OT: Miami vs FIU "thug" brawl

In highschool onetime we had this sorta thing happen in a scrimmage. Apparently our free safety hit somebody after the play was over then a fight broke out then everyone on the sidelines ran on the field. I remember our big tight end running out on the field tryting to hit people with his helmut-I dont think he di though.

It didnt last quite so long and there were no flags or ejections since it was a scrimmage-we just kept playing like nothing was wrong.

As for me, I was talking to the quarterback at the time(also the head coaches son). I figured if he could run onto the field, I could and wouldnt get in too bad of trouble.

The next morning the coaches gave a short speech telling us it was bad and what not but the fight was cut out of the film, probably erased so there was no evidenc(other than eyewitnesses).
Hostile;1090363 said:
No, no I don't. I think they disgraced the game and their Universities. I don't condone nor applaud that at all. It is equally disgusting that you find it cool quite frankly.

What is the difference in that and Albert Haynesworth?


And just like everything else, one insane act prompts another.

Just like the recent school shootings, when you see something over and over and over again, it breeds copycats.

It is nice we can have media saturation to the point when can know within minutes when something happens, but there is the end result which breeds over-exposure of the acts and the subsequent imitation.

People aren't nearly as noble and free-thinking as we would like to believe, unfortunately.
I'm totally unbiased...but....looks like FIU started it to me, then also made it worse by ganging up and stomping on Miami players.
SilverStarCowboy;1090469 said:
I'm totally unbiased...but....looks like FIU started it to me, then also made it worse by ganging up and stomping on Miami players.

To me, it appeared that way also.

What a way to put your obscure school on the map. Pick a fight with the biggest bullies in Florida college football.

Granted, the Hurricane players aren't blameless, but if you want a "who started it" it certainly looks like Florida International.
Alexander;1090450 said:

And just like everything else, one insane act prompts another.

Just like the recent school shootings, when you see something over and over and over again, it breeds copycats.

It is nice we can have media saturation to the point when can know within minutes when something happens, but there is the end result which breeds over-exposure of the acts and the subsequent imitation.

People aren't nearly as noble and free-thinking as we would like to believe, unfortunately.

OMG.. what a load of it. :p:

Look maaaan,come down here. What you want? What Time is it? The clock on the Wall says 3:00, last call for alcohol. What you talkin' bout? One Burbon, one Scotch, one Beer, it happened, that doesn't mean more people will do it, exposed actions like this can and will be learned from. Less percentage of persons are prone to be bindge drinker alcoholics who were raised by them.

Is learning from example free minded thinking? Maybe, it can keep you from having to learn the same mistake you saw someone else learn.
It was the Crips vs the Bloods, minus the guns. This is what happens when you enroll unqualifed people into college.
SilverStarCowboy;1090482 said:
Less percentage of persons are prone to be bindge drinker alcoholics who were raised by them.

Those individuals are victims of the act. You might want to try another example to attempt to prove your point.

In this society where the grotesque is overexposed (and to the primitive mind, condoned)by the media, the examples are too numerous to count.

This is the primary reason why police departments are hesitant to release intimate details when they suspect a serial killer is on the loose. Before you get all excited, I am not comparing moronic acts on a football field to mass murder, but when the impressionable (or simple-minded) see something over and over again, it is not out of nature to act out.

And then again, I might be thinking too deep into this. Perhaps most of these players were just uncultured hooligans. :)
JustSayNotoTO;1090388 said:
Meaningless from a Skins fan who has Taylor on their team.
******** comment, given some of the guys who've played for us in the past.
Alexander;1090495 said:
Those individuals are victims of the act. You might want to try another example to attempt to prove your point.

In this society where the grotesque is overexposed (and to the primitive mind, condoned)by the media, the examples are too numerous to count.

This is the primary reason why police departments are hesitant to release intimate details when they suspect a serial killer is on the loose. Before you get all excited, I am not comparing moronic acts on a football field to mass murder, but when the impressionable (or simple-minded) see something over and over again, it is not out of nature to act out.

And then again, I might be thinking too deep into this. Perhaps most of these players were just uncultured hooligans. :)

Hey we're all victims, everyone who seen it.

The grotesque over exposed? I don't know about that, there aren't many detailed pictures of dead people on prime time. At least, not like there could be if we were actually a "grotesque" seeking society. So, I will disagree with that, IMO, heavily right sided theory. Sure we want the details but sometimes we regret what we absorb by knowing them.

Now, all these young fellows attend Universitys and they knew better, maybe they were tired from all the extra hard work after practice, most of them have to have jobs to support their education.

JustSayNotoTO;1090516 said:
Fighting is part of hockey, hence the five minute penalty for fighting. Get over it, stop trying to make race an issue when it clearly isnt.

he isn't the one who called it "crips vs bloods"
SilverStarCowboy;1090517 said:
Hey we're all victims, everyone who seen it.

The grotesque over exposed? I don't know about that, there aren't many detailed pictures of dead people on prime time. At least, not like there could be if we were actually a "grotesque" seeking society. So, I will disagree with that, IMO, heavily right sided theory. Sure we want the details but sometimes we regret what we absorb by knowing them.

Now, all these young fellows attend Universitys and they knew better, maybe they were tired from all the extra hard work after practice, most of them have to have jobs to support their education.


I can guarantee you I can find a picture of a dead person by Googling in less than a second.

The television media of course cannot get away with crass acts like that, but they instead overexpose and beat senseless topics to death. Case in point, the video of this was posted and analyzed less than a few hours after it happened. Now, you will get the overanalysis and then the overexposure. What might have been news for a day, will stretch at least to a week by the time everyone has had their whack at it.

I have lived through worse things than get half the air time this day and age. It comes with having more outlets and more competition.

There is only so much truth to go around. Eventually, to be competitive, you either have to provide more coverage (detail), become more sensational, or simply make things up.

I may come across as a fogey, but just CNN and the networks reporting something is completely different when you add MSNBC, FOX News, COURT TV and countless others.

Sometimes too much information is a bad thing because it has lost its integrity as information by the time it makes the rounds.
Hostile;1090363 said:
No, no I don't. I think they disgraced the game and their Universities. I don't condone nor applaud that at all. It is equally disgusting that you find it cool quite frankly.

What is the difference in that and Albert Haynesworth?
Now Miami is a disgrace both as a football team and as ambassadors to their families and community.
Hostile;1090385 said:
I got in a fight in a game one time. I will never forget the week that followed as long as I live. I ran more gassers and bleachers than any human should. My coach was right. I was wrong. I deserved what I got. To this day I respect him for that week of hell. I threw up several times, but I learned not to lose my head. There would be a lot of yacking from those 2 teams if I had my way.

I got hit twice (in the jewels) by a guy from a school down the street but instead of fighting I just got really mad and on the next play i kinda broke his hand. but i didnt' fight and i didn't do it dirty i just did it by hitting him really hard. thats how i would suggest these guys take out thier anger. In the game
Miami needs to fire the coach.

Butch had cleaned up alot of that and got recruiting going again.

He's available....

Harsher sentences need to be handed down. Guys who came off the bench need to be suspended from school(not just football) for the year.

On the field you swing back when hit but some of those guys came off the sidelines looking to land cheapshots.
It's hilarious how one sided this is against Miami. From the video, the first punch was definitely thrown by an FIU player. FIU really screwed up, because Miami was doing them a favor putting them on the schedule. They are a relatively new football school, and getting a game with the Canes gives them exposure that would help with recruiting.

That being said, Merriweather and #26 have to get booted. And despite efforts to clean some things up, Coker has to go. The program is a joke now. Yes, he won a national title in 2001, with Butch's players. But now that he is accountable, you see the Canes in the same shape as they were before Butch.

Miami should be talking to Davis right now to see if he will finish out the season. If not Butch, let Randy Shannon take over the team.
SkinsandTerps;1090428 said:
Amen Brother.

Grasshoppers is the push-up thing with the knee in your chest right ?

I dont know exactly what a wheelbarrow is, but from your description it doesnt sound pleasurable. Sounds like walking on your hands for the length of the field. Boo.
Wheelbarrows are where the coach holds your legs and you "run" using your arms. It sucks.

The way we did grasshoppers was with a football. You'd have your left hand on the ground and your right leg pointed straight back with the ball tucked into the crook of your right arm. Then you'd jump up and forward, shifting the ball to the crook of your left arm and your right hand down and left leg pointed straight back. Back and forth like that for the length of a football field. Or more if he felt sadistic. I hated that things.

He did one other one too which was a variation of up downs that just made you dizzy as a drunk. He'd have you run and then he'd blow the whistle and you'd do somersalts in the same direction until he blew the whistle again and then you got up and ran until the whistle. By the end of the that one you wanted to yack.
Aikbach;1090559 said:
Now Miami is a disgrace both as a football team and as ambassadors to their families and community.
If you bother to look real closely I didn't leave any player for either team blameless and I mentioned the fact that I too was once guilty of a fight in the game. In other words, point your finger in another direction.
SkinsandTerps;1090381 said:
I was taught at a young age if I fight breaks out make sure you are wearing your helmet. All the dopes on the field that didnt have theirs on must have missed that lesson.
One of the players thought it made a better weapon than a shield. :D

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