly 2 hours of my time to read your previous Email. I'll be perfectly frank with you... I don't care much about Mrs. Melissa Lewis, her story, or why she chose to give me the money. I just want the money. And there's a $20 in it for you if you keep it confidential that under no circumstances will I be using the money for charitable means. I intend to spend it on a big house, cars, women, pokemon cards, alcohol, and video games. I'd also like a tiger as a pet, but I dont know where I could find one. If you could assist with that, I'd appreciate it.

Please Email me the money at your earliest convenience. I quit my job last night and I have bills due soon.

Lastly, don't sign messages using "Yours Faithfully." That just sounds so gay.


:lmao: That was freakin' hilarious!
I love the response. $20 in it for him is classic.

Oh yeah, Mrs. Lewis sure went downhill fast. In less than 24 hours she is in ICU. Bless her heart.
HoleInTheRoof;3463505 said:
I go to church anyway, but I don't get your comment/reference.

You do? ~reads his epitaph below the Av~ :eek:
My response:

Mr. McHenry,

Please don't give me so many useless details. My attention span is limited, and it took me four attempts and nearly 2 hours of my time to read your previous Email. I'll be perfectly frank with you... I don't care much about Mrs. Melissa Lewis, her story, or why she chose to give me the money. I just want the money. And there's a $20 in it for you if you keep it confidential that under no circumstances will I be using the money for charitable means. I intend to spend it on a big house, cars, women, pokemon cards, alcohol, and video games. I'd also like a tiger as a pet, but I dont know where I could find one. If you could assist with that, I'd appreciate it.

Please Email me the money at your earliest convenience. I quit my job last night and I have bills due soon.

Lastly, don't sign messages using "Yours Faithfully." That just sounds so gay.

:laugh2: :lmao2: :bow:
Remember reading a story somewhere that this guy fired back at an e-mail like this. He actually got money from them!!

He used a P.O. box for an addess and sent them an e-mail stating that there was a problem with his bank account and needed them to send $146.86 to correct it. Then as soon as it is fixed, he could give them the information. And they did!!
Kangaroo;3463275 said:
I love messing with people and those email I give them some goofy name; I will put my occupation as like a zamboni driver. Then I will give them the address and phone number to the FBI :lmao2:.

I lead one on for a good two weeks telling him I was traveling in Wyoming and the nearest Western Union was 200 miles away and keep delaying do to excuses before he gave up. It was quite fun :p:

Haha when they 1st started sending these emails out a few years ago I fwd it to the FBI..
cowboyfan4life_mark;3464024 said:
Remember reading a story somewhere that this guy fired back at an e-mail like this. He actually got money from them!!

He used a P.O. box for an addess and sent them an e-mail stating that there was a problem with his bank account and needed them to send $146.86 to correct it. Then as soon as it is fixed, he could give them the information. And they did!!
BrainPaint used to post where these guys get the tables turned on them. The most hilarious one was this guy who got a tattoo to show his allegiance to some movement.

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