Our offensive line


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I apologize if this was posted elsewhere but I just wanted to mention that this line is playing extremely well. They are the difference in our improvement this year. Colombo has been a beast, Davis is a pleasant surprise and living up to his billing coming out of college, Flozell is cutting way back on the penalties (no false starts today in a hostile place) and Kosier and Gurode are just plain solid. If they keep this up we can play with anyone including New England. Kudos to Jerry for going and getting Davis and Parcells for gambling on Colombo.


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They had me scared at first. They were very shaky early on. Once they settled down, they looked pretty good.


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Novacek84;1759175 said:
I apologize if this was posted elsewhere but I just wanted to mention that this line is playing extremely well. They are the difference in our improvement this year. Colombo has been a beast, Davis is a pleasant surprise and living up to his billing coming out of college, Flozell is cutting way back on the penalties (no false starts today in a hostile place) and Kosier and Gurode are just plain solid. If they keep this up we can play with anyone including New England. Kudos to Jerry for going and getting Davis and Parcells for gambling on Colombo.

On Friday, I posted that I didn't think we were a dominating line.

I still hold to that belief. We just aren't imposing our will in the running game. I think we will get there.

Our pass blocking has been pretty darn good. I'm very impressed with how they've picked up blitzers.

We're gonna have a tough decision to make on Flo. The last think you want to do is mess with any continuity on the OL. I'm not sure if I want to trust McQuistan or Free just yet.


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I think the elements are there to be a will imposing line. We saw it at the close of the Chicago game when Barber and the line wore down the Bears in the 4th quarter. It's just that we are a passing team first but I believe we can run block when we need to. I saw some nice holes for JJ early in this game and wondered why they didn't exploit that a bit more.


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All that talk about how great the Giants defense is, you know playing 4 DE's and all. People forget that playing that way puts smallish guys inside to get dominated.


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Without a doubt Tony Romo is our MVP.

No doubt.

But I think Andre Gurode deserves a ton of kudos. He has blocked extremely well this year.....and you don't see us get crushed by the blitz up the middle any more. Now, a lot of that could go on Romo....but I think Gurode has done well.

I can remember teams killing us with blitzes up the middle. It's nice to see us stop that now.


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you have to sign flo to a 2 year (or so) deal don't you? And, take a look around for a new LG. But, our line doesn't run block as well as you'd like and gets too many penalties. You might have one of those problems and win a superbowl, but not both.