OT: which is harder to play, hockey or football?

Well in hockey they do switch out the players every few minutes in the line change. But I understand what you are saying.
It is more physical even with the line changes, as it is basically non stop action.

Now soccer, they are out there fro 45 minutes running around. then another 45 minutes. But they may go 70 total minutes then make a few substitutions.
But some are out there running for 90 minutes, though not a lot of physical contact. And yes I am mostly joking as to a comparison. :laugh:
Actually, line changes occur every 30 seconds.
Actually, line changes occur every 30 seconds.

Yeah I thought it was less than two minutes, but was not sure of the actually timing.
I started to post sometimes it can be less than a minute.
Football players are better athletes, period. Get 20 hockey guys of your choice and 20 NFL players and have them play each other in 5 other sports. Who would win in soccer, baseball, basketball, track and field, etc. We could throw in figure skating for the hockey guys.
LOL. 20 NFL linemen (or most any position) vs. 20 hockey players in soccer. How long do you think those linemen last? Even the other positions? Football players do not train to play a sport that requires great endurance. Hockey players have incredible cardio conditioning. They are also used to being hit hard, unlike most other sports. Some NFL players are amazing athletes...some not so much. I love football, and played D1 for four years, but I have to give this one to hockey.
Hockey has definitely the hardest grind to win a championship of all the major sports.

There can be a cerebral element to the game that can allow a less skilled player to keep a spot in the lineup. Reading the play and anticipating correctly can make up somewhat for being a weak skater. An accurate shot or pass helps too.

I found it easier to play football at my positions than I did hockey.
Hockey takes incredible skills. I use to watch Oshie before Blues games and that guy was amazing how he handled a puck with a stick on ice. In football you can get away with being an athlete. Fast, speed, quick, strong etc and play at a high level. May not last too long with just that but can have success. Hockey is just an incredible skill set.

On another note seeing the Blues finally win it was amazing. Long time fan here in Illinois across the river from St Louis. Now a Cowboys super bowl would be awesome because my St Louis Cardinals aint doing nothing this year!
Fighting, on skates, with sticks...
No doubt about it in my my mind,,,ha-ha-ha ,Dave Letterman's Late Show used to have a lap dog lackey for Dave's twisted sense of demeaning humour named Larry Bud Mellmen who'd portrayed a sports fan with his fur up, on one episode in where he was in a tirade saying all other sports players were Pansys & the only way to make HOCKEY anymore physically taxing would be to make them play in the nude w/ razor sharp meat cleaver's attached to their hockey sticks.
The biggest problem with ice hockey is that this is a sport that a great many people have zero access to playing while growing up, either in an organized capacity or just kids fooling around after school. Ice time is precious commodity, I wish I had had more of it when I was younger.
Hockey, hands down and not even close. These guys are in excellent shape. The game is physical, they get hurt and come right back.
LOL. 20 NFL linemen (or most any position) vs. 20 hockey players in soccer. How long do you think those linemen last? Even the other positions? Football players do not train to play a sport that requires great endurance. Hockey players have incredible cardio conditioning. They are also used to being hit hard, unlike most other sports. Some NFL players are amazing athletes...some not so much. I love football, and played D1 for four years, but I have to give this one to hockey.
I'd take the NFL lineman against a team of goalies. And how many NHL players would run a 4.7 forty?
I'd take the NFL lineman against a team of goalies. And how many NHL players would run a 4.7 forty?
More than you think, but it doesn't matter anyway. Do you think soccer players are running 4.7 40's while dribbling the ball? I'll give you the answer: no.
I would say hockey. Most of us can run, skating is not for everyone. I do believe NHL players overall are tougher, better athletes, good customers for a dentist, fearless, plenty skilled and love beer...

The NHL commish came out last year and said that they would not ban headshots for the fear of taking the physicality out of the NHL game...no softening of the NHL. The NHL does not create special rules for star players (thinking the NFL and QBs).

The NHL players are allowed to be human and make mistakes without fear of banishment.
For sure, though. Soccer is quite possibly the world's most demanding ball sport in terms of running stamina. There are some midfielders who will run 8-9 miles over the course of a single game, just running up and down the field.
Ummmm...I think you are forgetting about long distance running in track, marathon, etc.

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