Our offense needs organization...


White and Nerdy
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I listen to 760 in the mid afternoons here in SA, and they are always having a Cowboys show on. I get to hear Larry Brown, Nate Newton, and a few other fellas speak about there thoughts.

Well in the Triplet years......the options were #1 Emmitt, #2 Irvin, #3 Novacek, #4 anyone else. Inside the 30s, they ran a consistently ran a play called 88 Special. Of course, this meant that the #1 option was Irvin.

Dallas needs to get some serious continuity. #1 Barber/Choice, #2 Owens, #3 Witten, #4 Williams, #5 anyone else. On passing plays, #1 Owens, #2 Witten, #3 Williams. However, because Williams is also a number 1 receiver, they can have a few plays where #1 Williams, #2 Witten, #3 TO (this would help keep the defense honest too).

I would also like to see TO and Williams on the same side of the LOS on at least 10 plays a game. Use one of them to help the other get a bit more open.

As often as we pass the ball, I see no reason why we can't pass it to TO 8 time, Witten 8 times, Williams 8 times, Bennett 5 times, RBs 5 times, and Crayton 4 times. That would be 38 passes, which is about how much we tend to throw the ball with Romo, give or take a few passes.

You add those 38 passes to the 25-30 rushes and that is the 63-68 offensive plays for Dallas.


White and Nerdy
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Dave_in-NC;2486466 said:
Hit the open man no matter who it is. That would be best.

um ok.....

Everyone knew Irvin was going to get the ball inside the 30, and he still was able to get open and catch the ball. Everyone knew Emmitt was going to get the ball inside the 5 or in the 4th quarter, and he was still able to score or run out the clock.

Everyone knew Jerry Rice was the #1 option, yet he was completely unstoppable. Everyone knew John Taylor was the 2nd option, yet he went off as well.

What we need is for our offensive weapons to get over to Valley Ranch and spend a few hours a day, even in the offseason, just running routes over and over and over and over again, until Romo's arm falls off. Run the exact same plays, with Romo progressing through his reads and hitting different receivers. You run 2 plays with each formation and do it over and over and over again, until it becomes habit. Then when you get into games, depending on the formation you are using, these plays are bread and butter.

Run the following
I Formation 2 WR, 1 TE
Single back 2 WR, 2 TE
Single back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 4 WR, 1 TE

That is why Aikman/Irvin were so successful....Young/Rice...Manning/Harrison

They put in the practice time. They worked like German engineering....with precision, timing, and repitition.


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Biggems;2486477 said:
um ok.....

Everyone knew Irvin was going to get the ball inside the 30, and he still was able to get open and catch the ball. Everyone knew Emmitt was going to get the ball inside the 5 or in the 4th quarter, and he was still able to score or run out the clock.

Everyone knew Jerry Rice was the #1 option, yet he was completely unstoppable. Everyone knew John Taylor was the 2nd option, yet he went off as well.

What we need is for our offensive weapons to get over to Valley Ranch and spend a few hours a day, even in the offseason, just running routes over and over and over and over again, until Romo's arm falls off. Run the exact same plays, with Romo progressing through his reads and hitting different receivers. You run 2 plays with each formation and do it over and over and over again, until it becomes habit. Then when you get into games, depending on the formation you are using, these plays are bread and butter.

Run the following
I Formation 2 WR, 1 TE
Single back 2 WR, 2 TE
Single back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 4 WR, 1 TE

That is why Aikman/Irvin were so successful....Young/Rice...Manning/Harrison

They put in the practice time. They worked like German engineering....with precision, timing, and repitition.

Precise rout runners. Add some of the best QBs ever to play the game.
Old school work ethic.
Excellent running games along with some of the best coaches.
You end up with every thing you listed.


Arch Defender
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Dave_in-NC;2486466 said:
Hit the open man no matter who it is. That would be best.

That pretty much is what it amounts to. Receivers are getting open, they were even open almost at will the 3 games that Johnson started. The problem is whether it was Johnson or now even Romo, the open guy isnt getting the ball enough. There are other little things they can do better obviously, but the fact is if Romo had hit a couple of the open guys last week nobody would be discussing anything other than how impressive we were in winning 4 in a row and beating Pitt on the road. The other things is he cant turn the ball over 4 times. We wont beat any good team with our QB doing that.


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dbair1967;2486490 said:
That pretty much is what it amounts to. Receivers are getting open, they were even open almost at will the 3 games that Johnson started. The problem is whether it was Johnson or now even Romo, the open guy isnt getting the ball enough. There are other little things they can do better obviously, but the fact is if Romo had hit a couple of the open guys last week nobody would be discussing anything other than how impressive we were in winning 4 in a row and beating Pitt on the road. The other things is he cant turn the ball over 4 times. We wont beat any good team with our QB doing that.

Can't argue any of that. That is why I simplified my response.
Hit the open man, that is what it all boils down to.


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Biggems;2486463 said:
I listen to 760 in the mid afternoons here in SA, and they are always having a Cowboys show on. I get to hear Larry Brown, Nate Newton, and a few other fellas speak about there thoughts.

Well in the Triplet years......the options were #1 Emmitt, #2 Irvin, #3 Novacek, #4 anyone else. Inside the 30s, they ran a consistently ran a play called 88 Special. Of course, this meant that the #1 option was Irvin.

Dallas needs to get some serious continuity. #1 Barber/Choice, #2 Owens, #3 Witten, #4 Williams, #5 anyone else. On passing plays, #1 Owens, #2 Witten, #3 Williams. However, because Williams is also a number 1 receiver, they can have a few plays where #1 Williams, #2 Witten, #3 TO (this would help keep the defense honest too).

I would also like to see TO and Williams on the same side of the LOS on at least 10 plays a game. Use one of them to help the other get a bit more open.

As often as we pass the ball, I see no reason why we can't pass it to TO 8 time, Witten 8 times, Williams 8 times, Bennett 5 times, RBs 5 times, and Crayton 4 times. That would be 38 passes, which is about how much we tend to throw the ball with Romo, give or take a few passes.

You add those 38 passes to the 25-30 rushes and that is the 63-68 offensive plays for Dallas.

We have Jason Garrett as our OC. He is the opposite of that approach. The only continuity he has established is his stupidity in play-calling.


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Biggems;2486477 said:
um ok.....

Everyone knew Irvin was going to get the ball inside the 30, and he still was able to get open and catch the ball. Everyone knew Emmitt was going to get the ball inside the 5 or in the 4th quarter, and he was still able to score or run out the clock.

Everyone knew Jerry Rice was the #1 option, yet he was completely unstoppable. Everyone knew John Taylor was the 2nd option, yet he went off as well.

What we need is for our offensive weapons to get over to Valley Ranch and spend a few hours a day, even in the offseason, just running routes over and over and over and over again, until Romo's arm falls off. Run the exact same plays, with Romo progressing through his reads and hitting different receivers. You run 2 plays with each formation and do it over and over and over again, until it becomes habit. Then when you get into games, depending on the formation you are using, these plays are bread and butter.

Run the following
I Formation 2 WR, 1 TE
Single back 2 WR, 2 TE
Single back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 3 WR, 2 TE
Empty back 4 WR, 1 TE

That is why Aikman/Irvin were so successful....Young/Rice...Manning/Harrison

They put in the practice time. They worked like German engineering....with precision, timing, and repitition.

Do you think Irvin would have been effective, if it weren't for the fact that we had Emmitt and a damn-effective play-action pass? While we may have had a simplified approach to offense, we were so balanced, this team always kept the defense secong-guessing. Safeties were biting because they were worried about Emmitt. When they worried about Emmitt, Troy would hit a strike to Irvin.

Jason Garrett calls play-action maybe once a whole game. He is a joke of a play-caller...


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khiladi;2486499 said:
We have Jason Garrett as our OC. He is the opposite of that approach. The only continuity he has established is his stupidity in play-calling.

what stupidity are you referring to? Did he tell Romo to throw 3 balls right to Pitt defenders? did he tell Deon Anderson to not follow his best blocker on 4the and inches?

I see guys getting open, and Garrett designs those plays. He doesnt however execute the block, throw the pass or make the catch.


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dbair1967;2486538 said:
what stupidity are you referring to? Did he tell Romo to throw 3 balls right to Pitt defenders? did he tell Deon Anderson to not follow his best blocker on 4the and inches?

I see guys getting open, and Garrett designs those plays. He doesnt however execute the block, throw the pass or make the catch.

Maybe receivers are not getting the ball, because they are the 4th progression on the play that Garrett called, and TR has to go through all of them.. So Garrett doesn't have a responsibility to reign in Romo, when he's having a bad game. So when the OL isn't pass-protecting well, Garrett des't have a responsibility to move Romo outside the pocket to make plays. Garrett doesn't have responsibility to shorted routes for TR and get him into a rhythm?

This whole offense is rooted in TR making things happen, and when TR has an off game, this offense goes to the crapper, because JG doesn't have a systematic approach to the offense... This whole offense is set in a rhythm of 'street-ball'... There is no continuity whatsoever. Where is the play-action pass which was a consistent feature of the offense of Norv Turner. Garrett runs it maybe once or twice a game... Absurd..

Tell me, everytime Tony Romo throws an INT and is on the sidelines with Garrett analyzing game-shots, what is Garrett telling him? If other receivers were open, why isn't Garrett telling him,

"TR, look TO is open... Crayton is open..."

That happens so much on the sidelines and you think they have a clue.. We know they don't have a clue, because yo don't find TR thorwing to Crayton or RW when that play happens. He went right back to Witten against Pittsburgh on the last play, despite throwing that INT. Garrett doesn't even know...