Out the door I went...


Legend in my spare time
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Just got my walking papers today. After 17 years, my employer decided to sell off its bread and butter product line. 300 people joined me in the ranks of the unemployed. Good thing the wife and I anticipated this and got our ducks in a row. The upside is that the severance package is pretty decent and includes $30K for education. So, it's apparently time for a career change. Health care industry, anyone?
Go to school and become an RN...

You can live anywhere you want and make some nice coin...
Sorry to hear about that. My wife got hers today, too. :eek:: Lucky for us I have the MaxPreps side job - I was excited about getting the second contract and putting that all towards the loans I took out for equipment, but at least it gives us some breathing room until she can get another job.

To make things worse, last night we bought our first "new" car, so now we have a brand new car payment and then bam, this happens.
trickblue;1770256 said:
Go to school and become an RN...

You can live anywhere you want and make some nice coin...

Yep...big shortage of RNs.

Many places over work the RNs they have or they flat out bend the rules by having LPNs play the role of RNs.

Sorry for the bad news Needforspeed. Really sucks putting in that kind only to lose your job. However you have to be considered lucky that you actually got some kind of severance out of the deal as a good deal of people don't even get that.
needforspeed;1770224 said:
Just got my walking papers today.
I went through that 4 years ago and my wife just did 2 months ago. It really sucks I know but good luck and take advantage of the education fund.
Sorry to hear about the job loss, I had the honor of joining my company "Alumni Club" back in Feb, not fun but thankfully like yourself I was prepared.

Good luck in the next gig (Shouldn't take you long, bosses love guys that have 17 years tenure at their previous work, means you're not too irritating :) ) and definitely take advantage of the education package.
Sorry to hear about your employment but at least you two were smart enough to be prepared for something like this. Good luck with getting another job, hopefully soon.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. That meant a lot to me.

The severance package is helping me to maintain my sanity. A week's pay for every year worked, continuation of insurance benefits for one year, unemployment coupled with IEA, the education money, my 401K, as well as all of the local retraining programs. If it all goes south on me, I've got standing job offers at Cat and Subaru. But the best thing I've got going for me right now is the love and understanding of my incredible wife who simply says, "We're gonna make it. It'll be all right." And that's good enough for me.

If you're wondering why I don't jump on the job offers, there are 2 reasons:

1. They're both in another state and the wife can't leave just yet.

2. I really want to get away from manufacturing. I want to use what's left of my brain instead of what's left of my back.

Thank you all again for your kindness. We really appreciate it. >Greg & Michelle :bow:
30K for education and a year's insurance really should set you up OK.

If you're looking for a solid career, I'd suggest becoming a pharm technician. The 30K should just about cover it depending on where you go and you're looking at 40-50K a year. The big benefit though is that many companies are offering techs educational grants to become a pharmacist thanks to the shortage. Nights and weekend classes paid for with a 6 figure income guaranteed at the end.
StanleySpadowski;1786297 said:
30K for education and a year's insurance really should set you up OK.

If you're looking for a solid career, I'd suggest becoming a pharm technician. The 30K should just about cover it depending on where you go and you're looking at 40-50K a year. The big benefit though is that many companies are offering techs educational grants to become a pharmacist thanks to the shortage. Nights and weekend classes paid for with a 6 figure income guaranteed at the end.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just ran it past the missus and she gave it a thumbs up. I'll definitely check it out.
ill give you 5 dollers a day to clean my room :)

in all seriousness i'm sure you wont find it hard to get a job but none the less good luck :)

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