Overrated Andre better have his hardhat on Sunday/Hamster Thread

Monster Heel;3087966 said:

Are you seriously citing a 3 year old game in which Gurode attacked Haynesworth's knees and angered him as some sort of victory for Gurode?
is this guy serious?
It's Commanders week. Surely we have something better to do than feed troll threads.
Chocolate Lab;3088274 said:
It's Commanders week. Surely we have something better to do than feed troll threads.

Make sure you bump this one.

CRAP .....my bad
187beatdown;3088268 said:
So what's you're excuse for the Falcons game?

You get awfully quiet when the Cowboys win
Indeed, but in fairness he isn't alone. Several very vocal posters after the loss though. Amazing how that works.
dont you guys get it? His NAME is Monster Heel....he loves annoying everyone...its gives him pleasure knowing that everyone at there computers is doing this :bang2: when he posts anything
Hostile;3088282 said:
Indeed, but in fairness he isn't alone. Several very vocal posters after the loss though. Amazing how that works.

Very odd considering this is a Cowboys forum. I know I have most posters on this board backing me up if I choose to be loud and proud after a loss.
now that the Heel has spoken I feel much better about Gurode. Being as heel is almost always wrong.
BrAinPaiNt;3088300 said:

YES. BP gets us back on topic. Happy Hamsters are Happy.

Rampage;3088273 said:
is this guy serious?

Rustinpeace21;3088285 said:
dont you guys get it? His NAME is Monster Heel....he loves annoying everyone...its gives him a retarted pleasure knowing that everyone at there computers is doing this :bang2: when he posts anything

Main Entry: heel
Pronunciation: \ˈhēl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hēla; akin to Old Norse hæll heel, Old English hōh — more at hock
Date: before 12th century
1 a : the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch b : the part of the hind limb of other vertebrates that is homologous with the human heel
2 : an anatomical structure suggestive of the human heel; especially : the part of the palm of the hand nearest the wrist
3 : one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
4 a : the part (as of a shoe) that covers the human heel b : a solid attachment of a shoe or boot forming the back of the sole under the heel of the foot
5 : a rear, low, or bottom part: as a : the after end of a ship's keel or the lower end of a mast b : the base of a tuber or cutting of a plant used for propagation c : the base of a ladder
6 : a contemptible person


Not that I disagree with a lot of his posts because I don't; just elaborating on what you said.
Overrated. ? LOL

Excuse me while I leave this thread and fight to keep half the brain cell I have left after reading this garbage.
Monster Heel;3088010 said:
Not when they go out play like they did in Green Bay. What positive can you take out of the Cowboys looking that bad?

Yawn... time to drag out an oldie:

Well, he's a One Trick Pony
One trick was all that horse could do
He did that one trick only
It's the principal source of his revenue...

That song describes you, and your one trick is beyond tired...

Gurode utterly dominated Haynewsorth in that Titans game, he was opening holes up the middle the entire game... the Boys rushed for 217 yards and 3 TDs on 38 carries before Romo came in for 3 kneeldowns at the end of the game, Drew Bledsoe only had to throw the ball 20 times and was not sacked, and the Boys completely destroyed the Titans 45-14... THAT'S why Haynesworth got pissed and raked his cleats over Andre's face...

To suggest Gurode was just "going after Albert's knees" is nothing but revisionist history/crapola...

It's fashionable to call constant critics like you "fake fans", but I really have to wonder how you can call yourself a Cowboys fan, when absolutely nothing about the team seems to please you... you seem to detest everything they do... for sure, you don't seem to get any PLEASURE out of being a "fan"...

I alternate between being annoyed by your constant negativity, and feeling sorry for you...
Monster Heel;3087960 said:
Been waiting for Gurode/Haynesworth all year honestly. I've long felt that Andre Gurode is an overrated player. For having a supposed Pro Bowl type center the Cowboys don't get enough push right up the middle in the run game and sometimes Romo's pocket isn't quite clean enough. I think we're going to see just how overhyped Gurode is when the Cowboys struggle to block Haynesworth. Of course that'll probably snowball and the entire offensive line will play horrible. I don't know how anyone could feel very confident about this game. The Cowboys' offense is way overmatched.

You know what? Originally I just blew this off. I thought "troll" and moved on. I saw the hamster stuff and laughed and participated in one post. But I just went back and saw what Haynesworth did to Gurode again, and I've been thinking about that game and what this poster said.

And now I am pissed off. You, Monster Heel, are completely and utterly classless. You should be ashamed of yourself for justifying in any way directly or indirectly, what Haynesworth did to Gurode.

Please do us all a favor and depart this place. I'm serious. Make this a better place by enacting addition by subtraction. And do remove that sig, you do not deserve to have such a classy individual as part of your representation. The avatar can stay. It fits.

In the meantime, you have made my ignore list. Adieu.